Magazines Received – February
This list covers new SF/F/H print, online, and electronic periodicals (including regularly updated websites) seen by Locus magazine, focusing on those that publish fiction or reviews and criticism. To submit titles for listing on these pages, please send to Locus Publications, 655 13th St. #100, Oakland CA 94612 or email
- Paul Campbell, ed.
- No. 7, $9.99 print/$3.99 digital, January 2022, quarterly, 235pp, 12½ x 20½ cm.
- Science fiction and fantasy short story magazine. This issue has eight original science fiction and fantasy stories by Xauri’EL Zwaan, Juliet Kemp, Izzy Wasserstein, and others. Some of their stories are posted free on their website. Cover by Grandfailure. Subscriptions: $11.99 for three digital issues from their website <>. Single print copies available from
- Rob Carroll, ed.
- Issue #7, January/February 2022
- $15.00 print/$4.99 digital, bimonthly, 182pp
- Literary magazine exploring the ‘‘shadow side of reality.’’ This issue includes eight short pieces of fiction by Marissa van Uden, Mary G. Thompson, Beth Goder, and others; a reprint from Andrea Kriz; part one of a serial by Warren Benedetto; interviews with Ellen Datlow and Lucas@Staky of Craft Network; and art features showcasing the art of Rob Shields and Radiant Void Labs (Andy Dudak, trans.). Cover by Rob Shields. Subscription: $30.00 per year for digital-only at <>; or $1.00/month or $10/year basic membership to access stories online at <>. Print subscriptions are not available, although single copy print issues can be purchased at <>; website: <>.
- Lezli Robyn, ed.
- Issue #54, January 2022
- $7.99 print/$4.99 digital; bimonthly, 104pp, 19 x 24½ cm
- Online and print SF magazine with a mixture of original and reprinted fiction, reviews, and columns. This issue includes both original and reprinted fiction from Lucas Carroll-Garrett, Effie Seiberg, Wang Yuan (Roy Gilham, trans.), and others; part one of an interview with John Scalzi; the next chapter in the serialization of Over the Wine-Dark Sea by Harry Turtledove; columns by Gregory Benford and L. Penelope; and reviews. Subscription: $19.99/digital for six issues from or Amazon; $37.74 for six print issues to Galaxy’s Edge c/o Arc Manor Publishers, PO Box 10339, Rockville MD 20849-0339; website: <>.
- Diane L. Walton, ed.
- Vol. 31 No. 4, Whole No. 118
- C$6.95, 2021, quarterly, 136pp, 13½ x 20½ cm
- Canadian small‑press fiction magazine. This issue has stories by James Edward O’Brien, Sydney Rossman-Reich, Y.M. Pang, and others; interviews with Lar DeSouza (cover artist) and Fiona Moore (author); poetry and art. Cover by Lar DeSouza. Subscription: Print: C$24.00/C$30.00 US/C$45.00 overseas a year to On Spec, c/o Variant Edition Comics, 15129 Stony Plain Rd., Edmonton, AB T5P 3YT, Canada; digital subscriptions available through Weightless, Kobo, and others
- Jennifer Landels, et al. eds
- No. 32, Autumn 2021, C$14.99, quarterly, 222pp, 13½ x 20½ cm
- Canadian small‑press fiction magazine dedicated to all types of pulp literature with substantial genre content. This issue includes stories by Zandra Renwick, Sarina Bosco, Kelsey Hutton, and others; continuing serials from J.M. Landels and Mel Anastasiou; a graphic story by Matthew Nielsen; poetry; etc. Cover by Tais Teng. Subscription: C$50.00 Canada/$C70.00 continental USA/C$86.00 elsewhere for four print issues to Subscriptions, Pulp Literarure Press, 21955 16 Ave., Langley BC, V2Z 1K5, Canada; $C17.99 for digital; website: <>.
- Jean-Paul L. Garnier, ed.
