Issue 716 Table of Contents, September 2020

The September 2020 issue of Locus magazine has an interview with Maria Dahvana Headley. The issue lists US and UK forthcoming books titles through June 2021. Worldcon 78, CoNZealand online, is covered with an extensive report and photos, the complete Hugo and Retro-Hugo voting breakdowns, and a WSFS business meeting report. Awards news includes the Hugo Awards winners, the 1945 Retro-Hugo Awards, World Fantasy Awards ballot, and the Aurora, Aurealis, and Seiun winners. There are ballots and finalists from the Dragon and Chesley awards and the inaugural Ignyte Awards. Data File covers Head of Zeus’s new imprint Ad Astra, the return of Apex, Bradbury and Butler scholarships, pandemic-related publishing news, and much more. Ian McDonald reports on Spain’s Celsius 232, “The Festival That Did”. Cory Doctorow‘s column is entitled “IP”. Obituaries remember Susan Ellison, Kathleen Duey, P.M. Griffin, John Bangsund, Brian Ball, Rubem Fonseca, and Alfredo Sirkis. Reviews cover new titles by Christopher Brown, Ken MacLeod, Greg Egan, M. John Harrison, Gardner Dozois & Michael Swanwick, Jane Yolen, Cynthia Ward, Micaiah Johnson, Aliette de Bodard, Elizabeth May & Laura Lam, Alex Pheby, Hari Kunzru, Chuck Palahniuk, Agustina Bazterrica, Emily Tesh, Hannah Abigail Clarke, M.R. Carey, Andrea Stewart, Maria Dahvana Headley, George R.R. Martin & Melinda M. Snodgrass (eds.); Ellen Datlow (ed.), Patrick Ness, Ben Oliver, Frances Hardinge, and others.

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Locus Magazine, Science Fiction Fantasy

September 2020 • Issue 716 • Vol. 85 • No. 3

53rd Year of Publication • 30-Time Hugo Winner
Cover and Interview Designs by Francesca Myman

Maria Dahvana Headley: From the Wilds / 10

2020 Hugo Awards Winners • 2020 World Fantasy Awards Nominations • 1945 Retro Hugo Awards Winner • Aurora Awards Winners • Aurealis Awards Winners • Seiun Awards • Inaugural Ignyte Awards Finalists • Chesley Awards Finalists • 2020 Dragon Awards Ballot

CoNZealand / 5 2020 WSFS Business Meeting / 35 Complete 2020 Hugo Voting / 37 Complete 1945 Retro-Hugo Voting / 41

Head of Zeus’s SF Imprint • Booker Prize Longlist • Vogel Awards Winners • Endeavour Award Finalists • WSFA Small Press Award Finalists • Scribe Awards Winners • Delany Lecture • Apex Returns • Bradbury Scholarships • Octavia E. Butler Scholarship • HWA Election Results • Legal News • James White Award Canceled • Pandemic Publishing News • Awards News • Bookstore News • COVID Cancellations • Publishing News • Book News • Announcements • Financial News • International Rights

Notes on milestones, awards, books sold, etc., with news this issue about Peter S. Beagle, Stephen King, Seanan McGuire, Grady Hendrix, Kazuo Ishiguro, Lauren Beukes, and many others

Cory Doctorow: IP / 26 The Festival That Did: A Report from Celsius 232 by Ian McDonald / 61

US Forthcoming Books / 44 British Forthcoming Books / 54

Magazines Received: July / 62 Books Received: July / 63 British Books Received: June / 72 Bestsellers / 74

Susan Ellison
• Appreciations by David Gerrold, Christine Valada, Neil Gaiman, Nat Segaloff, and Adam-Troy Castro • Kathleen DueyP.M. GriffinJohn BangsundBrian Ball • Appreciation by Philip Harbottle • Rubem FonsecaAlfredo Sirkis

Home, Fires • Worldcon • Interns, Interns • This Issue/Next Issue


Short Fiction Reviews by Karen Burnham / 12
Clarkesworld 7/20; Lightspeed 8/20; Beneath Ceaseless Skies 7/2/20, 7/16/20; 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/15, 7/22/20; Strange Horizons 6/29/20; Abyss & Apex 2nd Quarter ’20; Deep Magic Spring ’20.

Short Fiction Reviews by Rich Horton / 14
F&SF 9-10/20; Asimov’s 7-8/20; Analog 7-8/20; Galaxy’s Edge 7/20; Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet 6/20.

