2016 Analog AnLab and Asimov’s Readers’ Awards

The 2016 Analog AnLab Awards and the Asimov’s Readers’ Awards were presented at a breakfast celebration on May 20, 2017 during the SFWA Nebula Conference in Pittsburgh PA.

The Analog Science Fiction and Fact: Analytical Laboratory winners are:

Best Novella

“The Coward’s Option”, Adam-Troy Castro (3/16)

Best Novelette

“Detroit Hammersmith: Zero-Gravity Toilet Repairman [Retired]”, Suzanne Palmer (9/16)

Best Short Story

“In the Absence of Instructions to the Contrary”, Frank Wu (11/16)

Best Fact Article

“Energy for the Future”, Richard A. Lovett (7-8/16)

Best Poem

“Somebody I Used to Love Asks Me Who Marie Curie Is”, Carly Rubin (3/16)

Best Cover

December 2016 by Vincent DiFate


The Asimov’s Readers’ Awards winners for 2016 are:

Best Novella

“Lazy Dog Out”, Suzanne Palmer (4-5/16)

Best Novelette

“I Married a Monster from Outer Space”, Dale Bailey (3/16)

Best Short Story: TIE

“The Mutants Men Don’t See”, James Alan Gardner (8/16)

“All That Robot . . .”, Rich Larson (9/16)

Best Poem

“After”, Herb Kauderer (10-11/16)

Best Cover Artist

Donato Giancola