Magazines Received – March
This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
- Trevor Quachri, ed.
- Vol. 92 Nos. 3 & 4, March/April 2022
- $7.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm
- This issue includes a novella by Mark W. Tiedemann; novelettes by J.T. Sharrah, C. Stuart Hardwick, and Michael F. Flynn; short stories by Mercurio D. Rivera, Michael Swanwick, Mike Duncan, D.G.P. Rector, Brenda Kalt, A.T. Sayre, Monica Joyce Evans, C.L. Kagmi, Corie Ralston, Thomas Webster, D.A. D’Amico, and Louis Evans; flash fiction by Marie Vibbert,–and Alvaro Zinos-Amaro; a science fact by Christina De La Rocha; a special feature by Stanley Schmidt; short articles; poetry; reviews, etc. Cover by 123RF.
- Sheila Williams, ed.
- Vol. 46 Nos. 3 & 4, Whole Numbers 554 & 555, March/April 2022
- $7.99, bimonthly, 208pp, 15 x 21½ cm
- This issue includes a novella by Rick Wilber; novelettes by Ray Nayler, Christopher Mark Rose, Will McIntosh, Michael Cassutt, and William Ledbetter; short stories by Arie Coleman, Marta Randall, Peter Wood, Jack McDevitt & Larry Wasserman, Paul McAuley, Steve Rasnic Tem, and Leah Cypess; columns by Robert Silverberg and James Patrick Kelly; a guest editorial and non-fiction article by Kelly Lagor; poetry; reviews, etc. Cover by
- Erik Secker, ed.
- Issue No. 26, March 2022
- $12.95 print/$1.99 digital/ free online, three times a year, 142pp, 12½ x 20 cm
- Literary speculative fiction magazine with stories by Nikita Andester, Fred Coppersmith, H. Pueyo, and others. Cover by Ed Binkley. Subscription: available through Patreon < bourbonpenn>. Copies can be purchased from; website: <>.
- Rob Carroll, ed.
- Issue #8, March/April 2022 $15.00 print/$4.99 digital, bimonthly, 136pp
- Literary magazine exploring the ‘‘shadow side of reality’’. This issue includes original and reprinted short fiction by Sloane Leong, Solomon Uhiara, and others; part two of a serial by Warren Benedetto; an interview with Catriona Ward; art features showcasing the art of Doodleskelly and Warakami; and reviews. Cover by Doodleskelly. Subscription: $30.00 per year for digital-only at < pages/subscriptions>; or $1.00/month or $10/year basic membership to access stories online at < pages/memberships>. Print subscriptions are available with higher tier membership, and single copy print issues can be purchased at <darkmattermagazine. shop/collections/print-editions>; website:
- Gerry Canavan, et. al., eds.
- Vol. 62 No. 3, Winter 2021, three times a year, 116pp, 17½ x 24½ cm. Scholarly peer-reviewed international journal with articles and reviews
- This issue includes María Ferrández-Sanmiguel’s analysis of the cyborgs in Pat Cadigan’s Synners from the perspective of trauma studies and post humanism; Leo Chu examines how the works of Japanese writer Gen Urobuchi–represent the motif of ‘‘care’’ in relation to the economy; Kristen Kooperman traces the character development arc of Carlos, the scientist in the podcast Welcome to Night Vale and novel It Devours!; and Lyu Guangzhao, using Michel Foucault’s notion of ‘‘heterotopia’’, considers how the migrant workers in Chen Qiufan’s Waste Tide are co-opted from being victims to becoming vampires in a society of market competition; plus book reviews. Subscription: Individual subscription rates: three issues print plus online UK £32.00/ US $52.00. Order online <>; website:
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
- Sheree Renée Thomas, ed.
- Vol. 142 No. 3 & 4, Whole No. 760, March/April 2022
- $9.99, bimonthly, 260pp, 13 x 19½ cm.
- This issue includes novelettes by Megan Beadle, Matthew Hughes, Adriana C. Grigore, and Tobi Ogundiran; short stories by Rajeev Prasad, Phoenix Alexander, Yvette Lisa Ndlovu, Ethan Smestad, Sarah A. Macklin, Frank Oreto, Amanda Dier, Carl Walmsley, Anna Zumbro, and Yefim Zozulya; a column by Arley Sorg; a science article by Jerry Oltion; poetry; reviews, and etc. Cover by Mondolithic Studios.
- Dean Wesley Smith, ed.
- Issue No. 16, December 2021
- $12.99 print/$6.99 digital, bi-monthly, 200pp, 17½ x 25½ cm.
