Changes at Augur

Kerry C. Byrne, CEO of Canadian magazine Augur and the more recently established Tales & Feathers, has announced a restructuring of the Augur Society organization, including magazine pay rates. Toria Liao has been named chief operating officer while longtime Augur co-editor-in-chief Terese Mason Pierre has been named chief program officer.

Augur Magazine and Tales & Feathers Magazine will combine teams and move away from an Editor-in-Chief model, delegating workload. Augur Society now has three editor roles: assistant editors; editors; and senior editors, who mentor staff and lead issues.

“We’re removing silos and addressing burnout,” Byrne notes. “Plus, rotating issue leadership diversifies both the content we publish and the pool of editors who get to lead pro-rate magazines—both crucial to our mission.”

“We receive nearly 4,000 submissions per year, and publish 1% of them,” says COO Toria Liao. “If we want to keep creating amazing creator experiences and still have energy for new publication projects, we need to develop new leaders.”

In 2024, issues will be led by Kerry C. Byrne and Toria Liao; Frankie Hagg; Conyer Clayton; and Louise Koren.

The magazine contributor pay structure has increased to $0.14/word for fiction, $100 flat rate for poetry, $500 for illustrations, and $1,000 for cover art, all CAD. The announcement includes plans for a podcast, continuing programming following the organization’s prior AugurCon events, staff changes, and more.

For full details, see the official announcement.

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