This page lists selected new science fiction, fantasy, and horror books seen published this month, mostly via bookstores sightings (though all books received for review will be listed). For a comprehensive listing of new books published each month, see Locus Magazine. Its Books Received listings are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
Seen in November
Anderson, Poul Operation Chaos (Orb 0-312-87242-9, $12.95, 256pp, tpb, November 1999) Reprint (Doubleday 1971). Fix-up novel, composed of stories first published in F&SF, about an alternate Earth where magic works. (Mon 1 Nov 1999)
+ Anthony, Mark The Last Rune, Book Two: The Keep of Fire (Bantam Spectra 0-553-37956-9, $14.95, 468pp, tpb, December 1999, cover by Steven Youll) First US edition (UK: Simon & Schuster/Earthlight November 1999). Fantasy novel, second in a series. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Tue 30 Nov 1999)
* Asaro, Catherine The Veiled Web (Bantam Spectra 0-553-58151-1, $5.99, 8+355pp, pb, December 1999, cover by Cliff Nielson) SF novel. (Tue 30 Nov 1999)
+ Barker, Clive The Essential Clive Barker (HarperCollins 0-06-019529-0, $27.5, 39+568pp, hc, December 1999) First US edition (UK: HarperCollins UK 1999). Sampler collection of Barker works, mostly excerpts from novels, but also the occasional complete story, e.g. ''In the Hills, the Cities''. Foreword by Armistead Maupin. Amazon has the Kirkus review, and a David Langford review from (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* Bell, Jadrien A.D. 999 (Ace 0-441-00673-6, $5.99, 309pp, pb, November 1999) Fantasy novel; a millennial novel about what happened 1000 years ago. Jadrien Bell is a pen name of a ''well-known science fiction and fantasy author'', and has a website at (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* Benford, Gregory The Martian Race (Warner Aspect 0-446-52633-9, $23.95, 340pp, hc, December 1999, cover by Steve Youll) SF novel, expanded from the 1997 novella ‘‘A Cold, Dry Cradle’’ (co-written with Elisabeth Malartre). Reviewed by Jonathan Strahan in the December Locus. Amazon has Kirkus and Booklist reviews, plus a remarkable number of testimonials from Robert Zubrin, Bruce Murray, etc. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Bertin, Joanne Dragon and Phoenix (Tor 0-312-86430-2, $25.95, 539pp, hc, December 1999, cover by Bob Eggleton) Fantasy novel, sequel to The Last Dragonlord. Reviewed by Carolyn Cushman in the November Locus. See Amazon site for example of how you can post not only your own reviews, but also your review of the other reviews. (Wed 24 Nov 1999)
* Bisson, Terry Galaxy Quest (Ace 0-441-00718-x, $5.99, 169pp, pb, November 1999) Novelization of the forthcoming film opening on Christmas. The Amazon site informs us that customers who bought books by Bisson also bought books by, among others, Patrick O'Brian. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Boxleitner, Bruce Frontier Earth (Ace 0-441-00589-6, $21.95, 322pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Cliff Miller) SF novel by the star of TV's Babylon 5. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
Brennert, Alan Kindred Spirits (Forge 0-312-87262-3, $13.95, 256pp, tpb, November 1999) Reprint (Tor December 1984). Fantasy romance novel. Noted for its tasteful repackaging as a Christmas book; look for it on the tables alongside Connie Willis's Miracle and books by Richard Paul Evans. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Cherryh, C.J. Precursor (DAW 0-88677-836-0, $23.95, 438pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Stephen Youll) SF novel; fourth book in the Foreigner universe. Amazon has the Kirkus review, and a reader review from Susan Shwartz. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Christian, Deborah The Truthsayer's Apprentice (Tor 0-312-86516-3, $15.95, 396pp, tpb, December 1999) Fantasy novel, first book in the Loregiver series. Amazon has the Kirkus review. Also in hardcover (not seen). (Tue 30 Nov 1999)
+ Clarke, Arthur C., & Michael P. Kube-McDowell The Trigger (Bantam Spectra 0-553-10458-6, $24.95, 447pp, hc, December 1999) First US edition (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager November 1999). SF novel. Amazon has Booklist and Kirkus reviews. (Tue 30 Nov 1999)
* Crichton, Michael Timeline (Knopf 0-679-44481-5, $26.95, 450pp, hc, November 1999) SF novel about quantum physics and 14th century France. Amazon has excerpts from numerous reviews. (Thu 18 Nov 1999)
* Daniel, Tony The Robot's Twilight Companion (Golden Gryphon Press 0-9655901-5-1, $24.95, 325pp, hc, September 1999, cover by J.K. Potter) SF collection, the latest volume from the late Jim Turner's Golden Gryphon Press (for which Turner just won a World Fantasy Award); nine stories, including Hugo-nominee ''Life on the Moon'', and equally-memorable ''A Dry, Quiet War'', ''Radio Praha'', and ''The Robot's Twilight Companion''. Alas, no introduction or story notes, but there is a photo of the author on the dust jacket. (Mon 8 Nov 1999)