- Issue No. 45.1, Winter 2022
- $5.00 + $2.00 s&h print/$2.50 digital, quarterly, 40pp, 14 x 21½ cm
- Speculative poetry magazine from the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association. This issue includes poems from David C. Kopaska-Merkel & Kendall Evans, Ngo Binh Anh Khoa, Anne Carly Abad, and others; non-fiction articles; small press coverage, etc. Cover by Dante Luiz. Subscription: $24.00 for four print issues/$10.00 digital or included with a SFPA membership via mail to SFPA Treasurer, PO Box 1563, Alameda CA 94501, or paypal to <>; website: <>.
Online Magazines
- Terese Mason Pierre & Lawrence Stewen, eds.
- Issue 4.1, 2021, free online, quarterly
- Canadian literary speculative fiction magazine that ‘‘believes we can better engage with our pasts, presents, and futures through stories that explore what-ifs and could-bes’’. This issue’s theme is ‘‘home’’ and includes original fiction by Anastasia McCray, Kate Foster, Emily Carrasco-Acosta, and others; a graphic story by Charlotte Marshall; and poetry. Cover by Lorna Antoniazzi. Subscription: C$15.00/year at <>.
- Terese Mason Pierre & Lawrence Stewen, eds.
- Issue 4.2, 2021, free online, quarterly
- Canadian literary speculative fiction magazine that ‘‘believes we can better engage with our pasts, presents, and futures through stories that explore what-ifs and could-bes’’. This issue looks at ‘‘childhood’’ and includes original fiction by L. Chan, C.T. Muchemwa, Anne Claire Baguio, and others; a graphic story by Zoe Maeve; and poetry. Cover by Jade Zhang. Subscription: C$15.00/year at <>.
- Stephen Higgins, ed. No. 147
- February 2022, $2.99, 10 times a year (every month except January and December)
- This issue incudes fiction from James Rowland, Greg Foyster, and Floris M Kleijne; articles by Lynne Lumsden Green, Ani White and Eugen Bacon; and reviews. Cover by Solarseven. Subscriptions $19.99/year for 10 issues from their website.
- Scott H. Andrews, ed.
- Issue #348, January 27, 2022, free online, biweekly
- Online fantasy/adventure magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Isabel J. Kim and J. A. Prentice (with accompanying podcast); and a reprint from T.S. McAdams. Cover by Viktor Mukhin. Subscription: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <>.
- Issue #349
- February 10, 2022, free online, biweekly
- Online fantasy/adventure magazine. Special Science-Fantasy double issue with original fiction by Yoon Ha Lee (with accompanying podcast), Jason Sanford, Aliya Whiteley, and T.S. Bushman; and a reprint from Jason Sanford. Cover by Jose Borges. Subscription: $19.99/year from Weightless Books <>.
- John Betancourt, ed
- Issue #21, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy short stories by Tom Marcinko, Lester del Rey, and others; and a short novel by Murray Leinster; as well as three mystery stories and two mystery novels. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also)
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #22, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Michael Bracken, Lester del Rey, Manly Wade Wellman, and others; as well as three short mystery stories and three mystery novels. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #23, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Cynthia Ward, Lester del Ray & James H. Beard, and others; as well as three mystery stories and two mystery novels. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- John Betancourt, ed.
- Issue #24, $3.99, weekly
- Weekly reprinted SF and mystery magazine. This issue includes science fiction or fantasy stories by Frederik Pohl & C.M. Kornbluth, James Blish, and others; as well as four mystery stories and two mystery novels. Subscriptions: $3.99/month or $19.99/year (subscriptions include electronic copies of their other magazines also).
- Neil Clarke, ed.
- Issue #185, February 2022, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly
- Online SF/fantasy magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Isabel J. Kim (with accompanying podcast), Octavia Cade, John McNeil, Arula Ratnakar, Marissa Lingen, Sarah Pauling, and Jess Levine; an article by Douglas F. Dluzen; and interviews with Max Gladstone and Zoraida Córdova. Cover by JC Jongwon Park. Subscription: Digital subscription $35.88 for 12 issue at or issues may be purchased monthly: $2.99 digital/$10.00 print ($14.00 Canada & Europe)/$12.99 print + digital ($16.99 Canada & Europe). Also available from third-party sellers
Cosmic Roots and Eldritch Shores
- Fran Eisemann, ed.
