Diana G. Gallagher (1946-2021)
Writer and artist Diana G. Gallagher, 75, died December 2, 2021 of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Gallagher wrote space opera The Alien Dark (1990), but was best known for her tie-in work for properties including Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, and Star Trek. She was active in fandom as an artist, winning a Best Fan Artist Hugo in 1989 (as Diana Gallagher Wu). She was also a prolific filk creator, winning Pegasus Awards in 1986 and ’94.
Born March 19, 1946 in Paterson NJ, she eventually settled in Florida. Gallagher was married four times; her third marriage was to author William F. Wu (divorced 1990), and her final to writer and fan Martin R. Burke, who predeceased her in 2011.
For more, see her entry in The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction.
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She moved in with her daughter Chelsea Streb, and Husband John Streb while Chelsea battled Cancer. A battle she lost in February 2021. She is proceeded by her son, Jay his 2 children and John and the 5 children he had with her daughter.
She will be missed, she was a wonderful mother, grandmother and person. We all miss her and her daughter very much.