The Locus Index to Science Fiction: 1984-1998
Stories, Listed by Author
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- WATKINS, WILLIAM JOHN (books) (chron.) (continued)
- * The Meteorite, (pm) Asimov’s Sep 1994
- * The Mist of Avalon Nine, (vi) The Argonaut #19 1994
- * Momento Mori, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry v3 #1 1990
- * My Meat Rides Yours, (pm) A Theater of Blood #4 1992
- * Navigable Souls, (pm) Talebones Spr 1997
- * The New Faust Re-Reads the Fine Print, (pm) Asimov’s Dec 1995
- * The Old Astronaut Sings to the Mourning Star, (pm) Asimov’s May 1995
- * On Wanderer’s Day, (pm) Asimov’s Jul 1994
- * Once More at Thermopylae, (pm) Figment #15 1993
- * The Pacifists of Talus Five, (pm) Star*Line v16 #6/7 1993
- * Part Way Down Sleep’s Mountain, (vi) The Magic Within, ed. Emily Alward, Diane Holmes & Alicia Rasley, WorldEdge Press 1994
- * Pendragon, (pm) Asimov’s Mar 1996
- * The People’s Choice, (ss) Worlds of If May/Jun 1974
- * Pity the Timelost, (pm) Gaslight Apr 1994
- * Post Awful, (ss) Twilight Zone Oct 1985
- * Prayer of the First Officer of the Doomed Liner, Impregnable, (pm) The Argonaut #18 1993
- * Primative Casualties of Galactic Wars, (pm) Dark Regions v3 #1 1995
- * The Punishment of Niniane, (pm) Asimov’s Feb 1995
- * Reason Is a Reptile, (pm) Aboriginal SF May/Jun 1991
- * The Resurrectionist, (ss) Amazing Feb 1992
- * The Robots’ Wasteland, (pm) Asimov’s May 1996
- * The Second Generation Mole Talks of the Ozone Hole, (pm) IASFM Jun 1992
- * The Secret Thief, (pm) Asimov’s Jun 1994
- * The Seven Succubi, (ss) Bizarre Bazaar #3 1994
- * 17 Questions the Judges at Nuremberg Forgot to Ask, (pm) Asimov’s Feb 1997; given as “17 Question the Judges of Nuremburg Forgot to Ask” in toc.
- * The Sex Kitten 3000 Simulation Game with Sensor Pads, (pm) IASFM Jun 1992
- * Snow Scene with Frozen Rabbit, (ss) Asimov’s Jun 1993
- * Son, Dead on the Solstice, (pm) Asimov’s Jul 1995
- * The Souring of the Mall, (pm) Asimov’s Jun 1995
- * Space Shot, (pm) Dreams & Nightmares #42 1994
- * Space Song Sung Back from the Horse’s Head Anomaly, (pm) The Argonaut #20 1995
- * Spoils of War, (pm) Science Fiction Age Sep 1995
- * Table Manners, (pm) Aberrations #15 1993
- * A Technician in the Atmospheric Measurement Project Speaks His Mind on Working Six Month Shifts, (pm) The Argonaut #18 1993
- * These Angels in Our Midst, (pm) Asimov’s Dec 1993
- * They Do Not Sing in Deepest Space, (pm) Mythic Delirium #2 1998
- * The Time Tour Stops at My House After Lunch, (pm) Asimov’s Jan 1993
- * Time-Machine..., (pm) Gaslight Apr 1994
- * Timewalker’s Plague, (pm) The Magazine of Speculative Poetry Oct 1988
- * The Trial of Those Responsible for the First Fall of Style City, (pm) Asimov’s Jan 1995
- * Unicorn Sonnet, (pm) Star*Line v16 #3 1993
- * The Vampire Sings, (pm) Asimov’s Aug 1994
- * Water’s Edge, (pm) Mythic Delirium #2 1998
- * Waxing Weary on the Demon Watch, (pm) Figment #14 1993
- * We Live on the Edge of the Cloud, (pm) The Silver Web #14 1997
- * When the Vikings Owned the Mythology, (pm) Amazing Jul 1987
- * Why I Read Science Fiction, (pm) IASFM Sep 1992
- * Why the Mummy Kills, (pm) Asimov’s Oct/Nov 1997
- * Xenophobe’s Eulogy for Prometheus, (pm) Aboriginal SF Win 1993
- WATKINS, WILLIAM JON; see under Watkins, William John (books) (chron.)
