2023 Ditmar Awards Winners

The winners for the 2023 Ditmar Awards for Australian SF were announced at the 2023 Australian National SF Convention in Canberra, Australia on September 30, 2023.

Best Novel

  • WINNER: 36 Streets, T.R. Napper (Titan)
  • Sallow Bend, Alan Baxter (Cemetery Dance)
  • X-Dimensional Assassin Zai Through the Unfolded Earth, Jason Franks (IFWG)
  • Scavengers, Robert Hood, (Clan Destine)
  • The Stone Road, Trent Jamieson (Erewhon)

Best Novella or Novelette

  • WINNER (tie): “Remnants and Bad Water”, Kaaron Warren (Damnation Games)
  • WINNER (tie): “The Smell of Waiting”, Kaaron Warren (Screams from the Dark)
  • “Gulpepper Curios”, Alan Baxter (The Fall)
  • The Dark Matter of Natasha, Matthew R. Davis (Grey Matter)
  • Bluebells, Leanbh Pearson (Black Hare)

Best Short Story

  • WINNER: “Everything so slow and quiet”, Kaaron Warren (The Art of Being Human)
  • “Greatheart”, Juliet Marillier (The Art of Being Human)
  • “The Quick Study”, C.H. Pearce (Etherea 10)
  • “Songs We Sing at Sea are the Lies We Tell Ourselves”, Kaaron Warren (Looming Low 2)

Best Collected Work

  • WINNER: Cut to Care: A Collection of Little Hurts, Aaron Dries (IFWG)
  • Damnation Games, Alan Baxter, ed. (Clan Destine)
  • The Fall, Alan Baxter (13th Dragon)
  • Phase Change, Matthew Chrulew, ed. (Twelfth Planet)
  • The Art of Being Human, Tehani Croft & Stephanie Lai, eds. (FableCroft)
  • Midnight Echo 17

Best Fan Publication in Any Medium

  • WINNER: Pratchat Podcast, Ben McKenzie & Elizabeth Flux
  • Ethel the Aardvark, LynC, ed.

Best Fan Writer

  • WINNER: Kat Clay
  • Bruce Gillespie
  • David Grigg
  • Perry Middlemiss

Best Fan Artist

  • WINNER: C.H. Pearce
  • Erin-Claire Barrow
  • David L Russell

Best New Talent

  • WINNER: Aaron Dries
  • Zachary Ashford
  • C.H. Pearce
  • Leanbh Pearson
  • C.Z. Tacks
  • Matt Tighe

William Atheling, Jr. Award for Criticism or Review

  • WINNER: Ian Mond, for reviews in Locus
  • Eugen Bacon, for An Earnest Blackness (Anti-Oedipus)
  • Angharad Lodwick, for Tinted Edges
  • Gillian Polack, for Story Matrices: Cultural Encoding and Cultural Baggage in Science Fiction and Fantasy (Luna)

For more information, see the announcement from Books and Publishing.

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