Around the Web: Essential Le Guin; Essay by Temi Oh; Reviews by Charlie Jane Anders and Lisa Tuttle

Photo by Liza Trombi (2008)

» NY Times, Shreya Chattopadhyay: The Essential Ursula K. Le Guin

» Lit Hub, Temi Oh, 18 Aug 2023: “The molecular weight of loneliness”: On Writing Fiction Influenced by Neuroscience: Temi Oh on Identity, Consciousness, and Free-Will in Science Fiction

» Wa Po: Charlie Jane Anders reviews Temi Oh, Nick Fuller Googins, Kiersten White, S.L. Huang, T. Kingfisher

» The Guardian: Lisa Tuttle reviews Lauren Beukes, John Ajvide Lindqvist, Kiersten White, Fernanda Trías, Rachel Grosvenor

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