2017 Sir Julius Vogel Award Nominees
Finalists for the 2017 Sir Julius Vogel Award have been announced by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Association of New Zealand (SFFANZ). Winners will be selected by members of SFFANZ and LexiCon 2017, and honored at the convention, June 2-4, 2017 at the Suncourt Hotel Taupō, New Zealand.
Best Novel
- Innocents, Sarah Fayermann (FeedARead)
- Den of Wolves, Juliet Marillier (Pan MacMillan Australia)
- Into the Mist, Lee Murray (Cohesion)
- Daybreak Rising, Kiran Oliver (self-published)
- Night’s Fall, Richard Parry (Mondegreen)
Best Youth Novel
- Stranded Starship, Kevin Berry (Fairytale Factory)
- The Ghosts of Moonlight Creek, Sue Copsey (self-published)
- Battlesaurus: Clash of Empires, Brian Falkner (MacMillan)
- Light in My Dark, Jean Gilbert & William Dresden (Rogue House)
Best Novella / Novelette
- The Convergence of Fairy Tales, Octavia Cade (Book Smugglers)
- “Babylon’s Song”, Woelf Dietrich (Interspecies)
- The Sleeper’s Dance, Mouse Diver-Dudfield (Self-published)
- “Spindle”, Dan Rabarts (Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #63)
- “Tipuna Tapu”, Dan Rabarts (And Then… the Great Big Book of Awesome Adventure Tales Vol 1)
Best Short Story
- “Narco”, Michelle Child (At the Edge)
- “Splintr”, A.J. Fitzwater (At the Edge)
- “Wakers”, Sean Monaghan (Asimov’s 8/16)
- “Call of the Sea”, Eileen Mueller (At the Edge)
- “BlindSight”, A.J. Ponder (At the Edge)
- “London’s Crawling”, Emma Pullar (Dark Minds)
Best Collected Work
- At the Edge, Dan Rabarts & Lee Murray, eds. (Paper Road)
- Everything is Fine, Grant Stone (Racket House)
Best Professional Artwork
- Cover for Jean Gilbert & Chad Dick’s Write Off Line 2016: Everyone’s a Winner, Kodi Murray (Rogue House)
- Cover for Chad Dick & Jan Goldie’s Beyond the Stars, Kodi Murray (Tauranga Writers)
- Cover for RoAna Sylver’s Chameleon Moon, Laya Rose (self-published)
- “The Midnight Star”, Laya Rose
- Cover for That Kind of Planet, Emma Weakley (Random Static)
- Cover for Dan Rabarts & Lee Murray’s At the Edge, Emma Weakley (Paper Road)
Best Professional Production / Publication
- That Kind of Planet, Emma Weakley (Random Static)
Best Dramatic Presentation
- AFK: The Webseries: “ZERG”
- Chronesthesia, Hayden J. Weal & Simeon Duncombe
- This Papier Mache Boulder is Actually Really Heavy, Andrew Beszant & Christian Nicholson (Little Hero Productions)
Best Fan Production / Publication
- Novazine
- Phoenixine
- Summer Star Trek: Mirror, Mirror
Best Fan Writing
- “Food and Horror” column, Octavia Cade (Book Smugglers)
- “SITREP”, Alex Lindsay (Phoenxine)
- Jacqui Smith, contributions to Novazine
Best Fan Artist
- Keith Smith, contributions to Novazine
Best New Talent
- Eileen Mueller
- Richard Parry
- Laya Rose
- Darian Smith
Services to Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror
- Lee Murray
Services to Fandom
- Jan Butterworth
- Lynelle Howell