2024 Science Fiction Planet Awards

SFPAWinners have been announced for the second annual Science Fiction Planet Awards, a Chinese award honoring contributions to science fiction including works of literature, film/television, and technology.

Best Novel

Once Upon a Time in Nanjing, Tianrui Shuofu (Jiangsu Phoenix)

Excellent Novel

Abyssal Wars, Fujisaki Singo (Kadokawa)

Best Novella

“Our Martians”, Bao Shu (Visiting the Stars: Chinese Stories of Flying to the Outer Space)

Best Short Story

“City of Choice”, Gu Shi (Beijing Literature 7/23)

Outstanding Contribution

Tachihara Tōya

Best Sci-Fi Film

The Wandering Earth II

Best Sci-Fi Drama Series


Other categories included Best Sci-Fi Inspirational Works, Best Sci-Fi Creation Technology, Best Sci-Fi Experience Technology, Best Sci-Fi Product Innovation, and various awards for excellence. Awards were announced in a ceremony as part of the China Science Fiction Convention (CSFC), held in late April in Beijing, China. Winners receive prizes of up to 1 million Chinese yuan, with a total prize pool of 6.65 million. For more information, see the announcement from China.org.cn or the Science Fiction Planet Awards website.

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