1941 Retro Hugo Awards Winners
Winners of the 1941 Retro Hugo Awards, honoring work from 1940, were announced August 18, 2016 at a ceremony at MidAmericon II, the 74th World Science Fiction Convention, held at the Kansas City Convention Center in Kansas City MO, August 17-21, 2016.
The Retro Hugos are awarded 50, 75, or 100 years after a Worldcon in which the Hugos were not previously awarded.
Best Novel (352 nominating ballots)
- Slan, A.E. Van Vogt (Astounding Science-Fiction 12/40)
- Kallocain, Karin Boye (Bonnier)
- Gray Lensman, E.E. ‘‘Doc’’ Smith (Astounding Science-Fiction 1/40)
- The Ill–Made Knight, T.H. White (Collins)
- The Reign of Wizardry, Jack Williamson (Unknown 3/40)
Best Novella (318)
- “If This Goes On…”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 2/40)
- “The Mathematics of Magic”, L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt (Unknown 8/40)
- “The Roaring Trumpet”, L. Sprague de Camp & Fletcher Pratt (Unknown 5/40)
- “Coventry”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 7/40)
- “Magic, Inc.”, Robert A. Heinlein (Unknown 9/40)
Best Novelette (310)
- “The Roads Must Roll”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 6/40)
- “Farewell to the Master”, Harry Bates (Astounding Science-Fiction 10/40)
- “Blowups Happen”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 9/40)
- “It!”, Theodore Sturgeon (Unknown 8/40)
- “Vault of the Beast”, A.E. Van Vogt (Astounding Science-Fiction 8/40)**
“Darker Than You Think”, Jack Williamson (Unknown 12/40)
Best Short Story (324)
- “Robbie”, Isaac Asimov (Super Science Stories 9/40 as “Strange Playfellow”)
- “Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius”, Jorge Luis Borges (Sur 1940)
- “Martian Quest”, Leigh Brackett (Astounding Science-Fiction 2/40)
- “The Stellar Legion”, Leigh Brackett (Planet Stories Winter 1940)
- “Requiem”, Robert A. Heinlein (Astounding Science-Fiction 1/40)
Best Dramatic Presentation – Short (123)
- Pinocchio
- The Adventures of Superman: “The Baby from Krypton”
- The Invisible Man Returns
- Looney Tunes: “You Ought to Be in Pictures”
- Merrie Melodies: “A Wild Hare”
Best Dramatic Presentation – Long (250)
- Fantasia
- Dr. Cyclops
- Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe
- One Million B.C.
- The Thief of Bagdad
Best Graphic Story (92)
- Batman #1 (Detective Comics, Spring 1940)
- “The Origin of the Spirit”, Will Eisner (Register and Tribune Syndicate 6/40)
- Captain Marvel: “Introducing Captain Marvel”, Bill Parker & C.C. Beck (Whiz Comics #2, 2/40)
- Flash Gordon: “The Ice Kingdom of Mongo”, Alex Raymond & Don Moore (King Features Syndicate, 4/40)
- The Spectre: “The Spectre”/”The Spectre Strikes!”, Jerry Siegel & Bernard Baily (More Fun Comics #52/53, 3/40, 4/40)
Best Professional Editor Short Form (183)
- John W. Campbell
- Dorothy McIlwraith
- Raymond A. Palmer
- Frederik Pohl
- Mort Weisinger
Best Professional Artist (86)*
- Virgil Finlay
- Hannes Bok
- Margaret Brundage
- Edd Cartier
- Frank R. Paul
- Hubert Rogers
Best Fanzine (63)
- Futuria Fantasia
- Le Zombie
- Novacious
- Spaceways
- Voice of the Imagi-Nation
Best Fan Writer (70)
- Ray Bradbury
- Forrest J Ackerman
- H.P. Lovecraft
- Arthur Wilson “Bob” Tucker
- Harry Warner
*The Best Professional Artist category has six finalists due to a tie for fifth place.
**Added to ballot June 19, 2016. MidAmericon II announced a correction to the 1941 Retro Hugo Award finalists on June 19, 2016.
There were 481 nominating ballots received from members of Sasquan, MidAmericonII, and Worldcon 75.