2021 Odyssey Writing Workshop Applications Open

The 2021 Odyssey writing workshop is accepting applications until April 1, 2021. The six-week workshop will be held June 1 – July 7, 2021, though exactly where and how is yet to be determined:

If the world has returned to a post-COVID state of near normality, it will be held as usual on the campus of Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. If social distancing is still neces­sary but travel is possible, the workshop will be held in person with COVID precautions. If travel for many is not possible, the workshop will be held online, as it was in 2020 with great success.

The lead instructor is Jeanne Cavelos. Guest lectur­ers for 2021 are Gregory Ashe, P. Djèlí Clark, David Farland, Melissa Scott, Meagan Spooner, and Sheree Renée Thomas, with Scott H. Andrews and David Brin taking part as virtual guests via Zoom. Odyssey is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, funded in part by donations from graduates and supporters, and in part by stu­dent tuition. Several scholarships are available. The $2,450 tuition includes a textbook and weekly group dinners. Housing in campus apartments is $892 for a double room and $1,784 for a single. College credit is available. For more: <odysseyworkshop.org/workshop.html>.

[Update: as per this article, the 2021 classes will be held online.]

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