Table of Contents, March 1995
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1995-03
March 1995
Table of Contents vo l . 34 no. 3
M ai n Sto r i es
1994 Nebula Awards Final
Ballot………………………………….. 7
1995 Tiptree Award Presented 7
White Wolf to Publish Ellison
Clarke Award Nominees………. 8
Sturgeon Award Revamped …. 8
Foundation Series to Continue 8
Waldenbooks ’94 Top Sellers.. 8
Stoker Awards Revamped……. 8
Warner/Tekno Tie-Ins……………. 9
Library of Congress Starts
Online SF Forum…………………. 9
The D a ta File
Hugo Nomination
Ballots Available……………………………9
Call for Papers………………………………… 9
Readings & Signings……………………….9
Comics Bits…………………………………… 75
Financial News………………………………75
Award News………………………………….75
Harrison Prize Update…………………… 76
Market News …………………………………76
Rushdie Update……………………………..76
Rights & Options………………………….. 76
Book News …………………………………….76
Multi-Media Update………………………. 76
Multi-Media Received…………………… 76
Publications Received…………………… 76
O b itu a r ie s
Patricia Highsmith………………………….74
Kenneth Sterling…………………………… 74
Stan Leventhal………………………………74
Susan Gudelis Maske……………………74
“Age does affect
your writing. I
could not write
the same book
now that I wrote
12 years ago.
I’m not the same
Elizabeth Moon
“It seems to me
that man and
woman have
changed damn
little in the last
several million
years, and I
don’t really see
them turning into
angels in the
next decade
or so.” Wilhelmina Baird
I n t e r v i e w s
Elizabeth Moon:
Question Assumptions………..4
Wilhelmina Baird:
What’s in a Name?…………….. 5
Locus Looks a t Books
– 13-
Distillations: Short Fiction
Reviews by Mark R. Kelly:
Century 3-4/95; Asimov’s 3/95, 4/95; Interzone
1/95; F&SF 2/95; Amazing Winter/95; Analog
2/95, 3/95; Tales of the Unanticipated #14;
Omni 1/95, 2/95.
– 17-
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:
Nobody’s Son, Sean Stewart; Resurrection
Man, Sean Stewart; Glory’s War, Alfred Coppel;
The Bohr Maker, Linda Nagata; Uncovering
Lives: The Uneasy Alliance of Biography and
Psychology, Alan C. Elms; Fairy Tale as Myth/
Myth as Fairy Tale, Jack Zipes; The Outspoken
Princess and The Gentle Knight: A Treasury
of Modern Fairy Tales, Jack Zipes, ed.
– 21-
Reviews by Faren Miller:
Lord of the Middle Air, Michael Scott Rohan;
Blue Motel, Peter Crowther, ed.; Blood, Michael
Moorcock; Lunching With the Antichrist,
Michael Moorcock; A Miracle of Rare Design,
Mike Resnick; Cyberweb, Lisa Mason; Justice
City, D.G. Compton; The Unnatural, David Prill;
SHORT TAKE: The Man Who Saw Red, Terry
Reviews by Russell Letson:
The Diamond Age, Neal Stephenson; Becoming
Human, Valerie J. Freireich; Proteus in the
Underworld, Charles Sheffield; Georgia on My
Mind, and Other Places, Charles Sheffield.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:
The Unnatural, David Prill; Grave Markings,
Michael Arnzen; The Language of Fear, Del
James; Love Bite, Sherry Gottlieb.
Short Reviews by
Carolyn Cushman:
Billy’s Drift, Charles Ashton; The Shining
Bridge, Charles Ashton; The Faery Convention,
Brett Davis; From Time to Time, Jack Finney;
Villains by Necessity, Eve L. Forward;
Silverhand, Morgan Llywelyn & Michael Scott;
Mirror of Destiny, Andre Norton; The Lord of
Middle Air, Michael Scott Rohan; Merlin’s
Bones, Fred Saberhagen.
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Charles N. Brown; Managing Editor: Marianne S. Jablon; Editors: Faren C. Miller, Carolyn F. Cushman;
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Gong-Wong; Editorial Trainee: Amy Sisson; Contributing Editors: Edward Bryant, Mark R. Kelly,
Russell Letson, Gary K. Wolfe; Special Projects: William G. Contento; Photographer: Beth Gwinn.
