2023 New England Book Awards Finalists

The New England Independent Booksellers Association (NEIBA) has revealed the finalists for the 2023 New England Book Awards. Submitted titles “must be either about New England, set in New England, or written by an author residing in New England.” Finalists of genre interest include:


  • Yellowface, R.F. Kuang (The Borough)
  • Thistlefoot, GennaRose Nethercott (Anchor)
  • The Confessions of Matthew Strong, Ousmane K. Power-Greene (Other)

Young Adult

  • This Delicious Death, Kayla Cottingham (Sourcebooks Fire)
  • When the Angels Left the Old Country, Sacha Lamb (Levine Querido)
  • The Memory Eater, Rebecca Mahoney (Razorbill)
  • The Wicked Bargain, Gabe Cole Novoa (Random House)

Other categories include Children’s, Middle Grade, Nonfiction, and Poetry.

Voting is now open to all NEIBA members until September 1, 2023. Winners will be announced at the NEIBA Fall Conference, October 3-5, 2023 in Providence RI. For more information, including the full list of finalists, see the NEIBA website.

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