JFA Editorial Collective Applications

The Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts (JFA) is now accepting applications for a “diverse Editorial Collective” to serve as editors-in-chief for the journal, “a volunteer scholarly position.”

JFA is an interdisciplinary journal established in 1988, and publishes analyses of fantastic work in every medium. It is the official publication for the International Association for the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA).

The Editorial Collective will be responsible for ensuring the overall intellectual quality of the journal and for setting priorities for special issues and similar initiatives. They will oversee the peer review process assisted by a volunteer Submissions Editor appointed by the President with approval of the IAFA Board and the selection of material for publication that provides new, original, and important contributions to the field. They will also be assisted by a volunteer Managing Editor also appointed by the President with approval of the IAFA Board, who will assist with record keeping, subscription management, distribution, other clerical tasks, and typesetting for production. The Editorial Collective will furthermore be assisted by an advisory editorial board whose membership they will curate, and by the IAFA Board, to whom they will report. The Editorial Collective may write editorials and introductions, solicit manuscripts, and set the direction for special issues (for which they may assign guest editors).

Applications should be sent to Dale Knickerbocker, IAFA President, at KNICKERBOCKERD@ecu.edu by September 27, 2021. For details, see the IAFA website.

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