32nd Annual Asimov’s Readers’ Awards Finalists
The finalists for the 32nd annual Asimov’s Readers’ Awards have been announced. All except one are available to be read online.
Best Novel/Novella
- “How Sere Picked Up Her Laundry“, Alexander Jablokov (7-8/17)
- “The Speed of Belief“, Robert Reed (1-2/17)
- “The Girl Who Stole Herself“, R. Garcia y Robertson (7-8/17)
- “The Runabout“, Kristine Kathryn Rusch (5-6/17)
- “I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land”, Connie Willis (11-12/17)
Best Novelette
- “The Discrete Charm of the Turing Machine“, Greg Egan (11-12/17)
- “Soulmates.com“, Will McIntosh (3-4/17)
- “Books of the Risen Sea“, Suzanne Palmer (9-10/17)
- “Wind Will Rove“, Sarah Pinkser (9-10/17)
- “Tagging Bruno“, Allen M. Steele (1-2/17)
Best Short Story
- “On the Ship“, Leah Cypess (5-6/17)
- “Crimson Birds of Small Miracles“, Sean Monaghan (1-2/17)
- “Number Thirty-Nine Skink“, Suzanne Palmer (3-4/17)
- “Destination“, Jack Skillingstead (1-2/17)
- “Confessions of a Con Girl“, Nick Wolven (11-12/17)
Best Poem
- “Titan’s Magic Islands“, Geoffrey A. Landis (7-8/17)
- “Invasion“, Bruce McAllister (7-8/17)
- “How to Die on a Faraway Planet“, H. Mellas (11-12/17)
- “Hubble’s Constant“, Marian Moore (1-2/17)
- “Challenger: A Sedoka“, Jane Yolen (7-8/17)
Finalists for Best Cover are available on the Asimov’s website. Winners will be announced during a breakfast ceremony at the 2018 SFWA Nebula conference, to be held at the Pittsburgh Marriott City Center in Pittsburgh PA, May 17-20, 2018. For more information about the awards, see the Asimov’s website.
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