Glasgow Worldcon AI Art Statement

Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures, has released a statement regarding their policies on AI-generated art in the Glasgow 2024 Art Show.

The use of AI in Art is an issue which has become of key importance to the Fan Community. This statement is a result of consultation with the ASFA (Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists), with artists at Eastercon 2023, Boskone 2023, with Anime Los Angeles and with other organisations within our community who have kindly allowed us to look at their own policies.

Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures will not accept artwork into the Art Show that comprises anything that was created using text to image AI generators, or was created using any compiler or generator that relies on the use of other artists’ images without the express permission of that artist.

All art presented in the Glasgow 2024 Art Show must have been created by the artist, and not generated. We will enforce this to the strictest extent.  If any art in the Art Show is found to have been generated rather than created, we will ask the artist to take it down.  If the artist refuses to take it down, we will take it down for them, and if there is doubt regarding the origin of a piece of art, we will ask to see the proof of the original.

We have a shared vision of Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures that is caring, inclusive and imaginative, and we want to showcase that in everything you see in our Art Show.

We welcome you as Artists from any medium, using any media, but when you bring us your work, we do ask that it is your work.

Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon for Our Futures, is the 82nd World Science Fiction Convention, to be held August 8-12, 2024 in Glasgow, Scotland. For more information, including a short FAQ section, see the official announcement.

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One thought on “Glasgow Worldcon AI Art Statement

  • July 31, 2023 at 3:07 pm

    How perfect it would be for a science fiction convention to have an AI category in their art show!


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