- WATSON, ANDY (books)
- _____, et al
- WATSON, H(enry) B(rereton) MARRIOTT (1863-1921)
- * The Devil of the Marsh, (ss) Diogenes of London, Methuen 1893
- * The Stone Chamber, (nv) The Heart of Miranda, London: John Lane 1899
- * The Witch of the Marsh, (ss) Diogenes of London, Methuen 1893
- WATSON, IAN (1943- ) (books) (chron.) (assoc.)
- * Ahead!, (ss) Interzone May 1995
- * Aid from a Vampire, (ss) Science Fiction Eye v1 #3 1988
- * The Alien Beast Within [Warhammer 40,000: Inquisition War], (nv) Warhammer: Deathwing, ed. Neil Jones & David Pringle, GW Books 1990
- * The Amber Room, (nv) Tombs, Edward E. Kramer & Peter Crowther, White Wolf 1995
- * April in Paris, (ar) Vector #114 1983
- * At the Wrong End of Time: An Appreciation of John Brunner, (bg) Nebula Awards 31, ed. Pamela Sargent, Harcourt Brace 1997
- * The Avalanche: A View on the SF and Fantasy Novels of 1989, (ar) Nebula Awards 25, ed. Michael Bishop, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1991
- * The Beggars in Our Back Yard, (nv) Colours of a New Day, ed. Sarah Lefanu & Stephen Hayward, Lawrence & Wishart 1990
- * The Bible in Blood, (nv) The Coming of Vertumnus and Other Stories, Gollancz 1994
- * The Big Buy, (ss) Ad Astra #12 1980
- * The Black Current [Yaleen], (na) F&SF Nov 1983
- * The Bloomsday Revolution, (ss) Light Years and Dark, ed. Michael Bishop, Berkley 1984
- * The Book of Being [Yaleen], (n.) London: Gollancz 1985
- * The Book of the River [Yaleen], (n.) London: Gollancz 1984
- * The Book of the Stars [Yaleen], (n.) London: Gollancz 1984
- * The Boy Who Lost an Hour, the Girl Who Lost Her Life, (ss) F&SF Feb 1998
- * Breakthrough, (ms) Frontier Crossings, ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy ’87 1987
- * A Cage for Death, (ss) Omni Jan 1981
- * The Case of the Glass Slipper, (ss) Gaslight & Ghosts, ed. Stephen Jones & Jo Fletcher, 1988 World Fantasy Con/Robinson Pub. 1988
- * The China Cottage, (ss) Destination Unknown, ed. Peter Crowther, White Wolf 1997
- * Cold Light, (nv) F&SF Apr 1986
- * The Coming of Vertumnus, (nv) Interzone Feb 1992
- * The Crudities of Science Fiction, (ar) The Arena Mar 1978
- * Cruising, (ss) IASFM mid-Dec 1983
- * The Culling, (ss) The Book of Ian Watson, Ziesing 1985
- * Custom-Built Girl [from The Woman Machine], (ss) Cybersex, ed. Richard Glyn Jones, Raven 1996; revised from the unpublished novel. An earlier version of which was published in France as Orgasmachine.
