Hearne Launches Horned Lark Press

Kevin Hearne announced the launch of Horned Lark Press, for “novellas, short story collections, and anthologies” which are “anti-monarchist, post-capitalist, decolonized stories.”
They plan to open to submissions in Spring of 2025. The first four books on the list are Hearne’s own The Squirrel on the Train and The Purloined Poodle and novella anthologies Canines and Cocktails and Death and Honey, both featuring work by Delilah S. Dawson, Chuck Wendig, and Hearn. Coyote Run by Lilith Saintcrow is expected to publish in February 2025, and will be part of a series called “Amazing Tales of Antifascist Action!”
For more information, see the Horned Lark website.

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