Table of Contents, January 1996
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1996-01
M a i n S t o r i e s
From Sandman to Neverwhere 8
Wizards Cuts Staff, Books,
G am e s …………………………. 8
Cheltenham Literary Festival… 8
T h e D a ta F il e
Clarke Exhibit Opens……………. 9
Award News……………………….9
Reading & S ignings……………… 9
Call for Papers…………………… 9
Financial News……………………9
Publishing News…………………. 9
Bookstore News…………………67
Magazine News………………….68
On-Line News…………………… 68
Multi-Media Update……………..68
Market Update………………….. 68
Rights & Options……………….. 68
Publications Received…………. 68
Catalogs Received………………68
A c e …………………. 30
Avon……………….. . 14
Baen………. 4,16,22,73
Clarion W est………. 60
Classified A d s ………61
DAW………………… 26
Del R e y …………….. 71
Grolier Electronic
Publications…….. 34
HarperPaperbacks 36,37
HarperSanFrancisco. 51
Barry R. Levin………69
Lo cu s …………… 50,74
Odyssey……………. 53
The Reader’s C h a ir … 52
Tachyon Publications 20
Tesseract B oo k s …… 12
Warner…………….. 75
White Wolf……….24,76
January 1996
Table of Contents vol . 36 no. 1
Locus Looks a t Books
– 13-
Distillations: Short Fiction
Reviews by Mark R. Kelly:
Omni Online 11/95,12/95; F&SF 12/95; Interzone
11/95, 12/95; Playboy 12/95; Asimov’s 1/96.
– 17-
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:
The Dechronization of Sam Magruder, George
I n t e r v iew s
C.J. Cherryh:
Lightning Strikes……………….. 5
Paul J. McAuley:
Information Density
& Fairy D us t…………………….. 6
P h o t o S t o r i es
Women’s SF in China………….. 11
Russians Reach Elephant Butte . 70
SF Writers Beat the Weather…..70
O b i tu a r ie s
Robertson Davies………………. 66
Adam Wisniewski-Snerg………. 66
Andrew Nelson Lytle…………… 66
Patricia Casort Vardeman……… 66
Happy Holidays
and a
J oyous
New Year!
C o nv en t ions
1995 World Fantasy Convention. 38
SF in Finland……………………..43
SF in the Czech Republic……… 43
SF in Bulgaria…………………… 43
SF in Australia………………….. 44
SF in Slovenia…………………… 45
L i s t in g s
International Books and
Magazines Received…………. 41
Magazines Received – November 48
Books Received – November… 49
British Books – October……….59
Bestsellers………………………. 64
Photo Listing……………………..74
C o I u m n s & D e p a r t m e n t s
People & Publishing…………….10
QuotePage………………………. 35
Editorial Matters…………………66
Gaylord Simpson; Pastwatch: The Redemption
of Christopher Columbus, Orson Scott Card; An
Exaltation of Larks, Robert Reed; Animal Planet,
Scott Bradfield; Alien Horizons: The Fantastic
Art of Bob Eggleton; The Humanoids, Jack Williamson;
SHORT TAKE: Isaac Asimov: An Annotated
Bibliography of the Asimov Collection
at Boston University, Scott E. Green.
– 21-
Reviews by Faren Miller:
Hawkwood’s Voyage, Paul Kearney; Pastwatch:
The Redemption of Christopher Columbus,
Orson Scott Card; Vivia, Tanith Lee; Stainless,
Todd Grimson; Cetaganda, Lois McMaster
Bujold; SHORT TAKE: “ Uses of Music in Uttermost
Parts”, Elinor Armer (music) & Ursula K. Le
Guin (text).
Reviews by Russell Letson:
The Unknown Soldier, Sean Williams & Shane
Dix; An Exaltation of Larks, Robert Reed;
Worldwar: Upsetting the Balance, Harry Turtledove.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:
The Between, Tananarive Due; Little Deaths,
Ellen Datlow, ed.; Bleeding in the Eye of a Brainstorm,
George C. Chesbro; SHORT TAKES:
Spyder, Norman Partridge; Out There in the
Darkness, Ed Gorman; Ancient One, P.D. Cacek.
Reviews by Shira Daemon:
Looking for the Mahdi, N. Lee Wood; North
Wind, Gwyneth Jones; Intersections – The Sycamore
Hill Anthology, John Kessel, Mark L. Van
Name & Richard Butner, eds.; Killing Me Softly,
Gardner Dozois, ed.; SHORT TAKE: The Tough
Guide to Fantasyland, Diana Wynne Jones.
Short Reviews by
Carolyn Cushman:
Dragons Can Only Rust, Chyrs Cymri; The Cup
of Morning Shadows, Rosemary Edghill; The
Lunatic Cafe, Laurell K. Hamilton; Enchanted
Forest, Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg,
eds.; Princess Nevermore, Dian Curtis Regan;
The Color of Distance, Amy Thomson; ROMANCE
ROUND-UP: Masque of the Swan,
Rebecca Ashe; Dangerous Joy, Jo Beverley; The
Vampire Viscount, Karen Harbaugh; Gwen’s
Christmas Ghost, Lynn Kerstan & Alicia Rasley;
The Door Ajar, Joan Overfield.