- This issue includes 19 pieces of short fiction, including stories from David H. Hendrickson, Sebastien de Castell, Jerry Oltion, and others; and a one-page graphic story from J. Steven York. Subscription: six issues for $89.99 print/$34.99 digital, available at < pulphouse-subscriptions/>; website: <>.
- Dean Wesley Smith
- Issue #57, January 2022
- $6.99 digital/$12.99 print, monthly, 152pp, 17½ x 25½ cm.
- A magazine written entirely by Dean Wesley Smith with four short stories; a short Thunder Mountain novel; and a full five short story mystery collection. Subscription: Digital: $34.99 (six issues)/$64.99 (12 issues)/US print plus digital: $89.99 (six issues)/$179.99 (12 issues) available at <>; website: <www. >.
- Dean Wesley Smith
- Issue #58, February 2022
- $6.99 digital/$12.99 print, monthly, 132pp, 17½ x 25½ cm.
- A magazine written entirely by Dean Wesley Smith with four short stories; a full Pakhet Jones short novel; and a full five short story strange detective collection. Subscription: Digital: $34.99 (six issues)/$64.99 (12 issues)/US print plus digital: $89.99 (six issues)/$179.99 (12 issues) available at <>; website: <www. >.
- Michael Kelly, ed.
- No. 4, Spring 2022
- $16.00 print/$6.00 digital, twice a year, 88pp, 17½ x 25 cm.
- Dedicated to ‘‘pulpy dark fiction in the weird fiction and horror genres’’. This issue includes fiction from J.F. Gleeson, Sarina Dorie, Steve Rasnic Tem, and others; articles by Orrin Grey and Simon Strantzas; and book and film reviews. Cover by Drazen Kozjan. Subscription: $29.50 for two print issues from Undertow Publications; Website: <>.
Online Magazines
- Jason Sizemore & Lesley Conner, eds.
- Issue #130, March 2022, digital free online or $4.99 per issue; bi-monthly
- Online SF/fantasy/horror magazine publishing both new and reprinted fiction. This issue includes original short fiction by RJ Taylor, Risa Wolf, Devon Mihesuah, Spencer Nitkey, Benjamin Blattberg, and Russell Nichols; reprinted fiction from Molly Tanzer and Wole Talabi; nonfiction by Milton J. Davis and Linda D. Addison; interviews with RJ Taylor and Spencer Nitkey, and artist J.R. Slattum; and reviews. Cover by J.R. Slattum. Subscription: $24.00 digital for a six issue recurring subscription from Apex < apex-magazine-subscription-one-year/>. Also available from third-party sellers.
- Stephen Higgins, ed.
- No. 148, March 2022, $2.99, 10 times a year (every month except January and December)
- This issue incudes fiction from Leon D Furze, Jennie Del Mastro, and Ian Pohl; articles by Claire Fitzpatrick, Gillian Polack, and Terry Wood; an interview with Andrew Nette; and reviews. Cover by Algol2. Subscriptions $19.99/year for 10 issues from their website.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #350, February 24, 2022, free online, biweekly. Online fantasy/adventure magazine
- This is a special double ‘‘science fantasy’’ issue with original fiction by Aliette de Bodard (with accompanying podcast), A.T. Greenblatt, R.Z. Held, William Broom, and Thomas Ha; and reprints from Phoenix Alexander and Anne Ivy. Cover by Jose Borges. Subscription: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <>.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #351, March 10, 2022, free online, biweekly
- Online fantasy/adventure magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Peter Darbyshire and Patty Templeton (with accompanying podcast); a reprint from Saladin Ahmed; and a rebroadcast of a podcast by Peter Darbyshire. Cover by Dominique van Velsen. Subscription: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <>.
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #25, $3.99, weekly.
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes five science fiction or fantasy short stories by David Marusek, Irvin Lester & Fletcher Pratt, and others; as well as three mystery stories and two mystery novels. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #26, $3.99, weekly.
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes five science fiction or fantasy short stories by Eando Binder, Cynthia Ward, Lester del Rey, and others; as well as mystery stories and two mystery novels. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #27, $3.99, weekly.
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Nalo Hopkinson, James E. Gunn, Lester del Rey, and others; an interview from 1976 with George R.R. Martin; a ‘‘non-fact’’ humor article; as well as four mystery stories and a novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #28, $3.99, weekly.
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Linda D. Addison, Randall Garrett, and others; an interview with Larry Niven; as well as three mystery stories and one mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #29, $3.99, weekly.
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes five science fiction or fantasy stories by M. Christian, Clark Ashton Smith, and others; an interview with Poul Anderson; as well as four mystery stories and one mystery novel. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- Neil Clarke, ed.