- January/February 2022, free online
- Online genre fiction magazine; content (generally one illustrated story per month, plus occasional interviews and articles) is posted throughout the month. For January and February the site posted a story by David Far. Subscriptions $12.00/year
- Sean Wallace, ed.
- Issue #81, February 2022, free online or digital available for $1.99-$2.99, monthly
- Dark fantasy and horror magazine. This issue includes original fiction by Kristi DeMeester, Ai Jiang, L Chan, and Tony Richards. Cover by Vladimir Manyukhin. Subscription: digital subscriptions available for $23.88 for 12 issues from Weightless Books <>. Issues can be purchased at a monthly subscription rate from at $1.99/month or £1.99/month via; or as single copies at $2.99 from Apple, B&N, Kobo, and Weightless
- E. Catherine Tobler, ed.
- Issue #10, February 2022, digital/free online, monthly
- ‘‘The Deadlands exists in liminal spaces between life, death and elsewhere’’ with ‘‘speculative fiction that concerns itself with death – but also everything death may involve’’. This issue includes original fiction by Fran Wilde and Mar Stratford; non-fiction by Louise Hodgson and Amanda Downum; and poetry. Cover by David Palumbo. Subscription: $36.00 for 12 +digital issues at <>.
- Four weekly podcasts: Escape Pod <> S.B. Divya & Mur Laffery, eds. (SF), PodCastle <> Shingai Njeri Kagunda & Eleanor R. Wood, eds. (fantasy), PseudoPod <> Shawn Garrett & Alex Hofelich, eds. (horror), and Cast of Wonders <> Katherine Inskip, ed (YA)
- Free online
- Genre podcasts of both original and previously published stories with accompanying text
- For January/February 2022, Escape Pod aired stories from Maria Haskins, Matthew Claxton, Tina Connolly, and Avi Burton; PodCastle aired stories by Julia Knowles, Chip Houser, Thomas Ha, and Michelle M. Denham; PseudoPod aired stories from B.W. Sliney, Agatha Christie, Michael Picco, and Seán Padraic Birnie; and Cast of Wonders aired stories by Evan Marcroft, Nadia Mikail, and Ana Gardner. Subscriptions: Free.
- Christie Yant & Arley Sorg, eds.
- Issue #76, February 2022, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly
- Online Fantasy magazine. This issue includes original flash fiction by Areeba Memon and Julia August; short fiction by Dominique Dickey and S. Fambul; a group interview with some notable short fiction writers, including Sam J. Miller, Suzan Palumbo, A.C. Wise, and more; and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edition is available on the first of the month. Cover by Thana Wong / Adobe Stock Image. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $23.88 for 12 issues from Fantasy <> or Weightless Books <>.
- Aigner Loren Wilson, guest ed.
- Issue #100, February 2022, $5.00 digital only, monthly
- In the February issue, the site posted short fiction by Premee Mohamed, RJ Theodore, Atreyee Gupta, and others. Subscriptions: digital subscriptions available for $60.00 for 12 issues at <>
- Thomas J. Griffin & M.A. Dosser eds.
- January/February 2022, free online, bi-weekly
- Flash fiction SF and fantasy site posting a new story every other Friday. In January/February, the site posted short fiction by Nathan Slemp, Patrick Hurley, and others. Subscriptions: digital subscriptions available for $5.00 for one year at <>.
- John Joseph Adams, ed.
