Brooklyn Books & Booze Reading Series

The Brooklyn Books & Booze Reading Series holds events from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the third Tuesday of each month at Barrow’s Intense Tasting Room, 86 34th Street, Brooklyn NY.
Three to four authors read each month, mingling SF and mystery/thriller writers. The event organized is by Randee Dawn, and admission is free.
Readings for the remainder of the year are:
  • 10/30:/23: Steven Van Patten, Terence Taylor, Ben Francisco, Craig Laurance Gidney, Marc Abbott
  • 11/21/23:  C.S.E. Cooney, Stephanie Feldman, Marielena Gomez, Serena Straus
  • 12/19/23:  E.C. Ambrose, Meg Elison, Alex Shvartsman, Clay McLeod Chapman

For more, see the event website.

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