Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore Damaged by Floods

Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore, an independent science fiction, fantasy, mystery, and horror bookstore in San Diego CA, is recovering from damage caused by flooding in late February.

In a social media post on March 3, the bookstore announced that no inventory was damaged in the flood; however, the post stated that some of the store’s carpeting, drywall, and fixtures will need to be replaced. The store is currently closed to browsing and events, but hopes to reopen early the week of March 10.

In the same post, the bookstore listed ways that customers can support the store, including shopping online and engaging on social media:

If you are so inclined, shop online! If you would like to pick up the book in person, just select “Pick up in-store” at checkout. Or call the store and ask one of our booksellers for a recommendation (we ae still there! And talking about books brings us joy :)). … Pre-orders are [also] a wonderful way to support both authors as well as bookstores.

Planning to come in as soon as we re-open? Feel free to snag a gift card so you’re ready to go when the time comes! We also appreciate every share, comment, and follow on social media.

The bookstore has posted pictures of the cleanup effort on social media, including photos of the flooded store alongside Ava Reid’s A Study in Drowning, J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fall of Númenor, and other flood-related titles.

For more information, event updates, and placing online orders, see the Mysterious Galaxy website.

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