2024 Prix Utopiales Awards

The winners of the 2024 Prix Utopiales and the 2024 Prix Utopiales Jeunesse have been announced. The prizes recognize work in the fantastic genres published or translated into French.

Prix Utopiales (Adult Literature)

  • WINNER: Code Ardant, Marge Nantel (Les éditions Mnémos)
  • Aux ordres, Louise Carey (L’Atalante)
  • Sweet Harmony, Claire North (Le Bélial)
  • L’Ost céleste, Olivier Paquet (L’Atalante)
  • La Maison des Soleils, Alastair Reynolds (Le Bélial)

Prix Utopiales Jeunesse (Youth Literature)

  • WINNER: Oxcean, Nicolas Michel (Talents Hauts Éditions)
  • Astréa, Alexis Brocas (Sarbacane)
  • Sol, Antonio Da Silva (Rouergue)
  • Battlestar Botanica, H. Lenoir (Sarbacane)
  • Regne Animal, Adrien Tomas (Rageot)

The winners were announced by the jury at a press conference held on October 10, 2024, and on Facebook by Utopiales Nantes. Winners will be honored at the 25th Festival International de Science-Fiction Les Utopiales, held in Nantes from October 30 to November 3, 2024. For information about the Festival, see the Utopiales page.

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