- Issue #186, March 2022, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly.
- Online SF/fantasy magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Naomi Kritzer (with accompanying podcast), Ray Nayler, Cal Ritterhoff, R.T. Ester, EA Mylonas, Tegan Moore, and Priya Chand; a reprint from Arthur Liu (Stella Jiayue Zhu, trans.); an article by Carrie Sessarego; and interviews with John Scalzi and Regina Kanyu Wang & Yu Chen. Cover by Alejandro Burdisio. Subscription: Digital subscription $35.88 for 12 issue at or issues may be purchased monthly: $2.99 digital/$10.00 print ($14.00 Canada & Europe)/$12.99 print + digital ($16.99 Canada & Europe). Also available from third-party sellers.
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
- Fran Eisemann, ed.
- February/March 2022, free online
- Online genre fiction magazine; content (generally one illustrated story per month, plus occasional interviews and articles) is posted throughout the month. For February and March, the site posted stories by Anne E. G. Nydam, Jonathan Lenore Kastin, and others. Subscriptions $12.00/year.
- Sean Wallace, ed.
- Issue #82, March 2022, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly
- Dark fantasy and horror magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Kirstyn McDermott, Kali Wallace, Rebecca Hirsch Garcia, and Suzan Palumbo. Cover by Fredrick Nolting. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $23.88 for 12 issues from Weightless Books <>. Issues can be purchased at a monthly subscription rate from at $1.99/month or £1.99/month via; or as single copies at $2.99 from Apple, B&N, Kobo, and Weightless.
- E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
- Issue #11, March 2022, digital/free online, monthly.
- ‘‘The Deadlands exists in liminal spaces between life, death and elsewhere’’ with ‘‘speculative fiction that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve’’. This issue includes original fiction by L Chan and Josh Rountree; a reprint from Richard Butner; non-fiction by M. Van Ell and Amanda Downum; and poetry. Cover by Mélissa Houpert. Subscription: $36.00 for 12 digital issues at <>.
- Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> S.B. Divya & Mur Laffery, eds. (SF), PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy), PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror), and Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed (YA)
- Free online
- Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with accompanying text
- For February/March 2022, Escape Pod aired stories from Kameron Hurley, Mur Lafferty, Kristen Koopman, Raymond Roach, and Maurice Broaddus; PodCastle aired stories by Dani Atkinson, Chaitanya Murali, Beth Goder, Louis Evans, and Marina Ermakova; PseudoPod aired stories from Donyae Coles, Mary Berman, Kat Day, Josh Rountree, Charles Robert Maturin, Emily Rigole, and Suzan Palumbo; and Cast of Wonders aired stories by Angela Teagardner, Michelle Ann King, B Myers & Graham Robert Scott, and Sydney Rivers. Subscriptions: Free.
- Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
- Issue #77, March 2022, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly.
- Online Fantasy magazine. This issue includes original flash fiction by Marie H. Lewis and Lisa M. Bradley; short fiction by Isabel J. Kim and Gabrielle Harbowy; an interview with Rebecca Roanhorse; and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edition is available on the first of the month. Cover by Adobe Stock Image. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $23.88 for 12 issues from Fantasy <> or Weightless Books <>.
- Aigner Loren Wilson, guest ed.
- Issue #101, March 2022, $5.00 digital only, monthly
- In the March issue, the site posted short fiction by Lindsay King-Miller, M. Darusha Wehm, and others. Subscriptions: digital subscriptions available for $60.00 for 12 issues at <>.
- Cavan Terrill, ed.
- Issue #10, March 2022, online pay-what-you-want or purchase a hardcover copy through Blurb
- This issue $26.99 CAD (price varies by issue), irregular, 98 pp, 21½ x 28 cm.
- Online speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes original work by Jennifer Hudak, Rayn Epremian, and others, and reprinted work by Hayley Stone (each story includes a short Q&A with the author); and reviews. Cover by KiTT St. Joans. Subscription: Available through Patreon <>.
- Alex Shvartsman, ed.
- Issue 14, March 2022, free online/$3.99 digital, quarterly.
- SF magazine with a focus on translated and international fiction
- This issue includes stories from Will McIntosh, Alexy Dumenigo (Toshiya Kamei, trans.), Xing Fan (Judith Huang, trans), Lavie Tidhar, Jo Miles, and Filip Wiltgren. Contents from this issue are also posted free online. See their website for release dates. Cover by Oleksandr Kulichenko. Subscriptions: $11.99 for four digital issues from King Games <>. Quarterly digital issues are available through Patreon. Individual copies available to purchase from Amazon, Nook, Kobo, iBooks, Google Play, and Weightless
- JW Stebner, ed.
