Magazines Received – October

This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email

Analog Science Fiction and Fact 

  • Trevor Quachri, ed.
  • Vol. 93 Nos. 9 & 10, September/October 2023, $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
  • Hard SF magazine with fiction by Howard V. Hendrix, Monalisa Foster, J.T. Sharrah, Andrew Sullivan, and others; non-fiction; poetry; reviews; etc. Cover by Tomislav Tikulin.

Asimov’s Science Fiction

  • Sheila Williams, ed.
  • Vol. 47 Nos. 9 & 10, Whole Numbers 572 & 573, September/October 2023, $8.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm.
  • Specu­lative fiction and fantasy magazine with stories by Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Dean Whitlock, Gregory Feeley, Michèle Laframbois, Anya Johanna DeNiro, David Eric Nelson, and others; poetry; columns, etc.

Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet

  • Gavin J. Grant & Kelly Link, eds.
  • Issue No. 47, September 2023, $6.00, twice yearly, 60pp, 17½ x 21½ cm.
  • Smallpress maga­zine with work by Serafina Bersonsage, Callum Angus, Jennie Evenson, and others; nonfiction; and poetry. Cover by Holly Link.

Online Magazines

Beneath Ceaseless Skies

  • Scott H. Andrews, ed.
  • Issue #391, Septem­ber 21, 2023, free online, biweekly.
  • Literary fantasy/adventure magazine with stories by Anaea Lay, Kaitlyn Zivanovich, and R.B. Lemberg. Cover by Michal Kváč. Issue #392, October 5, 2023 is a 15th anniversary double-issue and includes stories by Carrie Vaughn, Samuel Chapman, Filip Hajdar Drnovšek Zorko, and Spencer Ells­worth. Cover by Roberto Nieto.


  • Neil Clarke, ed.
  • Issue #205, October 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • SF/fantasy magazine with fiction from Suzanne Palmer, Lisa Papademetriou, Bella Han, Amal Singh, Lavie Tidhar, David Goodman, Grace Chan, and Michael Swanwick; articles; and interviews. Cover by Dofresh.

The Dark

  • Sean Wal­lace, eds.
  • Issue #101, October 2023, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly. Dark fantasy and horror magazine.
  • This issue includes original fiction by Tim Waggoner and Ana Hurtado and reprints by Eric Schaller, and Kirsty Logan. Cover by Joelee Creative.

The Deadlands

  • E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
  • Issue #30, October 2023, free online, monthly, 35pp. Speculative fiction magazine ‘‘that concerns itself with death–but also everything death may involve,’’ with fiction by Makena Onjerika and Isabel Cañas; poetry; and non-fiction. Cover by inkshark, with special thanks to Samuel Benjamin Hernandez Lopez.

Escape Artists

  • Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> Val­erie Valdes & Mur Lafferty, eds. (SF); PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy); PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror); and Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed. (YA).
  • Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with ac­companying text.

Fantasy Magazine

  • Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
  • Issue #96, October 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly. Final issue.
  • Fantasy magazine with stories from Ruoxi Chen, P.A. Cornell, Sonia Sulaiman and Wen Yu Yang; author spotlights; an essay by PH Low; and poetry. Cover by nataljacernecka/Adobe Stock Image.

Flash Point SF

  • Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
  • September/October 2023, free online, biweekly. Flash fiction SF and fantasy site.
  • In September and October, the site posted short fiction by Ian Mar­tinez Cassmeyer, David Whitmarsh and others.


  • Fred Coppersmith, ed.
  • Autumn 2023, free online, quarterly.
  • Online specula­tive fiction magazine with science fiction, fantasy, and horror.–This issue has 12 original stories by Bennett North, Ai Jiang, T.R. Siebert, and others; and seven poems. Cover by Chloe Janowski.

Lightspeed Magazine

  • John Jo­seph Adams, ed.
  • Issue #161, October 2023, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Online SF/fantasy magazine with fic­tion by A.L. Goldfuss, Oluwatomiwa Ajeigbe, Jae Steinbacher, and others; author spotlights; and reviews. Cover by Luizishan/Adobe Stock.

Lost Colony

  • M.E. Pickett, ed.
  • Vol. 2, Issue 4, Fall2023, $1.99 digital/free online, quarterly.
  • ‘‘Mid-length’’ speculative fic­tion magazine publishing one story per issue. This issue’s piece is by Jonathan Sherwood. Cover image by Simon Dannhauer via Shutterstock.


  • B. Morris Allen, ed.
  • November 2023, $7.00 print/$3.00 free online, monthly. Online and print speculative fiction magazine.
  • This issue includes stories by Katie Cervenec, Brittany M. Perkins, Travis Burnham, and C.J. Erick. Cover by Carol Wellart.

Nightmare Magazine

  • Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
  • Issue #133, October 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
  • Horror/dark fan­tasy magazine with fiction by Rachael K. Jones, David Janisch, and others; author spotlights; an interview; poetry; and an essay. Cover by Alex Tihonov/Adobe Stock.


  • Gayle Surrette, ed.
  • September 2023, free, monthly.
  • Online SF review site. In the September issue, the site posted short fiction reviews, US book reviews, and various columns.

Small Wonders

  • Cislyn Smith & Stephan Granade eds.
  • Issue #4, October 2023, $2.99 eb­ook, monthly.
  • Original and reprinted speculative flash fiction and narrative poetry magazine with work by Monica Joyce Evans, Wen Wen Yang, Zohar Jacobs, and others. Covers by Carrie Alyson.


  • Jean-Paul L. Garnier, ed.
  • Issue No. 46.4, Fall 2023, $5.00 + $2.00 s&h print/$2.50 digital, quarterly, 44pp, 14 x 21½ cm.
  • Speculative poetry magazine from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association with poems by Goran Lowie, Lynne Sargent, Pedro Iniguez, and others. Cover by Austin Arthur Hart.

Strange Horizons

  • Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
  • September/October 2023, free, weekly. Speculative fiction magazine with fiction by N.V. Haskell, Marisca Pichette, and others; poetry; articles; columns; and reviews.
  • New issues are posted each Monday. Covers by Tahlia Day and Dante Luiz.

Tangent Online

  • Dave Truesdale, ed.
  • September/October 2023, free online.
  • Short fiction SF and fantasy review magazine including reviews of genre magazines, online and electronic publications, and selected collections and anthologies; as well as articles and essays.

  • Tom Doherty, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
  • August/September 2023, free online.
  • Macmillan house site publishing fiction and articles including new and reprint­ed short fiction from John Wiswell and Ray Nayler; novel excerpts; rereads/rewatches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; reviews; ar­ticles and commentary; and interviews.

See this listing and more like it in the November 2023 issue of Locus.

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