S.T. Joshi Endowed Research Fellowship Applications Open

The John Hay Library at Brown University in Providence RI is currently accepting applications for the S.T. Joshi Endowed Research Fellowship. The award provides a monthly stipend of $2,500 for up to two months “for research relating to H.P. Lovecraft, his associates, and literary heirs.”

Fellows will be selected by a committee of librarians and scholars familiar with the John Hay Library’s holdings of Lovecraft materials and with current Lovecraft scholarship. The committee will consider the following criteria when making the selection: strength of the proposal; originality and sophistication of the approach; feasibility of the research objectives; and the relevance of the project to the holdings of the John Hay Library. As the majority of the Lovecraft collection has been digitized, priority will be given to proposals that express interest in materials that have not been digitized from the Lovecraft collection and the Library’s other holdings in weird fiction.

Applications are due November 1, 2022, and applicants will be notified by mid-November, 2022. The website has more information on how to apply.

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