Reviews by Russell Letson / 15
Failed State
, Christopher Brown; Selkie Summer, Ken MacLeod; Dispersion, Greg Egan.

Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe / 16
The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again
, M. John Harrison; Settling the World: Selected Stories 1970-2020, M. John Harrison; City Under the Stars, Gardner Dozois & Michael Swanwick; The Midnight Circus, Jane Yolen.

Reviews by Liz Bourke / 18
The Adventure of the Naked Guide
, Cynthia Ward; The Space Between Worlds, Micaiah Johnson; Seven of Infinities, Aliette de Bodard; Seven Devils, Elizabeth May & Laura Lam.

Reviews by Ian Mond / 20
Mordew, Alex Pheby; Red Pill, Hari Kunzru; The Invention of Sound, Chuck Palahniuk; Tender Is the Flesh, Agustina Bazterrica.

Reviews by Katharine Coldiron / 22
Drowned Country, Emily Tesh; The Scapegracers, Hannah Abigail Clarke; The Trials of Koli, M.R. Carey; The Bone Shard Daughter, Andrea Stewart.

Reviews by Paula Guran / 24
Beowulf: A New Translation, Maria Dahvana Headley; Three Kings, George R.R. Martin & Melinda M. Snodgrass, eds.; Final Cuts: New Tales of Hollywood Horror and Other Spectacles, Ellen Datlow, ed.

Reviews by Colleen Mondor / 25
Burn, Patrick Ness; The Loop, Ben Oliver; Deeplight, Frances Hardinge.

Terry Bisson: This Month in History / 13, 15, 19, 25

Magazines reviewed in this issue (indicating reviewer)—
Abyss & Apex
2nd Quarter ’20 (Karen Burnham)
7-8/20 (Rich Horton)
Asimov’s 7-8/20 (Rich Horton)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies 7/2/20 (Karen Burnham)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies 7/16/20 (Karen Burnham)
Clarkesworld 7/20 (Karen Burnham)
Deep Magic Spring ’20 (Karen Burnham)
F&SF 9-10/20 (Rich Horton)
Galaxy’s Edge 7/20 (Rich Horton)
Lady Churchill’s Rosebud Wristlet 6/20 (Rich Horton)
Lightspeed 8/20 (Karen Burnham)
Strange Horizons 6/29/20 (Karen Burnham) 6/24/20 (Karen Burnham) 7/1/20 (Karen Burnham) 7/8/20 (Karen Burnham) 7/15/20 (Karen Burnham) 7/22/20 (Karen Burnham)

Books reviewed in this issue (indicating reviewer)—
Bazterrica, Agustina • Tender Is the Flesh (Ian Mond)
Brown, Christopher • Failed State (Russell Letson)
Carey, M.R. • The Trials of Koli (Katharine Coldiron)
Clarke, Hannah Abigail • The Scapegracers (Katharine Coldiron)
Datlow, Ellen, ed. • Final Cuts: New Tales of Hollywood Horror and Other Spectacles (Paula Guran)
de Bodard, Aliette • Seven of Infinities (Liz Bourke)
Dozois, Gardner, & Michael Swanwick • City Under the Stars (Gary K. Wolfe)
Egan, Greg • Dispersion (Russell Letson)
Hardinge, Frances • Deeplight (Colleen Mondor)
Harrison, M. John • Settling the World: Selected Stories 1970-2020 (Gary K. Wolfe)
Harrison, M. John • The Sunken Land Begins to Rise Again (Gary K. Wolfe)
Headley, Maria Dahvana • Beowulf (Paula Guran)
Johnson, Micaiah • The Space Between Worlds (Liz Bourke)
Kunzru, Hari • Red Pill (Ian Mond)
Lam, Laura, & Elizabeth May • Seven Devils (Liz Bourke)
MacLeod, Ken • Selkie Summer (Russell Letson)
Martin, George R.R., & Melinda M. Snodgrass, eds. • Wild Cards: Three Kings (Paula Guran)
Ness, Patrick • Burn (Colleen Mondor)
Oliver, Ben • The Loop (Colleen Mondor)
Palahniuk, Chuck • The Invention of Sound (Ian Mond)
Pheby, Alex • Mordew (Ian Mond)
Stewart, Andrea • The Bone Shard Daughter (Katharine Coldiron)
Tesh, Emily • Drowned Country (Katharine Coldiron)
Ward, Cynthia • The Adventure of the Naked Guide (Liz Bourke)
Yolen, Jane • The Midnight Circus (Gary K. Wolfe)

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