WFC Addresses Programming and Discrimination Issues

The World Fantasy Convention 2020 committee has revised its program descriptions after facing public criticism and attendee withdrawals from members of the industry. According to a press release,

WFC Chair Ginny Smith engaged the help of three well-respected members of the fantasy community, two people of color and a well-regarded writer and sensitivity advisor, to review the offensive and insensitive programming language. They have completed their review and the revised program descriptions have been published on the WFC 2020 website.

The WFC board of directors said,

We acknowledge the minimal representation of these diverse populations on the Board and are taking steps to rectify that lack of perspective. We have voted to add at least one ex officio member to our number to review future WFC programs. We are currently reaching out to proposed candidates to discuss and will release a statement when the new Board member(s) are chosen.

The WFC committee has taken additional actions to address concerns from panelists and fans, including creating more panels to represent diversity. Sponsored memberships for people of color are still available, and can be applied for on the WFC site. The convention will be held online October 29 – November 1, 2020.

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2 thoughts on “WFC Addresses Programming and Discrimination Issues

  • October 13, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    Nope. Still not giving the facts. What was offensive, that this is needed for?

    • October 14, 2020 at 1:22 pm

      That’s what I’d like to know. I tried to find the offense of material but it appears to have been disappeared.


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