2023 Commonwealth Short Story Prize Shortlist

The shortlist for the 2023 Commonwealth Short Story Prize features titles and authors of genre interest, including:

  • “Arboretum”, H.B. Asari
  • “Mama Blue”, Michael Boyd
  • “Relative Distance”, Shih-Li Kow
  • “Where the Winds Blow”, Cosmata A. Lindie
  • “Ocoee”, Kwame McPherson

The Commonwealth Short Story Prize recognizes “the best piece of unpublished short fiction from the Commonwealth.” The overall winner receives £5,000 and regional winners receive £2,500. Regional winners will be announced on May 17 and the overall winner on June 27, 2023. The 2024 Prize opens for submissions on September 1, 2023.

The regional judges for 2023 are Katrina Best (Canada and Europe region), Mac Donald Dixon (Caribbean region), Ameena Hussein (Asian region), Selina Tusitala Marsh (Pacific region), Rémy Ngamije (African region), Bilal Tanweer (chair).

For the complete shortlist, see the official website.

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