Locus, The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field (ISSN 0047-4959), is published monthly, at $3.95 per copy, by Locus Publications, 34 Ridgewood Lane, Oakland CA 94611. Please send all mail
to: Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661. Telephone (510) 339-9196 ; (510) 339-9198. FAX (510) 339-8144. E-mail: Individual subscriptions in the US:
$40.00 for 12 issues, $74.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. In Canada: $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. First class individual subscription in the US or Canada
are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions are $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South America
via air mail are $67.00 for 12 issues, $114.00 for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia, Asia, or Africa via air mail are $78.00 for 12 issues, $130.00 for 24 issues. Institutional
subscriptions are $3.00 extra per year. Make checks payable to Locus Publications. All subscriptions payable directly in US funds only. Overseas checks must be drawn on a US bank and include
computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting from second class to first class delivery, please convert all remaining issues on your present subscription ($1.00 per issue). The number after
your name on the mailing label is that o f the last issue on your present subscription. If you change your address, please notify us immediately. Second class mail is not usually forwarded; it is either
returned or destroyed. We subtract one issue from your subscription for each returned copy. We keep expired addresses on file for one year, so tell us if your subscription is a renewal or completely
new. British Subscription Agent: Fantast (Medway) Ltd. P.O. Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU, UK. Japanese Subscription Agent: Yoshio Kobayashi, 1-29-13-707 Sangenjaya, Setagayaku,
Tokyo 154, Japan; Australian Subscription Agent: Justin Ackroyd, Slow Glass Books G.P.O Box 2708X, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia. Bookseller discounts available. Display advertising
rates on request. c 1995 by Locus Publications. We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. Printed in the United States. Second class postage paid at Oakland, California. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661.
LOCUS March 1995/3
Letters, information, and credit card subscriptions
can be sent by E-mall to: locus@, or by fax to 510-339-8144.
Forthcoming Books……………………….36
British Forthcoming Books……………48
Magazines Received – January……..54
Books Received – January…………….56
British Books – December…………….. 67
Convention Listings………………………78
C o lumns & D epartments
People & Publishing……………………….10
Editorial Matters…………………………… 74
Locus Letters……………………………….. 74
Table of Contents vo l . 34 no. 3
M ai n Sto r i es
1994 Nebula Awards Final
Ballot………………………………….. 7
1995 Tiptree Award Presented 7
White Wolf to Publish Ellison
Clarke Award Nominees………. 8
Sturgeon Award Revamped …. 8
Foundation Series to Continue 8
Waldenbooks ’94 Top Sellers.. 8
Stoker Awards Revamped……. 8
Warner/Tekno Tie-Ins……………. 9
Library of Congress Starts
Online SF Forum…………………. 9
The D a ta File
Hugo Nomination
Ballots Available……………………………9
Call for Papers………………………………… 9
Readings & Signings……………………….9
Comics Bits…………………………………… 75
Financial News………………………………75
Award News………………………………….75
Harrison Prize Update…………………… 76
Market News …………………………………76
Rushdie Update……………………………..76
Rights & Options………………………….. 76
Book News …………………………………….76
Multi-Media Update………………………. 76
Multi-Media Received…………………… 76
Publications Received…………………… 76
O b itu a r ie s
Patricia Highsmith………………………….74
Kenneth Sterling…………………………… 74
Stan Leventhal………………………………74
Susan Gudelis Maske……………………74
“Age does affect
your writing. I
could not write
the same book
now that I wrote
12 years ago.
I’m not the same
Elizabeth Moon
“It seems to me
that man and
woman have
changed damn
little in the last
several million
years, and I
don’t really see
them turning into
angels in the
next decade
or so.” Wilhelmina Baird
I n t e r v i e w s
Elizabeth Moon:
Question Assumptions………..4
Wilhelmina Baird:
What’s in a Name?…………….. 5
Locus Looks a t Books
– 13-
Distillations: Short Fiction
Reviews by Mark R. Kelly:
Century 3-4/95; Asimov’s 3/95, 4/95; Interzone
1/95; F&SF 2/95; Amazing Winter/95; Analog
2/95, 3/95; Tales of the Unanticipated #14;
Omni 1/95, 2/95.