- Issue #8, March 2022, free online, quarterly
- Digital magazine specializing in ‘‘the weird, the wonderous, and the whimsical!’’ This issue includes stories by Carol Scheina, Anna Martino, and others; and poetry. Cover by Sarah Allen Reed. Subscription: available through Patreon $1.00/mo or $12/yr. Single print issues available from Digital issues available through their website and Weightless
- John Joseph Adams, ed.
- Issue #142, March 2022, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly
- Online SF/fantasy magazine. This issue includes original science fiction by Daniel David Froid and Julianna Baggott; original SF flash fiction by Merc Fenn Wolfmoor; reprinted SF by Robert Reed; original fantasy from Shiv Ramdas and Maria Dong; original fantasy flash by Nicole D. Sconiers; reprinted fantasy by Alyssa Wong; and book reviews. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edition is available on the first of the month with exclusive content not available on the website. This month’s exclusive paid content is an excerpt from a novel by Maurice Broaddus. Cover by Grandeduc/ Adobe Stock Image. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $35.88/year from Lightspeed <> or Weightless Books <>.
- Jennifer Lyn Parsons, ed.
- Issue #49, March 2022, $11.95 print/$2.99 digital/free online, quarterly
- Online and print magazine displaying ‘‘the vast and varied talents of women-identified speculative fictions writers.’’–This issue includes stories by Lisa Fox, Sarah Salcedo, Cindy Phan, and others. Cover by Caroline Jamhour. Subscription: unavailable. Single print issues available from Digital issues available through their website and Weightless.
- B. Morris Allen, ed.
- April 2022, $7.00 print/$4.00 digital/free online, monthly.
- Online and print speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes original stories by Wade Dargin, Amman Sabet, and others. New stories are posted online every Friday. Cover by Carol Wellart. Digital subscriptions available at $3.00/month through Patreon <>. Single issues available from and IngramSpark.
- Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz, eds.
- March/April 2022, free online or via Patreon
- Online magazine presenting stories that engage ‘‘meaningfully with Christianity…although not exclusively from a Christian perspective.’’–The site posts one or two stories per month, with occasional interviews and reviews. For March and April, the site will post stories by O.Z.A. Lee and D.G.P. Rector. Cover by John Tsilikas. Subscription: Limited-edition digital version available prior to web publication via Patreon.
The New York Review of Science Fiction
- Kevin J. Maroney et al., eds.
- Vol. 31 No. 2, Whole No. 356, February 2022
- $2.99 digital from Weightless Books <>, monthly, 32pp
- Review and criticism magazine, with essay‑length and short reviews, etc.
- This issue includes various articles including Sandra J. Lindow’s examination of how Ursula K. Le Guin’s Always Coming Home ‘‘fits interstitially as a hinge between fantasy and science fiction’’ and how that ‘‘hinge’’ was created; Joe Milicia’s essay-long review of Eight Classic Novels of the 1960s, edited by Gary K. Wolfe; Jonathan Crowe’s descriptions of maps in SF; an introduction to Algis Budry’s Beyond the Outposts by David Langford; plus Michael Swanwick’s one question interview with Greer Gilman; and reviews. Subscriptions: $30.00 for 12 issues from Weightless Books <>.
- Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
- Issue #114, March 2022, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly
- Online horror/dark fantasy magazine publishing both original and reprinted fiction as well as poetry. This issue includes fiction by Erica Ruppert, Pedro Iniguez, and R.L. Meza; an essay by Ally Wilkes; book reviews and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Wednesdays. Subscription: $1.99/monthly from Amazon or $23.88/year from Nightmare or Weightless Books <>
- Bruce Gillespie, ed.
- No. 108, February 2022, Limited printcopies available/free online; irregular, 80pp, 20 1/2 x 29 1/2 cm. Australian fanzine from Bruce Gillespie
- This issue includes the first fiction ever published in SF Commentary – two pieces of fiction by Michael Bishop, a non-fiction article by Michael Bishop, and a Christmas letter from Michael & Jeri Bishop; an update and commentary on life by Bruce Gillespie, including a list of books and other material with commentary; a section by Jennifer Bryce and Tony Thomas on the 2021 Booker Awards, and two non-fiction articles; guest editorials by Gillian Polack and Colin Steele; a FlyCon convention report; Ron Drummond’s article on Joanna Russ; and book reviews. Cover by Denny Marshall. Subscription: Not available. More information: Bruce Gillespie, 5 Howard Street, Greensborough VIC 3088, Australia; email:; digital copies available free through EFANZINES.COM
- Bruce Gillespie, ed.