- * The Day of the Wolf, (ss) Changes, ed. Michael Bishop & Ian Watson, Ace 1983
- * A Day Without Dad, (nv) New Worlds #222 1997
- * Dome of Whispers, (ss) Imagine Sep 1983
- * Down the Mine, (ar) The Arena Sum 1981
- * Early, in the Evening, (ss) Asimov’s Apr 1996
- * The Emir’s Clock, (ss) Other Edens, ed. Christopher Evans & Robert Holdstock, London: Unwin 1987
- * Evil Water, (nv) F&SF Mar 1987
- * An Eye for an Eye, (ss) Interzone Sep 1993
- * The Eye of the Ayatollah, (ss) Interzone #33 1990
- * The False Braille Catalogue, (ss) Ad Astra #4 1979
- * Ferryman, (ss) Science Fiction Age Mar 1996
- * The Flags of Africa, (ss) The London Magazine Jul/Aug 1970
- * The Flesh of Her Hair, (ss) F&SF Oct 1984
- * The Flies of Memory, (na) IASFM Sep 1988
- * From the Annals of the Onomastic Society, (ss) The Gate #3 1990
- * Gaudí’s Dragon, (nv) IASFM Oct 1990
- * Ghost Lecturer, (ss) IASFM Mar 1984
- * The Ghosts of Luna, (ss) Sfinx #8 1973
- * The Great Atlantic Swimming Race, (ss) IASFM Mar 1986
- * The Great Escape, (ss) Dante’s Disciples, ed. Peter Crowther & Edward E. Kramer, White Wolf 1996
- * Happy Hour, (nv) Walls of Fear, ed. Kathryn Cramer, Morrow 1990
- * Horrorscope, (ss) The Book of Ian Watson, Ziesing 1985
- * How I Stole the Sampo, (ar) Beyond Fantasy & Science Fiction #2 1995
- * How to Be a Fictionaut: Chapter 19: Safety Check, (vi) Interzone Apr 1996
- * The Human Chicken, (nv) More Tales from the Forbidden Planet, ed. Roz Kaveney, Titan 1990; Illustrated by Oscar Zarate.
- * Hype Hype Hoorah!, (ar) Vector #108 1982
- * Hyperzoo, (ss) IASFM mid-Dec 1987
- * An Idea Is Born, (ar) Altair #2 1998
- * Imaginary Cricket [“Japan: Imaginary Cricket”], (ar) The London Magazine Jan 1970
- * Immune Dreams, (ss) Pulsar #1, ed. George Hay, Penguin 1978
- * In Her Shoes, (ss) Fear! Nov/Dec 1988
- * In the Mirror of the Earth, (ss) Lands of Never, ed. Maxim Jakubowski, Allen & Unwin 1983
- * In the Upper Cretaceous with the Summerfire Brigade, (nv) F&SF Aug 1990
- * Introduction (with Pamela Sargent), (in)
- * Introduction: In the Hothouse, (in)
- * Japan: Imaginary Cricket, (ar) The London Magazine Jan 1970; also as “Imaginary Cricket”.
- * Jewels in an Angel’s Wing, (nv) Synergy v1, ed. George Zebrowski, HBJ Harvest 1987
- * Jingling Geordie’s Hole, (nv) Interzone #17 1986
- * Joan’s World, (ss) IASFM mid-Dec 1988
- * King Weasel, (nv) Weird Tales Sum 1993
- * Lambert, Lambert, (ss) Fear! Feb 1990
- * The Last Beast Out of the Box, (ss) F&SF May 1997
- * Le Guin’s Lathe of Heaven and the Role of Dick: The False Reality as Mediator, (ar) Science Stories #5 1975
- * The Legend of the Seven Who Found the True Egg of Lightning, (ss) Universe 16, ed. Terry Carr, Doubleday 1986
- * Letters from the Monkey Alphabet, (ss) Last Wave #2 1984
- * Life in the Groove, (ss) In Dreams, ed. Paul J. McAuley & Kim Newman, London: Gollancz 1992
- * Looking Down on You, (ss) F&SF Oct/Nov 1992
- * Lost Bodies, (ss) Interzone #25 1988
- * The Love Song of Johnny Alienson, (ss) The Book of Ian Watson, Ziesing 1985
- * The Masters of the Golden Ball, (ar) Frontier Crossings, ed. Robert Jackson, Conspiracy ’87 1987
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