Magazines Received – November and December

This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email

Alien Dimensions 

  • Neil A. Hogan, ed.
  • Issue #25, October 2023 $8.95 digital/$16.95 print, 247pp, 15 x 22 1/2cm.
  • Genre fiction magazine set in outer space, with a focus on stories set in the future involving non-humanoid aliens. This issue’s theme is ‘‘alien first contact’’ and features stories from Humphrey Price, Tyree Campbell, and others.

Analog Science Fiction and Fact 

  • Trevor Quachri, ed.
  • Vol. 93 Nos. 11 & 12, No­vember/December 2023, $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
  • Hard SF magazine with fiction by Rajnar Vajra, Rosemary Claire Smith, Gregory Benford, and oth­ers; non-fiction; poetry; reviews; etc. Cover by 123RF.

Asimov’s Science Fiction

  • Sheila Williams, ed.
  • Vol. 47 Nos. 11 & 12, Whole Numbers 574 & 575, November/December 2023, $8.99, bimonth­ly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
  • Speculative fiction and fantasy magazine with stories by Dominica Phetteplace, Paul McAuley, Ray Nayler, Chris­topher Rowe, Kevin J. Anderson & Rick Wilber, and others; poetry; columns, etc.

Bourbon Penn

  • Erik Secker, ed.
  • Issue No. 31, November 2023, $14.95 print/$2.99 digital/free online, three times a year, 168pp, 12½ x 20 cm.
  • Literary ‘‘weird-lit’’ fiction magazine with stories by Naomi J. Williams, E. Catherine Tobler, Anthony Panegyres, and others. Cover by arnus.

Dark Matter Magazine

  • Rob Carroll, ed.
  • #15 May/June 2023, $15.00, bimonthly, 156pp, 15 x 22½ cm.
  • “Science fiction stories and more” magazine with fiction by David Worn, Christi Nogle, and others; author interviews; and art features. Cover by João Antunes Jr. #16 July/August 2023 (146pp) has stories by Angela Liu, Michael A. Clark, and others. Cover by Dofresh. #17 September/October 2023 (134pp) includes fiction by Amanda Cecelia Lang, Marlaina Cockcroft, and others. Cover by Voodoo Salad. Halloween Special 3, October 2023 (146pp) presents stories by Aia Järvinen, Zach­ary Olson, and others. Cover by Devin Forst.

Dreams & Nightmares 

  • David C. Kopaska-Merkel, ed.
  • Issue No. 125, September 2023, $5.00 print/$1.00 digital, irregular, 24pp, 13.5 x 21.5 cm.
  • SF and fantasy poetry magazine with work by PS Cottier, Denise Dumars, Roger Dutcher, and oth­ers. Cover by Allen K.


  • Gerry Canavan, et. al., eds.
  • Vol. 64 No. 2, Summer 2023, three times a year, 272pp, 17½ x 24½ cm.
  • Schol­arly peer-reviewed international journal with articles and reviews. This issue includes articles by Suk Won Lim, Sean Seeger & Daniel Davidson-Vecchione, Leslie J. Fernandez, Jennifer Eastman At­tebery, and Elio Baldi.

The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction

  • Sheree Renée Thomas, ed.
  • Vol. 145 No. 5 & 6, Whole No. 770, November/December 2023, $10.99, bimonthly, 260pp, 13 x 19½ cm.
  • This issue includes stories by Geoff Ryman & David Jeffrey, J.A. Pak, Meighan Hogate, Amal Singh, and others; a science article; poetry; columns; reviews; etc. Cover by Alan M. Clark.

On Spec

  • Diane L. Walton, ed.
  • Vol. 33 No. 3, Whole No. 125, C$6.95, 2023, quarterly, 130pp, 13½ x 20 cm.
  • Canadian small press fiction magazine with stories by Antony Paschos, R. Keelan, Pascal Raud, and others; interviews; non-fiction; poetry; and art. Cover by Lynne Taylor Fahnestalk & Steve Fahnestalk.

Online Magazines

Apex Magazine

  • Jason Sizemore & Lesley Conner, eds.
  • Issue #141, November 2023, free online or $4.99 per issue; bimonthly.
  • SF/fantasy/horror magazine. Origi­nal fiction by J.S Breukelaar, E. Catherine Tobler, Erica Satifka, Damien Angelica Walters, and others; reprinted fiction; inter­views; and articles. Cover by Pe­ter Mohrbacher.


