Sally Gwylan (1953-2021)

Author SALLY GWYLAN, 67, died October 8, 2021 in a traffic accident in Albuquerque NM. Gwylan at­tended the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop in 1985, and her debut SF story, ‘‘Salt’’, appeared in The Infinite Matrix in 2002.

Other published stories include “In the Icehouse” in Asimov’s (2003) and ‘‘Rapture, Parts 1 & 2’’ in Strange Horizons (2004). Her final story was “Fleeing Oslyge” in Clarkesworld (2018). In 2012, she self-published A Wind Out of Canaan, the first book in the planned Away Yonder series. She also attended Walter Jon Williams’s Rio Hondo Workshop and was a member for several years of the Critical Mass Writers Group.

She also designed and helped build her own house in Laguna NM. Friends remembered her as someone who always wanted to know how things worked, and more than once she took apart a device to understand it.

Sally Gwylan was born November 4, 1953 in Texas, was raised all over the South, and moved to New Mexico while in high school. She gradu­ated from the University of New Mexico in 1975. Most recently, she worked with law firms doing records management. Prior jons included working at a wooden puzzle-making shop, driving a taxi, and owning and operat­ing a food truck. Gwylan was secretary/president of the local Rocky Mountain Sacred Harp chapter, and sang with the group for many years.

At Albuquerque’s Bubonicon, Gwylan assisted with the Sunday Afternoon Tea for many years, and ran a workshop on how to make a paperback book by hand in 2012.

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