* Dann, Jack, & Gardner Dozois, eds Armageddons (Ace 0-441-00675-2, $5.99, 13+269pp, pb, November 1999, cover by Phil Heffernan) Reprint anthology, the latest (something like the 22nd) in the editors' valuable series of theme anthologies preserving worthwhile, often excellent recent and classic short fiction. This one includes Fritz Leiber's ''A Pail of Air'' from 1951; Allan Danzig's ''The Great Nebraska Sea'' from 1963; Larry Niven's Hugo-winning ''Inconstant Moon'' from 1971; James Tiptree Jr.'s Nebula-winning ''The Screwfly Solution'' from 1977; Frederik Pohl's Hugo-winning ''Fermi and Frost'' from 1984; Dozois's own Nebula-winning ''The Peacemaker'' from 1983; and other stories by Nancy Kress, Gregory Benford, Geoffrey A. Landis, etc. (Fri 26 Nov 1999)
+ Feist, Raymond E. Krondor: The Assassins (Avon Eos 0-380-97707-9, $25, 374pp, hc, November 1999) First US edition (UK: HarperCollins/Voyager September 1999). Fantasy novel; Book Two of the Riftwar Legacy. Amazon has Library Journal, Booklist, and Kirkus reviews. (Thu 11 Nov 1999)
* Frenkel, James, ed Bangs & Whimpers (Roxbury Park/Lowell House 0-7373-0271-2, $15.95, 12+219pp, tpb, October 1999) ''Stories About the End of the World''. Reprint anthology. Includes Clarke's ''The Nine Billion Names of God'', Dick's ''We Can Remember It For You Wholesale'', Asimov's ''The Last Question'', etc. (Mon 1 Nov 1999)
* Gaiman, Neil, & Yoshitaka Amano The Sandman: The Dream Hunters (DC Comics 1-56389-573-0, $29.95, 128pp, hc, October 1999) Short fantasy novel (perhaps a novella) gorgeously illustrated by Yoshitaka Amano. (Tue 30 Nov 1999)
* Gentle, Mary A Secret History: The Book of Ash, #1 (Avon Eos 0-380-78869-1, $6.99, 424pp, pb, October 1999, cover by Donato) Fantasy novel, first of a series that (apparently) will be published as a single volume called Ash next year from Gollancz in the UK. (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* Greenberg, Martin H., & John Helfers, eds Alien Abductions (DAW 0-88677-856-5, $6.99, 309pp, pb, October 1999, cover by Bob Warner) Original anthology of 11 stories, by Alan Dean Foster, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Nina Kiriki Hoffman, etc. (Tue 2 Nov 1999)
* Greenberg, Martin H., & John Helfers, eds Future Crimes (DAW 0-88677-854-9, $6.99, 306pp, pb, October 1999, cover by Peter Gudynas) Original anthology of 16 stories, by Alan Dean Foster, Ron Goulart, Peter Crowther, etc. (Tue 2 Nov 1999)
* Harrison, Harry The Stainless Steel Rat Joins the Circus (Tor 0-312-86934-7, $23.95, 269pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Julie Bell) SF novel, latest in the long-running series. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Heinlein, Robert A. The Fantasies of Robert A. Heinlein (Tor 0-312-87245-3, $27.95, 352pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Peter Gudynas) Collection of the author's fantasy stories and novellas, edited by David G. Hartwell. Contents are ''Magic, Inc.'', ''The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag'', ''They'', ''And He Built a Crooked House'', ''Waldo'', ''Our Fair City'', ''The Man Who Traveled in Elephants'', and ''All You Zombies''; no introduction or story notes. (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* King, Stephen Blood and Smoke (Simons & Schuster 0-671-04616-0, $23.5, audiobook, November 1999) Audiobook, available on casette and CD but not in print; a collection of 3 stories on the theme of cigarette smoking, 2 of them original, cleverly packaged (more effectively in the casette version) to resemble a pack of cigarettes. (Tue 30 Nov 1999)
* Leiber, Fritz Dark Ladies (Orb 0-312-86972-x, $17.95, 348pp, tpb, October 1999, cover by Richard Deas) Omnibus edition of two dark fantasy novels, Conjure Wife (1953) and Our Lady of Darkness (1977); the latter won the World Fantasy Award. (Mon 1 Nov 1999)
* Moon, Elizabeth Change of Command (Baen 0-671-57840-5, $21, 312pp, hc, December 1999, cover by Gary Ruddell) SF novel, sequel to Rules of Engagement. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Mon 29 Nov 1999)
* Moorcock, Michael Earl Aubec and Other Stories (White Wolf 1-56504-986-1, $24.99, 11+590pp, hc, November 1999, cover by John J. Muth) Collection, latest in White Wolf's ambitious recompilation of Moorcock's works. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Morrow, James The Eternal Footman (Harcourt Brace 0-15-129325-2, $24, 359pp, hc, November 1999) Fantasy novel, sequel to World Fantasy Award winner Towing Jehovah (1994) and Blameless in Abaddon (1996). Amazon has Kirkus review, and its own review by Therese Littleton. (Tue 2 Nov 1999)