  • Stephen Higgins, ed.
  • No. 165, October 2023, $2.99, 10 times a year (every month ex­cept January and December). Australian SF/F magazine.
  • This issue incudes fiction from Rodney Smith, Kai Holmwood, and Erin L. Swann; non-fiction; and reviews. Cover by agsandrew. No 166, November 2023, has fiction from C.H. Pearce, Scott Steensma, and Azure Arther; essays and reviews. Cover by Algol2.

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

  • Scott H. Andrews, ed.
  • Issue #393, October 19, 2023, free online, biweekly. Literary fantasy/adven­ture magazine with stories by KJ Kabza, Myna Chang, and Riley Neither. Cover by Roberto Nieto.
  • Issue #394, November 2, 2023 includes fiction by R.K. Duncan, Marilyn Hope, and PH Lee. Cover by Roberto Nieto.
  • Issue #395, November 16, 2023 has stories by James Morrow, Michael Ech­everri Rivera, and Gregory Nor­man Bossert. Cover by Roberto Nieto.
  • Issue #396, November 30, 2023 presents fiction from Aimee Ogden, Jenny Rae Rappaport, and Kay Chronister. Cover by Michal Kváč.

Black Cat Weekly 

  • John Betancourt, ed.
  • Issue #116, November 19, 2023, $3.99, weekly.
  • Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue in­cludes science fiction or fantasy stories by Anna Tambour, Nor­man Spinrad, Winston K. Marks, and Chan Davis; and part one of a four-part serial by Francis Jar­man; as well as other mystery/suspense/adventure stories.


  • Neil Clarke, ed.
  • Issue #206, November 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • SF/fantasy magazine with fiction from Bo Balder, James Van Pelt, Thomas Ha, Kemi Ash­ing-Giwa, Hannah Yang, Louise Hughes, Thoraiya Dyer, and Tia Tashiro; articles; and interviews. Cover by Dofresh.

Conjuctions 81, Numina: The Enchantment Issue

  • Bradford Morrow, ed.
  • Issue #81, Fall 2023, $20.00, semi-annually, 352pp, 15 x 23 cm.
  • Literary magazine produced by Bard College with work by James Morrow, and others; poetry; etc.

The Dark

  • Sean Wal­lace, eds.
  • Issue #102, November 2023, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly. Dark fantasy and horror magazine.
  • This issue includes fiction by Steve Rasnic Tem, Tobi Ogundiran, J.S. Breukelaar, and Priya Chand. Cover by Vincenzo Lamolinara.

The Deadlands

  • E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
  • Issue #31, November 2023, free online, monthly, 35pp.
  • Speculative fiction magazine “that concerns itself with death – but also ev­erything death may involve,” with fiction by Rachael K. Jones, Mar­garet Dunlap, Steve Toase, and E.E. Cypher. Cover by Isis Sangaré.

Escape Artists

  • Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> Val­erie Valdes & Mur Lafferty, eds. (SF); PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy); PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror); and Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed. (YA).
  • Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with ac­companying text.

Flash Point SF

  • Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.October/November/December 2023, free online, bi­weekly. Flash fiction SF and fan­tasy site.
  • In October, November, and December, the site posted short fiction by Ruth Joffre, Malda Marlys, Shiwet Zhou, and others.

Fusion Fragment

  • Cavan Terrill, ed.
  • Issue #19, November 2023, online pay-what-you-want or purchase a hard­cover through Blurb, 118 pp.
  • Online speculative fiction magazine with fiction from AGA Wilmot, A.D. Sui, Lynn Hutchinson Lee, and others; and a non-fiction article. Cover by Carly Allen-Fletcher.

Hexagon Magazine

  • JW Steb­ner, ed.
  • Issue #15, Winter 2023, free online, quarterly, 77pp.
  • Spec­ulative fiction magazine specializ­ing in “…the weird, the wondrous, and the whimsical….” with fiction by M.S. Dean, J.A. Prentice, and others. Cover by John McGuin­ness.

IZ Digital

  • Gareth Jelley, ed.
  • September/Octo­ber 2023, free online.
  • IZ Digital is the digital “offshoot” of Interzone with fiction by Kasimma, Dale Smith, and others; interviews; essays; and reviews. November/December 2023 includes stories by Fábio Fernandes, Lisa Gold­stein, and others.

Lightspeed Magazine

  • John Jo­seph Adams, ed.
  • Issue #162, November 2023, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Online SF/fantasy magazine with fic­tion by MKRNYILGLD, Regina Kanyu Wang, Oshahon Ize-Iyamu, Martin Cahill, and others; author spotlights; and reviews. Cover by Grandeduc/Adobe Stock.