- Issue #141, February 2022, free online or $3.99 ebook, monthly
- Online SF/fantasy magazine. This issue includes original science fiction by Isabel J. Kim and Sharang Biswas; original SF flash fiction by Stephen Graham Jones; reprinted SF by Karin Lowachee; original fantasy from Isha Karki and PH Lee; original fantasy flash by Theresa DeLucci; reprinted fantasy by Anjali Sachdeva; and book reviews. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Tuesdays. The ebook edition is available on the first of the month with exclusive content not available on the website. This month’s exclusive paid content is an excerpt from a novel by Max Gladstone. Cover by Grandfailure / Adobe Stock Image. Subscription: $2.99/month via or $35.88/year from Lightspeed <> or Weightless Books <>.
- M.E. Pickett, ed.
- Vol. #1, Issue #1, February 2022, free online or digital available for $0.99, quarterly
- Lost Colony publishes one piece of ‘‘mid-length’’ (10,000 to 25,00 word) speculative fiction per issue. This issue’s piece is by Mark Bilsborough. Cover by 80’s Child via Shutterstock. Subscription: no currently available
- B. Morris Allen, ed.
- March 2022, $7.00 print/$4.00 digital/free online, monthly
- Online and print speculative fiction magazine. This issue includes original stories by R.E. Dukalsky, Erin Keating, and others. New stories are posted online every Friday. Cover by Carol Wellart. Digital subscriptions available at $3.00/month through Patreon <>. Single issues available from and IngramSpark
- Donald S. Crankshaw & Kristin Janz, eds.
- January/February 2022, free online or via Patreon
- Online magazine presenting stories that engage ‘‘meaningfully with Christianity… although not exclusively from a Christian perspective.’’ The site posts one or two stories per month, with occasional interviews and reviews. For January and February the site will post stories by Annaliese Lemmon, Cathy Smith, and Marshall J. Moore. Cover by Darío Mekler. Subscription: Limited-edition digital version (pdf, epub and mobi) available prior to web publication via Patreon.
- Wendy N. Wagner, ed.
- Issue #113, February 2022, free online or $2.99 ebook, monthly
- Online horror/dark fantasy magazine publishing both original and reprinted fiction as well as poetry. This issue includes fiction by Ray Nayler and Jonathan L. Howard; and flash fiction by A.L. Goldfuss; an essay by Neil McRobert; book reviews and poetry. On the website, each month’s contents are serialized throughout the month with new features published on the first four Wednesdays. This month’s exclusive paid content is an excerpt from a novel by Sarah Blake. Subscription: $1.99/monthly from Amazon or $23.88/year from Nightmare or Weightless Books <>
- Gautam Bhatia, et al., eds.
- January/February 2022, free, weekly
- Online speculative fiction magazine publishing fiction, poetry, essays, reviews, and interviews. New issues are posted each Monday. In January/February, the site posted short fiction (with accompanying podcasts) by Shakirah Bourne and Filip Hajdar Drnovšek Zorko; weekly poetry (with accompanying podcasts); articles by Sarena Ulibarri, M.L. Clark, Paul Kincaid & Christopher Priest, Aishwarya Subramanian & Megan Milks; Artur Nowrot, Maureen Kincaid Speller, and a roundtable with Gautam Bhatia, Nic Clarke & Abigail Nussbaum; columns from Maria Haskins; reviews, etc. Covers by Tahlia Day. Subscription: unavailable
- Tom Doherty, Irene Gallo, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, et al., eds
- January/February 2022, free online
- Macmillan publishing house site specializing in genre fiction. Each month publishes free fiction and articles including original works, reprints, novel excerpts, and comics; re-reads/re-watches of novels and television shows; an artist gallery; original reviews; articles and commentary; interviews; as well as providing a forum for the genre community. New material is posted throughout the month. January and February’s posts include novel excerpts from books by Mike Chen, Samantha Cohoe, Kate Elliott, Laura Lam & Elizabeth May, Lara Elena Donnelly, Andrea Hairston, Ashley Blooms, Lizz Heurta, Tahereh Mafi, Kristen Ciccarelli, Rachel Hartman, V.E. Schwab, Akwaeke Emezi, Olivie Blake, and Richard Butner; and original fiction by Yefim Zozulya and Ian R. MacLeod
See this listing and more like it in the March 2022 issue of Locus.
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