The Pool of Ideas: J.G. Ballard Audio Clip from the Archives
Greetings from beyond the paywall! We have been posting new content monthly on our Patreon Archive Feed – scans of vintage Locus and audio clips from author interviews and more – and wanted to share a little of what that feed looks like by making some of our earlier posts public. Come check out this post on our Patreon with an audio clip of J.G. Ballard.
In addition to all the benefits of lower tiers, including a digital subscription and other perks, patrons pledging $15+ monthly have access to the Archive content (AKA the Secret History Feed). This includes monthly back issue posts, author interview audio clips, and complete access to the archive of past posts full of unique SF artifacts and ephemera like this audio clip from J.G. Ballard.
Please consider becoming a patron, to see more great content like this and to support the magazine as we continue our shift to the donor support model.

From the Audio Archives: J.G. Ballard
The iconic new wave SF author of many novels and short stories, J.G. Ballard had a provocative and influential style. He passed away in April 2009 and was remembered in our May 2009 issue.
Locus founder Charles Brown interviewed him in our September 1988 issue, and we’ve selected some audio clips to share with you, in which Ballard talks about the importance of SF, and the influence of surrealism on his work and its broader use in comprehending the world.
“I’ve always believed that… science fiction was immensely important, you know was the real, the true literature of the 20th century. But I’ve always wished that it would enlarge its scope… enlarge its pool of ideas, its vocabulary, and ambitions. It never seemed to me to be proper ambitious enough”
Please consider donating separately toward our digitization fund so that we can archive the rest of our microcassettes. We have a goal of $5,500 to cover the expense. Thank you!