2022 Ditmar Preliminary Ballot
The preliminary ballot for the 2022 Ditmar Awards for Australian SF has been announced.
Best Novel
- The Councillor, E.J. Beaton (DAW)
- The Bridge, J.S. Breukelaar (Meerkat)
- Papa Lucy & The Boneman, Jason Fischer (Outland)
- The Rose Daughter, Maria Lewis (Hachette Australia/Little Brown)
- A Marvellous Light, Freya Marske (Tor)
- She Who Became the Sun, Shelley Parker-Chan (Tor)
- All the Murmuring Bones, A.G. Slatter (Titan)
Best Novella or Novelette
- Ariadne, I Love You, J. Ashley-Smith (Meerkat)
- Ghost Recall, Alan Baxter (Grey Matter)
- Dirty Heads, Aaron Dries (Black T-Shirt)
- “The Little One”, Rebecca Fraser (Coralesque and Other Tales to Disturb and Distract)
- “A Vast Silence”, T.R. Napper (F&SF 11-12/21)
Best Short Story
- “Goon of Fortune”, Geneve Flynn, in (Midnight Echo 11/21)
- “Legacy of the Species”, Pamela Jeffs (The Terralight Collection)
- “The House That Hungers”, Maria Lewis (Aurealis 11/21)
- “A Good Big Brother”, Matt Tighe (Spawn: Weird Tales of Pregnancy, Birth and Babies)
- “A Whisper in the Death Pit”, Kyla Lee Ward (Weirdbook 5/21)
- “The King in Yella”, Kaaron Warren (Under Twin Suns: Alternate Histories of the Yellow Sign)
Best Collected Work
- The Gulp, Alan Baxter (self-published)
- Tool Tales, Ellen Datlow & Kaaron Warren (IFWG Australia)
- Relics, Wrecks & Ruins, Aiki Flinthart (CAT)
- Coralesque and Other Tales To Disturb and Distract, Rebecca Fraser (IFWG Australia)
- The Terralight Collection, Pamela Jeffs (Four Ink)
Best Fan Publication in Any Medium
- Earl Grey Editing, Elizabeth Fitzgerald
- SF Commentary, Bruce Gillespie
Best Fan Writer
- Kat Clay, for interviews and reviews on YouTube and katclay.com
Best Fan Artist
- C.H. Pearce, for fanart on Instagram, including “Em and Gyre”, “Lysande”, “Cruelty Free”, and “Rocket Launch Good”
William Atheling, Jr. Award for Criticism or Review
- Eugen Bacon, for Aurealis Reviews (editor and reviews)
- Claire Fitzpatrick, for “How Mary Shelley Continues to Influence Modern Science Fiction” (Aurealis 145)
- Ian Mond, for reviews in Locus
- Andrew Nette & Iain McIntyre, for editing Dangerous Visions and New Worlds: Radical Science Fiction, 1950 to 1985 (PM Press)
- Kyla Lee Ward, for “Vampire Poetry” (Penumbra 2)
Some categories have more than five nominees due to ties, and some have fewer due to insufficient nominations. There are no nominees for Best Artwork and Best New Talent because of insufficient nominations in those categories. Winners will be announced at the 2022 Ditmar Awards ceremony, hosted during Conflux 16 from September 30 – October 3, 2022 in Canberra, Australia.
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