* Murphy, Pat There and Back Again (Tor 0-312-86644-5, $24.95, 300pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Gary Ruddell) SF novel, first of a trilogy written by the author's alter ego Max Merriwell; an SF retelling of The Hobbit. Reviewed by Faren Miller in the November Locus. Amazon has Library Journal, Booklist, and Kirkus reviews, as well as an [unauthorized] excerpt from Locus's review. (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* Norton, Andre, & Sherwood Smith Echoes in Time (Tor 0-312-85921-x, $23.95, 319pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Julie Bell) SF novel, latest entry in the Time Traders series. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Norton, Andre Wind in the Stone (Avon Eos 0-380-97602-1, $23, 280pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Kinuko Craft) Fantasy novel. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
Powers, Tim The Drawing of the Dark (Del Rey Impact 0-345-43081-6, $11.95, 323pp, tpb, November 1999) Reprint (Del Rey June 1979). Fantasy novel, Powers's first major novel. (Sun 21 Nov 1999)
* Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann, ed Past Lives, Present Time (Ace 0-441-00649-3, $13, 342pp, tpb, November 1999) Original anthology of 15 stories, by Nina Kiriki Hoffman, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, R. Garcia y Robertson, etc. Amazon has Booklist and Kirkus reviews. (Wed 24 Nov 1999)
* Sheffield, Charles Starfire (Bantam Spectra 0-553-37894-5, $13.95, 401pp, tpb, October 1999, cover by Cliff Mills) SF novel, sequel to Aftermath (1998), about the effects of a supernova'ed Alpha Centauri on planet Earth. Reviewed by Russell Letson in the November Locus. Amazon has Kirkus review. (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* Sheffield, Charles Transvergence (Baen 0-671-57837-5, $6.99, 534pp, pb, November 1999) SF novel, a revised combination of Transcendence (1992) and Convergence (1997), which were books 3 and 4 of the ''Heritage Universe'' series. (Tue 9 Nov 1999)
* Spinrad, Norman Greenhouse Summer (Tor 0-312-86799-9, $24.95, 317pp, hc, November 1999) SF novel about the state of the world a hundred years from now. Amazon has the Kirkus review. Spinrad's website has a sample chapter. The red background and green text do not make for readable copy on the book's dust jacket. (Fri 5 Nov 1999)
Tevis, Walter Mockingbird (Del Rey Impact 0-345-43162-6, $11.95, 12+275pp, tpb, October 1999) Reprint (Doubleday January 1980). SF novel, by the author of The Man Who Fell to Earth; with an introduction by Jonathan Lethem. (Mon 1 Nov 1999)
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Lord of the Rings (Houghton Mifflin 0-618-03766-7, $70, hc, October 1999) Reprint (Allen & Unwin 1955). There are numerous editions of this canonical work available, but this one is different: a special 'Millennium edition', published not as the traditional 'trilogy' but as 7 volumes in a boxed set. (Thu 11 Nov 1999)
* Van Vogt, A.E. Futures Past: The Best Short Fiction of A.E. Van Vogt (Tachyon Publications 1-892391-05-8, $17, 14+203pp, tpb, October 1999, cover by Michael Dashow) Latest volume from World Fantasy Award nominee Jacob Weisman's Tachyon Publications; collection of 8 stories, including ''The Enchanted Village'', with an introduction by Harlan Ellison. Not available from Amazon; try Tachyon Publications. (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* White, James Double Contact (Tor 0-312-87041-8, $24.95, 300pp, hc, November 1999, cover by John Berkey) Latest and presumably last ''Sector General'' novel by the late author. Reviewed by Carolyn Cushman in the November Locus. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Thu 4 Nov 1999)
* Williams, Sean, & Shane Dix Evergence: The Prodigal Sun (Ace 0-441-00672-8, $6.99, 393pp, pb, November 1999, cover by Bob Warner) SF novel, revision of The Unknown Soldier (Australia: Aphelion Publications 1995). Reviewed by Jonathan Strahan in the September Locus. (Tue 9 Nov 1999)
* Willis, Connie Miracle and Other Christmas Stories (Bantam Spectra 0-553-11111-6, $19.95, 328pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Paul Youll) Collection of 8 SF and fantasy stories about Christmas, including 2 original novellas, ''Cat's Paw'' and ''Epiphany''; plus the author's recommendations of her favorite Christmas stories and movies. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Fri 5 Nov 1999)
* Wilson, Robert Charles Bios (Tor 0-312-86857-x, $22.95, 208pp, hc, November 1999, cover by Jim Burns) SF novel, ''a novel of planetary exploration''. Reviewed by Gary K. Wolfe in the November Locus. Amazon has a review by Cynthia Ward. (Fri 5 Nov 1999)
* Wylie, Philip, & Edwin Balmer When Worlds Collide (University of Nebraska Press 0-8032-9814-5, $14.95, 9+192+190pp, tpb, October 1999, cover by R.W. Boeche) Omnibus volume containing When Worlds Collide (1933) and its sequel, After Worlds Collide (1934), plus a new introduction by John Varley. (Tue 2 Nov 1999)