Susan C. Petrey Clarion Scholarship Fund To Close

Debbie Cross and Paul Wrigley have announced the end of the Susan C. Petrey Clarion Scholarship Fund. Over the past 43 years, the fund has awarded 71 scholarships to Clarion & Clarion West Writers Workshops in Michigan, Seattle, and San Diego.

The fund was established as a memorial for writer Susan C. Petrey, who died in 1980. At first, scholarships were awarded just to the Clarion Workshop. With the restart of Clarion West, scholarships began alternating between the two venues. Since 1992, scholarships have been awarded annually to both venues. In 2010, the fund began annually sponsoring instructor fellowships at Clarion West. The fund was initially organized by the Portland Science Fiction Society, but in later years the fund was transferred to Oregon Science Fiction Conventions Inc.

The assets of the fund will be disbursed to both Clarion West in Seattle and Clarion in San Diego.

In a press release, Cross and Wrigley said:

We personally would like to thank all the supporters over the years, without whom the Fund would not have happened. Hopefully they will find other ways to continue to support the Workshops. Finally, we would like to thank the organizers of the Workshops over the years whose hard work has allowed us to award the Scholarships.

Locus Magazine, Science Fiction Fantasy

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