Link Soft
- SFSignal has the ToC for Thirty-Five Years of the Jack Williamson Lectureship, edited by Patrice Caldwell and Stephan Haffner.
- The Interstitial Arts Foundation is calling for critical essays. [via Salon Futura]
- A most stupendous (and artistic) “Mind Map:” The History of Science Fiction by Ward Shelley.
- It appears that Bruce Sterling’s archive will be given to the University of Texas (Austin).
- Paul Kincaid on Learning to Read Adam Roberts. First time I have personally encountered Menippean satire being used as a useful and current critical concept, but it was certainly persuasive. Rich Puchalsky responds
- Speaking of Northrop Frye (by way of Menippean satire), Maureen Kincaid Speller, Niall Harrison, Jonathan McCalmont, and Paul Kincaid are planning to blog about the Anatomy of Criticism.
- Shaun Duke wrote an interesting post about the problems in using the word ‘colonize’ when speaking of space exploration; Larry Nolen posted a response and Shaun responded to the response–good food for thought there. I tend to agree with Shaun.