Letters, information, and credit card subscriptions
can be sent by E-mail to:, or locus@,
or by fax to 510-339-8144.______________
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Charles N. Brown; Managing Editor: Marianne S. Jablon; Editors: Faren C. Miller, Carolyn F. Cushman;
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Gong-Wong; Contributing Editors: Edward Bryant, Shira Daemon, Mark R. Kelly,
Russell Letson, Gary K. Wolfe; Special Projects: William G. Contento; Photographer: Beth Gwinn.
Locus, The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field (ISSN 0047-4959), is published monthly, at $4.50 per copy, by Locus Publications, 34 Ridgewood Lane, Oakland C A 94611. Please send all mail
to: Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661. Telephone (510) 339-9196 ; (510) 339-9198. FAX (510) 339-8144. E-mail: locusmag or Individual
subscriptions in the US: $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. In Canada: $48.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. First class individual
subscriptions in the US or Canada are $53.00 for 12 issues, $95.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions are $48.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues via sea mail. Individual subscriptions
to Europe or South America via air mail are $70.00 for 12 issues, $120.00 for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia, Asia, or Africa via air mail are $80.00 for 12 issues, $135.00 for 2 4
issues. Lifetime subscriptions are ten times the one-year rate. Institutional subscriptions are $3.00 extra per year. Make checks payable to Locus Publications. All subscriptions payable directly in U S
funds only. Overseas checks must be drawn on a U S bank and include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting from second class to first class delivery, please convert all remaining
issues on your present subscription ($1.00 per issue). The number after your name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on your present subscription. If you change your address, please notify
us immediately. Second class mail is not usually forwarded; it is either returned or destroyed. We subtract one issue from your subscription for each returned copy. W e keep expired addresses on file
for one year, so tell us if your subscription is a renewal or completely new. British Subscription Agent: Fantast (Medway) Ltd. P.O. Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, C AM B S PE14 9BU, UK. Japanese
Subscription Agent’. Yoshio Kobayashi, 3-34-14-301, Kitasenzoku, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, 145, Japan; Australian Subscription Agent: Justin Ackroyd, Slow Glass Books G.P.O Box 2708X, Melbourne,
Victoria, 3001, Australia. Bookseller discounts available. Display advertising rates on request. ® 1996 by Locus Publications. We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. Printed in the United
States. Second class postage paid at Oakland, California. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland C A 94661.
LOCUS January 1996 / 3
From Sandman to Neverwhere 8
Wizards Cuts Staff, Books,
G am e s …………………………. 8
Cheltenham Literary Festival… 8
T h e D a ta F il e
Clarke Exhibit Opens……………. 9
Award News……………………….9
Reading & S ignings……………… 9
Call for Papers…………………… 9
Financial News……………………9
Publishing News…………………. 9
Bookstore News…………………67
Magazine News………………….68
On-Line News…………………… 68
Multi-Media Update……………..68
Market Update………………….. 68
Rights & Options……………….. 68
Publications Received…………. 68
Catalogs Received………………68
A c e …………………. 30
Avon……………….. . 14
Baen………. 4,16,22,73
Clarion W est………. 60
Classified A d s ………61
DAW………………… 26
Del R e y …………….. 71
Grolier Electronic
Publications…….. 34
HarperPaperbacks 36,37
HarperSanFrancisco. 51
Barry R. Levin………69
Lo cu s …………… 50,74
Odyssey……………. 53
The Reader’s C h a ir … 52
Tachyon Publications 20
Tesseract B oo k s …… 12
Warner…………….. 75
White Wolf……….24,76
January 1996
Table of Contents vol . 36 no. 1
Locus Looks a t Books
– 13-
Distillations: Short Fiction
Reviews by Mark R. Kelly:
Omni Online 11/95,12/95; F&SF 12/95; Interzone
11/95, 12/95; Playboy 12/95; Asimov’s 1/96.
– 17-
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:
The Dechronization of Sam Magruder, George
I n t e r v iew s
C.J. Cherryh:
Lightning Strikes……………….. 5
Paul J. McAuley:
Information Density
& Fairy D us t…………………….. 6
P h o t o S t o r i es
Women’s SF in China………….. 11
Russians Reach Elephant Butte . 70
SF Writers Beat the Weather…..70
O b i tu a r ie s
Robertson Davies………………. 66
Adam Wisniewski-Snerg………. 66
Andrew Nelson Lytle…………… 66
Patricia Casort Vardeman……… 66
Happy Holidays
and a
J oyous
New Year!
