Magazines Received – August
- Erik Secker, ed.
- Issue No. 30, August 2023, $14.95 print/$2.99 digital/free online, three times a year, 139pp, 12½ x 20 cm.
- Literary ‘‘weird-lit’’ fiction magazine with stories by Alex Irvine, Mir Seidel, Rich Larson, and others. Cover by Bom. K.
- Gerry Canavan, et. al., eds.
- Vol. 64 No. 1, Spring 2023, three times a year, 147pp, 17½ x 24½ cm.
- Scholarly peer-reviewed international journal with articles and reviews. This issue includes articles by Francis Gene-Rowe, Michael Fuchs, & Stefan Rabitsch; Paul Graham Raven; Reuben Martens; Moritz Ingwersen; Matthew Oliver; and Pavla Veselá; and book reviews.
Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction
- Paul March-Russell, ed.
- Vol. 52, Issue No. 2, #145, 2023, £9.00/$15.00, three times yearly, 128pp, 14½ x 21 cm.
- Peer-reviewed journal with articles from Adam Baldwin, Sami Ahmad Khan, Lyu Guangzhao, and Lynn Turner; features; and reviews.
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
- Sheree Renée Thomas, ed.
- Vol. 145 No. 1 & 2, Whole No. 768, July/August 2023, $10.99, bimonthly, 260pp, 13 x 19½ cm.
- This issue includes stories by Aimee Ogden, Peter S. Beagle, Jill McMillan, Celeste Rita Baker, Kristina Ten, and others; a science article; poetry; columns; reviews, and etc. Cover by Mondolithic Studios.
- Diane L. Walton, ed.
- Vol. 33 No. 2, Whole No. 124, C$6.95, 2023, quarterly, 150pp, 13½ x 20 cm.
- Canadian small press fiction magazine with stories by Rob Gordon, Marie Brennan, Christopher Scott, and others; interviews; non-fiction; poetry; and art. Cover by Scott B. Henderson.
Online Magazines
- Michael Pryor, ed.
- No. 163, August 2023, $2.99, 10 times a year (every month except January and December).
- Australian SF/F magazine. This issue incudes fiction from Ephiny Gale, Baden M. Chant, and Andrew Knighton; non-fiction; and reviews. Cover by Tatyana2206.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #387, July 27, 2023, free online, biweekly.
- Literary fantasy/adventure magazine with stories by Kay Chronister, Julie Reeser, and J.A. Prentice. Cover by Michal Kváč. Issue #388, August 10, 2023 includes stories by M.A. Carrick and Peter Darbyshire. Cover by Michal Kváč.
- Neil Clarke, ed.
- Issue #203, August 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
- SF/fantasy magazine with fiction from Stephen Case, Andy Dudak, M.J. Pettit, Koji A. Dae, Thomas Ha, Congyun ‘‘Muming’’ Gu (Tian Huang, trans.), and Marisca Pichette; articles; and interviews. Cover by J.R. Slattum.
- Sean Wallace, eds.
- Issue #99, August 2023, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly.
- Dark fantasy and horror magazine. This issue includes stories by James Bennett, Libby Cudmore, Neil Williamson, and Clara Madrigano. Cover by Tomislav Tikulin.
- E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
- Issue #28, August 2023, digital/free online, monthly, 35pp.
- Speculative fiction magazine ‘‘that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve,’’ with fiction by Fernanda Coutinho; poetry; and non-fiction. Cover by David Stoupakis.
- Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> Valerie Valdes & Mur Lafferty, eds. (SF); PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy); PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror); and Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed. (YA).
- Free online. Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with accompanying text.
- Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
- Issue #94, August 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
- Fantasy magazine with stories from Davida Kilgore, Hana Lee, and others; author spotlights; an essay; and poetry. Cover by Joeprachatree/Adobe Stock.
- Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
- July/August 2023, free online, biweekly. Flash fiction SF and fantasy site.
- In July and August, the site posted short fiction by Joshua Harding and others.
- John Joseph Adams, ed.
- Issue #159, August 2023, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
- Online SF/fantasy magazine with fiction by Scott Edelman, Lowry Poletti, Sloane Leong, David Anaxagoras, and others; author spotlights; and reviews. Cover by Ardea-studio / Shutterstock.
- M.E. Pickett, ed.
- Vol. 2, Issue 3, Summer 2023, $1.99 digital/free online, quarterly.
- “Mid-length” speculative fiction magazine publishing one story per issue. This issue’s piece is by Ali Abbas. Cover image by Liu zishan via Shutterstock.
- B. Morris Allen, ed.
- September 2023, $7.00 print/$4.00 digital/free online, monthly.
- Online and print speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes original stories by B. Morris Allen, Cadence Mandybura, J.J. Eskelin, and others. Cover by Carol Wellart.
- Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
- Issue #131, August 2023, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
- Horror/dark fantasy magazine with fiction by Nuzo Onoh, J. Choe, and Adam-Troy Castro; author spotlights; a book discussion; an essay; and poetry. Cover by Lumitar / Adove Stock.
- Jennifer Landels, et al. eds.
- No. 39, Summer 2023, C$14.99, quarterly, 208pp, 13½ x 20½ cm.
- Canadian magazine dedicated to pulp literature. This issue includes fiction from Claire Humphrey, Kim Harbridge, Liza Potvin, and others; interviews; a graphic story; poetry, etc. Cover by Claire Lawrence.
- Bruce Gillespie, ed.
- No. 112, June 2023, limited print copies available/free online; irregular, 114pp, 20 1/2 x 29 1/2 cm.
- Australian fanzine from Bruce Gillespie with tributes to genre people who passed, lists of favorites from 2022, and a convention report from ChiCon 8. No 113, July 2023, 124pp. This issue includes essays on SF, book reviews, and letters of comment. Cover by Ditmar.
- Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
- July/August 2023, free, weekly.
- Speculative fiction magazine with fiction by Cynthia Gómez, Kaitlin Tremblay, Ezra Pilar Rodriguez, and others; poetry; articles; columns; and reviews. New issues are posted each Monday. Covers by Tahlia Day, Romie Stott, and Daniela Viçoso.
- Dave Truesdale, ed.
- July/August 2023, free online.
- Short fiction SF and fantasy review magazine including reviews of genre magazines, online and electronic publications, and selected collections and anthologies; as well as articles and essays.
- Tom Doherty, Irene Gallo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds.
- July/August 2023, free online.
- Macmillan house site publishing fiction and articles including new and reprinted short fiction from Kai Ashante Wilson, Rivers Solomon, N.K. Jemisin, Charlie Jane Anders, James Patrick Kelly, and Rich Larson; novel excerpts; rereads/rewatches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; reviews; articles and commentary; and interviews.
- Mark Bilsborough
- Ed. #13, Summer 2023, bimonthly, 85pp.
- British “cutting edge fantasy and science fiction” magazine with stories by Arlen Feldman, Medeehah Reza, Ed Teja, and others; and reviews
See this listing and more like it in the September 2023 issue of Locus.
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