– 17-
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:
Nobody’s Son, Sean Stewart; Resurrection
Man, Sean Stewart; Glory’s War, Alfred Coppel;
The Bohr Maker, Linda Nagata; Uncovering
Lives: The Uneasy Alliance of Biography and
Psychology, Alan C. Elms; Fairy Tale as Myth/
Myth as Fairy Tale, Jack Zipes; The Outspoken
Princess and The Gentle Knight: A Treasury
of Modern Fairy Tales, Jack Zipes, ed.
– 21-
Reviews by Faren Miller:
Lord of the Middle Air, Michael Scott Rohan;
Blue Motel, Peter Crowther, ed.; Blood, Michael
Moorcock; Lunching With the Antichrist,
Michael Moorcock; A Miracle of Rare Design,
Mike Resnick; Cyberweb, Lisa Mason; Justice
City, D.G. Compton; The Unnatural, David Prill;
SHORT TAKE: The Man Who Saw Red, Terry
Reviews by Russell Letson:
The Diamond Age, Neal Stephenson; Becoming
Human, Valerie J. Freireich; Proteus in the
Underworld, Charles Sheffield; Georgia on My
Mind, and Other Places, Charles Sheffield.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:
The Unnatural, David Prill; Grave Markings,
Michael Arnzen; The Language of Fear, Del
James; Love Bite, Sherry Gottlieb.
Short Reviews by
Carolyn Cushman:
Billy’s Drift, Charles Ashton; The Shining
Bridge, Charles Ashton; The Faery Convention,
Brett Davis; From Time to Time, Jack Finney;
Villains by Necessity, Eve L. Forward;
Silverhand, Morgan Llywelyn & Michael Scott;
Mirror of Destiny, Andre Norton; The Lord of
Middle Air, Michael Scott Rohan; Merlin’s
Bones, Fred Saberhagen.
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Charles N. Brown; Managing Editor: Marianne S. Jablon; Editors: Faren C. Miller, Carolyn F. Cushman;
Assistant Editor: Kirsten Gong-Wong; Editorial Trainee: Amy Sisson; Contributing Editors: Edward Bryant, Mark R. Kelly,
Russell Letson, Gary K. Wolfe; Special Projects: William G. Contento; Photographer: Beth Gwinn.
Locus, The Newspaper of the Science Fiction Field (ISSN 0047-4959), is published monthly, at $3.95 per copy, by Locus Publications, 34 Ridgewood Lane, Oakland CA 94611. Please send all mail
to: Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661. Telephone (510) 339-9196 ; (510) 339-9198. FAX (510) 339-8144. E-mail: Individual subscriptions in the US:
$40.00 for 12 issues, $74.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. In Canada: $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via second class mail. First class individual subscription in the US or Canada
are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions are $45.00 for 12 issues, $84.00 for 24 issues via sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South America
via air mail are $67.00 for 12 issues, $114.00 for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia, Asia, or Africa via air mail are $78.00 for 12 issues, $130.00 for 24 issues. Institutional
subscriptions are $3.00 extra per year. Make checks payable to Locus Publications. All subscriptions payable directly in US funds only. Overseas checks must be drawn on a US bank and include
computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting from second class to first class delivery, please convert all remaining issues on your present subscription ($1.00 per issue). The number after
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new. British Subscription Agent: Fantast (Medway) Ltd. P.O. Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU, UK. Japanese Subscription Agent: Yoshio Kobayashi, 1-29-13-707 Sangenjaya, Setagayaku,
Tokyo 154, Japan; Australian Subscription Agent: Justin Ackroyd, Slow Glass Books G.P.O Box 2708X, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, Australia. Bookseller discounts available. Display advertising
rates on request. c 1995 by Locus Publications. We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions. Printed in the United States. Second class postage paid at Oakland, California. POSTMASTER:
Send address changes to Locus Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland CA 94661.
LOCUS March 1995/3
Letters, information, and credit card subscriptions
can be sent by E-mall to: locus@, or by fax to 510-339-8144.
Forthcoming Books……………………….36
British Forthcoming Books……………48
Magazines Received – January……..54
Books Received – January…………….56
British Books – December…………….. 67
Convention Listings………………………78
C o lumns & D epartments
People & Publishing……………………….10
Editorial Matters…………………………… 74
Locus Letters……………………………….. 74