  • B. Morris Allen, ed.
  • Decem­ber 2023, $7.00 print/$3.00 free online, monthly.
  • Online and print speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes stories by Cidney Mayes, Norah Lovelock, C.J. Er­ick, and others. Cover by Michael Tenebrae

Midnight Echo 18: Cursed 

  • J.S. Breukelaar, guest ed. Issue 18. November 2023, $4.99 digital, biannually. The official magazine of the Australasian Horror Writers Association.
  • This issue has fiction by N. King, Feby Idrus, Kaaron Warren, and others; non-fiction; and poetry. Cover by Meg Wright.


  • Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz, eds.
  • November/December 2023, free online or via Patreon, bimonthly.
  • Online magazine presenting stories that engage “meaningfully with Chris­tianity… although not exclusively from a Christian perspective” has stories by D.G.P. Rector and Jona­than Edward McDonald. Cover by André Mata.

Nightmare Magazine

  • Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
  • Issue #134, November 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Horror/dark fantasy magazine with fic­tion by Sharang Biswas, Woody Dismukes, and Aigner Loren Wil­son; poetry; author spotlights; a book review; and an essay. Cover by Dark Illusion/Adobe Stock Images.

Pulp Literature

  • Jennifer Landels, et al. eds.
  • No. 40, Autumn 2023, C$14.99, quarterly, 208pp, 13½ x 20½ cm. Canadian magazine dedicated to pulp literature.
  • This issue includes fiction from Robert J. Sawyer, Cat Jirczyc, Graham J. Darling, and others; interviews; a graphic story; poetry, etc. Cover by Tais Teng.
  • Laura Friss, Greg West, & Sarah Dodd, eds.
  • October 2023, free, quarterly. Translated speculative fiction magazine with fiction in both the native language and in English translation.
  • This issue has work by Marcelo Co­hen (Kit Maude, trans.), Arnout Brokking (Camilla Maltas, trans), and poetry.


  • Gayle Surrette, ed.
  • Novemberr 2023, free, monthly. Online SF review site.
  • In the November issue, the site posted short fiction reviews, US book reviews, and columns.

Strange Horizons 

  • Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
  • October/November/Decem­ber 2023, free, weekly. Speculative fiction magazine with fiction by Ten Tzeng, Charlie Valenti, Mi­chael Roch (Karine Saint Jacques, trans.), Malena Salazar Maciá, and others; poetry; articles; col­umns; and reviews.
  • The October 30 issue was a “Caribbean SFF Special” guest edited by Suzan Palumbo and Marika Bailey. New issues are posted each Monday. Covers by Tahlia Day, Salomée Luce-Antoinette, Lae Astra, and Martha Muniz.

Tangent Online

  • Dave Truesdale, ed.
  • No­vember/December 2023, free online.
  • Short fiction SF and fan­tasy review magazine including reviews of genre magazines, online and electronic publications, and selected collections and an­thologies; as well as articles and essays.

  • Tom Doherty, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
  • October/November/ December 2023, free online.
  • Macmillan house site publishing fiction and articles including new and reprinted short fiction from Carrie Vaughn, Lavie Tihdar, Nghi Vo, Cory Doctorow, Kathleen Jen­nings, Kerstin Hall, and others; novel excerpts; rereads/rewatch­es of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; reviews; articles and commentary; and interviews.

Uncanny Magazine

  • Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, Chimedum Ohaegbu, and Monte Lin, eds.
  • Issue #55, November/December 2023, $3.99 digital only, bimonthly. Science fiction and fantasy magazine with fiction, non-fiction, interviews, and poetry, plus podcast content.
  • This issue includes fiction by Naomi Kritzer, Jeffrey Ford, Kel Coleman, Cecil Castellucci, Ma­rissa Lingen, Chelsea Sutton, Ana Hurtado. Cover art by Paul Lewin.

Worlds of Possibility

  • Julia Rios, ed.
  • October 2023, free online, bimonthly. Speculative fiction magazine.
  • This issue includes stories by Caias Ward, Wen Wen Yang, Susan Taitel, and others; poetry; illustrations; and a drabble. Cover by Julia Kim.


  • Mark Bilsborough, ed.
  • #14, Autumn 2023, bimonthly, 85pp.
  • British “cutting edge fantasy and science fiction” magazine with stories by Liam Hogan, Elisabeth Kauffman, Amal El-Sayed, and others; and reviews.

See this listing and more like it in the December & January 2023 issue of Locus.

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