C o nv en t ions
1995 World Fantasy Convention. 38
SF in Finland……………………..43
SF in the Czech Republic……… 43
SF in Bulgaria…………………… 43
SF in Australia………………….. 44
SF in Slovenia…………………… 45
L i s t in g s
International Books and
Magazines Received…………. 41
Magazines Received – November 48
Books Received – November… 49
British Books – October……….59
Bestsellers………………………. 64
Photo Listing……………………..74
C o I u m n s & D e p a r t m e n t s
People & Publishing…………….10
QuotePage………………………. 35
Editorial Matters…………………66
Gaylord Simpson; Pastwatch: The Redemption
of Christopher Columbus, Orson Scott Card; An
Exaltation of Larks, Robert Reed; Animal Planet,
Scott Bradfield; Alien Horizons: The Fantastic
Art of Bob Eggleton; The Humanoids, Jack Williamson;
SHORT TAKE: Isaac Asimov: An Annotated
Bibliography of the Asimov Collection
at Boston University, Scott E. Green.
– 21-
Reviews by Faren Miller:
Hawkwood’s Voyage, Paul Kearney; Pastwatch:
The Redemption of Christopher Columbus,
Orson Scott Card; Vivia, Tanith Lee; Stainless,
Todd Grimson; Cetaganda, Lois McMaster
Bujold; SHORT TAKE: “ Uses of Music in Uttermost
Parts”, Elinor Armer (music) & Ursula K. Le
Guin (text).
Reviews by Russell Letson:
The Unknown Soldier, Sean Williams & Shane
Dix; An Exaltation of Larks, Robert Reed;
Worldwar: Upsetting the Balance, Harry Turtledove.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:
The Between, Tananarive Due; Little Deaths,
Ellen Datlow, ed.; Bleeding in the Eye of a Brainstorm,
George C. Chesbro; SHORT TAKES:
Spyder, Norman Partridge; Out There in the
Darkness, Ed Gorman; Ancient One, P.D. Cacek.
Reviews by Shira Daemon:
Looking for the Mahdi, N. Lee Wood; North
Wind, Gwyneth Jones; Intersections – The Sycamore
Hill Anthology, John Kessel, Mark L. Van
Name & Richard Butner, eds.; Killing Me Softly,
Gardner Dozois, ed.; SHORT TAKE: The Tough
Guide to Fantasyland, Diana Wynne Jones.
Short Reviews by
Carolyn Cushman:
Dragons Can Only Rust, Chyrs Cymri; The Cup
of Morning Shadows, Rosemary Edghill; The
Lunatic Cafe, Laurell K. Hamilton; Enchanted
Forest, Katharine Kerr & Martin H. Greenberg,
eds.; Princess Nevermore, Dian Curtis Regan;
The Color of Distance, Amy Thomson; ROMANCE
ROUND-UP: Masque of the Swan,
Rebecca Ashe; Dangerous Joy, Jo Beverley; The
Vampire Viscount, Karen Harbaugh; Gwen’s
Christmas Ghost, Lynn Kerstan & Alicia Rasley;
The Door Ajar, Joan Overfield.
Letters, information, and credit card subscriptions
can be sent by E-mail to:, or locus@,
or by fax to 510-339-8144.______________
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Charles N. Brown; Managing Editor: Marianne S. Jablon; Editors: Faren C. Miller, Carolyn F. Cushman;
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Gong-Wong; Contributing Editors: Edward Bryant, Shira Daemon, Mark R. Kelly,
Russell Letson, Gary K. Wolfe; Special Projects: William G. Contento; Photographer: Beth Gwinn.
Locus, The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field (ISSN 0047-4959), is published monthly, at $4.50 per copy, by Locus Publications, 34 Ridgewood Lane, Oakland C A 94611. Please send all mail
to: Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661. Telephone (510) 339-9196 ; (510) 339-9198. FAX (510) 339-8144. E-mail: locusmag or Individual
subscriptions in the US: $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. In Canada: $48.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. First class individual
subscriptions in the US or Canada are $53.00 for 12 issues, $95.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions are $48.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues via sea mail. Individual subscriptions
to Europe or South America via air mail are $70.00 for 12 issues, $120.00 for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia, Asia, or Africa via air mail are $80.00 for 12 issues, $135.00 for 2 4
issues. Lifetime subscriptions are ten times the one-year rate. Institutional subscriptions are $3.00 extra per year. Make checks payable to Locus Publications. All subscriptions payable directly in U S
funds only. Overseas checks must be drawn on a U S bank and include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting from second class to first class delivery, please convert all remaining
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Subscription Agent’. Yoshio Kobayashi, 3-34-14-301, Kitasenzoku, Ohta-ku, Tokyo, 145, Japan; Australian Subscription Agent: Justin Ackroyd, Slow Glass Books G.P.O Box 2708X, Melbourne,
Victoria, 3001, Australia. Bookseller discounts available. Display advertising rates on request. ® 1996 by Locus Publications. We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. Printed in the United
States. Second class postage paid at Oakland, California. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland C A 94661.
LOCUS January 1996 / 3