Blinks: Reviews of Ernest Cline, Steven Millhauser, Gareth L Powell, Mike Ashley

» Entertainment Weekly reviews Ernest Cline’s Ready Player One: A-

» NY Times Book Review: Jonathan Lethem reviews Steven Millhauser’s We Others: New and Selected Stories

» Guardian: Eric Brown reviews Gareth L Powell, Liz Williams, Laini Taylor, Robert Shearman; “Powell’s second novel is not only impeccably structured, with a series of cliff-hangers, but beautifully balanced between big ideas and the smaller-scale human story. If you read only one space opera this year…”

» NY Times: Novelists Predict Future With Eerie Accuracy, addressing recent novels by Gary Shteyngart, Albert Brooks, Ernest Cline; James E. Gunn comments

» LA Times: Nick Owchar reviews Mike Ashley’s Out of This World: Science Fiction but Not as You Know It