This page lists selected new science fiction, fantasy, and horror books seen published this month, mostly via bookstores sightings (or received for review).
For a comprehensive listing of new books published each month, see Locus Magazine. Its Books Received listings are accumulated as the online Locus Index.
Key: * = first edition, + = first US edition. Date with publisher info is official publication month; date in parentheses at paragraph end is date seen or received.
Seen in October
* Anthony, Piers Xone of Contention (Tor 0-312-86691-7, $24.95, 304pp, hc, October 1999, cover by Darrell K. Sweet) Fantasy novel; latest in the Xanth series. (Tue 12 Oct 1999)
* Anzetti, Toni Typhon's Children (Del Rey Discovery 0-345-41871-9, $5.99, 329pp, pb, October 1999) SF novel, a first novel in the publisher's Discovery series. (Tue 19 Oct 1999)
+ Baxter, Stephen Silverhair (HarperPrism 0-06-105132-2, $24, 212pp, hc, November 1999) First US edition (UK: Orion January 1999). YA novel about the last surviving intelligent mammoths; first of a trilogy. Reviewed by Jonathan Strahan in the August Locus Magazine. The US title is simplified from the UK Mammoth: Book 1 - Silverhair. (Tue 26 Oct 1999)
* Doohan, James, & S.M. Stirling The Privateer (Baen 0-671-57832-4, $21, 264pp, hc, October 1999, cover by David Mattingly) Military-SF novel, second in the 'Flight Engineer' series following The Rising (1996), co-authored by the Star Trek actor. (Tue 19 Oct 1999)
+ Egan, Greg Teranesia (HarperPrism 0-06-105092-x, $24, 293pp, hc, December 1999, cover by Peter Gudynas) First US edition (UK: Orion August 1999). SF novel, reviewed by Russell Letson and Gary K. Wolfe in the July and September issues of Locus Magazine. (Tue 19 Oct 1999)
* Ford, Jeffrey Memoranda (Avon Eos 0-380-80262-7, $12, 230pp, tpb, October 1999, cover by Phil Singer) Fantasy novel, sequel to the World Fantasy Award-winning The Physiognomy (1997). (Fri 15 Oct 1999)
* Froud, Wendy, & Terri Windling A Midsummer Night's Faery Tale (Simon & Schuster 0-684-85559-3, $18, 52pp, hc, October 1999) Illustrated fantasy novelette about faeries. For information see the Official Froud Web Site and The Endicott Studio for Mythic Arts. (Tue 12 Oct 1999)
* Garfinkle, Richard All of an Instant (Tor 0-312-86617-8, $24.95, 383pp, hc, November 1999) Second novel by author of the well-received 'alternate cosmology' novel Celestial Matters, which won the Compton Crook Award for Best First Novel. This one involves the discovery of a medium of existence outside time, the 'Instant'. Amazon has the Kirkus review. (Thu 28 Oct 1999)
* Gibson, William All Tomorrow's Parties (Putnam 0-399-14579-6, $24.95, 277pp, hc, October 1999) SF novel, third is a loose trilogy following Virtual Light (1993) and Idoru (1996). Reviewed by both Russell Letson and Jonathan Strahan in the November Locus. Amazon has Wired, Booklist, and Kirkus reviews. (Fri 22 Oct 1999)
* Gorey, Edward The Headless Bust (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100514-1, $15, unppp, hc, October 1999) ''A Melancholy Meditation on the False Millennium'' -- a new holiday tale with the characters of last year's The Haunted Tea-Cosy. (Tue 26 Oct 1999)
* Hendrix, Howard V. Better Angels (Ace 0-441-00652-3, $22.95, 8+373pp, hc, October 1999, cover by Victor Stabin) SF novel; Amazon has the Kirkus review, and a statement from the author explaining this book's relationship to previous novels Lightpaths (1997) and Standing Wave (1998). (Thu 21 Oct 1999)
* Herbert, Brian, & Kevin J. Anderson Dune: House Atreides (Bantam Spectra 0-553-11061-6, $27.5, 604pp, hc, October 1999, cover by Stephen Youll) Prequel novel to Frank Herbert's Dune (1965), perhaps the most celebrated SF novel of all time; co-written by Herbert's son. Reader reviews on Amazon are highly mixed. (Fri 1 Oct 1999)
* Jensen, Jane Millennium Rising (Del Rey 0-345-43034-4, $24, 430pp, hc, October 1999) Millennial SF novel. (Fri 8 Oct 1999)
* Maguire, Gregory Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister (ReganBooks/HarperCollins 0-06-039282-7, $24, 16+368pp, hc, November 1999) Fantasy novel; like the author's first novel, Wicked (1995), this is a take-off on a popular fairy tale. (Fri 8 Oct 1999)
* Millhauser, Steven Enchanted Night (Crown 0-609-60516-x, $17, 109pp, hc, October 1999, cover by Greg Clarke) Novella, composed of many short chapters, about the transforming effects of a full moon on a Connecticut town. Amazon has Booklist, Kirkus, and its own reviews. (Tue 26 Oct 1999)
* Saramago, José The Tale of the Unknown Island (Harcourt Brace 0-15-100595-8, $16, 51pp, hc, November 1999) Novella, a ''revisionist fairy tale'' (Kirkus), by the Nobel Prize winner; illustrated by Peter Sis; translated from the Portuguese (1998). (Tue 19 Oct 1999)
* Smith, Beecher The Guardian (Hot Biscuit Productions 0-9671667-0-5, $14.95, 16+349pp, tpb, October 1999) Horror novel; ''a novel of the vampiric''. (Mon 25 Oct 1999)
* Stableford, Brian Architects of Emortality (Tor 0-312-87207-0, $24.95, 319pp, hc, October 1999, cover by Donato) SF novel based on Hugo, British SF, and HOMer award-nominated novella ''Les Fleurs du Mal'' (Asimov's Oct 1994); part of author's vast future history that encompasses most of his short fiction of recent years as well as Inherit the Earth (1998). Stableford is a hard SF writer of the biotech/nanotech strain who deserves wider recognition. (Tue 19 Oct 1999)
Sturgeon, Theodore The Dreaming Jewels (Vintage 0-375-70373-x, $12, 217pp, tpb, October 1999) Reprint (Greenberg 1950). SF novel. The Amazon description of a hardcover edition is apparently an error. (Fri 1 Oct 1999)
Sturgeon, Theodore Venus Plus X (Vintage 0-375-70374-8, $12, 213pp, tpb, October 1999) Reprint (Pyramid 1960). SF novel, selected as one of David Pringle's 100 best SF novels. (Fri 1 Oct 1999)
Tevis, Walter The Man Who Fell to Earth (Del Rey Impact 0-345-43161-8, $11, 209pp, tpb, September 1999) Reprint (Bantam 1963). SF novel, the basis for the David Bowie film, but highly regarded in its own right. (Fri 1 Oct 1999)