- No. 109, February 2022, Limited print copies available/free online
- Irregular, 20pp, 20 1/2 x 29 1/2 cm. Australian fanzine from Bruce Gillespie
- This issue is a tribute to Bill Wright and includes appreciations from Dick Jenssen and Bruce Gillespie; LynC’s speech given on the presentation of the A. Bertram Chandler Award to Bill Wright in 2017; and various Facebook tributes. Subscription: Not available. More information: Bruce Gillespie, 5 Howard Street, Greensborough VIC 3088, Australia; email:; digital copies available free through EFANZINES.COM.
- Gayle Surrett ed.
- March 2021, free, monthly
- Online SF review site. In the March issue, the site posted reviews of non-fiction, short fiction, and books; an interview with Glynn Stewart; and various columns. Subscriptions: Not available.
- Noel Chidwick, ed.
- No. 29, March 2022, online monthly free/pay-what-you-want digital edition/paid biannual print edition, 64pp.
- Shoreline of Infinity (previously a quarterly print magazine) has changed their publishing schedule. They are publishing a monthly digital magazine, as well as a biannual print edition with stories, articles and reviews and selected stories form the year’s digital publications. This issue includes episodes one and two of a serial by Eric Brown; short fiction by Raymond W Gallacher; an article by Lottie Emily Dodd on Extinction Rebellion’s first global short story competition with one of the winning stories by Christopher R. Muscato; artwork, reviews, and poetry. Subscription: £27.00 for 12 digital issues/£19.50 UK for two print editions, £29.00 rest of world/£41.50 UK for print+ digital, £49.00 rest of world from <>.
- Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
- February/March 2022, free, weekly.
- Online speculative fiction magazine publishing fiction, poetry, essays, reviews, and interviews. New issues are posted each Monday
- In February/March, the site posted short fiction (with accompanying podcasts) by P. Akasaka, Su-Yee Lin, Nelly Geraldine García-Rosas, and Devin Miller; weekly poetry (with accompanying podcasts); the first episode of ‘‘Critical Friends’’ a roundtable SFF criticism podcast with reviews editors Aishawarya Subramanian, Dan Hartland and Maureen Kincaid Speller; columns from Kuzhali Manickavel, Derek Newman-Stille & Kristy Anne Cox; reviews, etc. Covers by Tahlia Day and Alex Pernau. Subscription: unavailable
- Tom Doherty, Irene Gallo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds
- February/March 2022, free online
- Macmillan publishing house site specializing in genre fiction. Each month publishes free fiction and articles including original works, reprints, novel excerpts, and comics; re-reads/re-watches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; original reviews; articles and commentary; interviews; as well as providing a forum for the genre community. New material is posted throughout the month
- February and March’s posts include novel excerptsfrom books by Olivie Blake, Judy I. Lin, Sara A. Mueller, Traci Chee, Jo Harkin, Sarah Blake, India Holton, Sarah Tolmie, Mike Meginnis, Ann Fraistat, Anna-Marie McLemore, John M. Ford, Kayla Cottingham, Nina Nesseth, Hiron Ennes, and Malcolm Devlin; and original fiction by Lavie Tidhar, AnaMaria Curtis, Grace P. Fong, Vivianni Glass, Mary Anne Mohanraj, and Daniela Tomova
- Lynne M. Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas, and Chimedum Ohaegbu, eds.
- Issue #45, March/April 2022, $3.99 digital only, bi-monthly.
- Science fiction and fantasy magazine with original and reprint fiction, non-fiction essays, interviews, and poetry.
- This issue includes fiction by Maureen McHugh (with accompanying podcast), Miyuki Jane Pinckard, Shaoni C. White, Carlos Hernandez (with accompanying podcast), Emma Törzs, Stephen Graham Jones, and Margaret Dunlap (with accompanying podcast); a reprint from Richard Butner; non-fiction from Jo Wu, Rebecca Romney, Elsa Sjunneson, and Sarah Gailey; interviews with Miyuki Jane Pinckard and Emma Törzs; and poetry. The site also includes podcast interviews with Maureen McHugh and Carlos Hernandez, and additional stories by Lalini Shanela Ranaraja, and Nnadi Samuel. Cover art by Paul Lewin. E-book subscribers receive the complete ebook on the first Tuesday of the month. Online readers will receive the first half of the magazine on the first Tuesday of the month. The second half will be available the first Tuesday of the following month. Also available free on the Uncanny website is the Uncanny Magazine podcast with some of the stories, interviews, and other content available for listening. Subscriptions: $23.88 for one year at Weightless Books <>.
See this listing and more like it in the April 2022 issue of Locus.
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