Table of Contents, September 1994

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1994-09

September 1994
Table of Contents v o l . 33 no. 3
M ain Sto r ie s
1994 World Fantasy Awards
Nominations……………………….. 7
MagiCon Passes Along
$50,000 ……………………………….. 7
Moving Majipoor…………………….8
Willis Goes Victorian……………..8
Longmeadow Options Ellison ..8
Games, Movies, Books…………..8
King of the Road…………………….9
T h e D ata F i le
Censorship News……………………9
Readings & Signings……………..9
Calls for Papers……………………..9
Book News ……………………………. 9
Bookstore News……………………..9
Awards & Contests………………79
Rights & Options…………………79
Publications Received………… 79
S p ec ia l F eatures
1994 Locus Survey Results …56
Moon Landing
by Mary Rosenblum…………. 78
Photo F e a tu re
Kij Johnson Wins
Sturgeon Award…………………. 7
I nterviews
Greg Bear: Planet Mover………. 4
O b i tu a r ie s
Robin C o o k ………………………….78
Morris Scott Dollens…………….78
Sean Spacher……………………….78
Locus Looks a t Books
-15- -19-
Distillations: Short Fiction
Reviews by Mark R. Kelly:
Tomorrow #10 (8/94); Asimov’s 8/94, 9/94; Analog
8/94, 9/94; F&SF 8/94; Interzone 7/94; Amazing
Spring/94; Whole Earth Review Summer/94; Omni
8/94; Playboy 8/94.
Typical Locus Reader??
See Survey on page 56.
Reviews by Faren Miller:
Beggars and Choosers, Nancy Kress; Vurt, Jeff
Noon; ClipJoint, Wilhelmina Baird; Half the Day
Is Night, Maureen F. McHugh; Necroville, Ian
McDonald; Fires of Eden, Dan Simmons; The
Warrior’s Tale, Allan Cole & Chris Bunch; SHORT
TAKES: Mr. Vertigo, Paul Auster.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:
Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic
Art, Cathy Burnett & Arnie Fenner, eds.; Future
Primitive, Kim Stanley Robinson, ed.; Future
Quartet, Charles Sheffield, ed.; Peace on Earth,
Stanislaw Lem; This Side of Judgment, J R.
Dunn; SHORT TAKES: The Dystopian Impulse
in Modern Literature: Fiction as Social Criticism,
M. Keith Booker; Dystopian Literature: A
Theory & Research Guide, M. Keith Booker;
Phoenix Renewed: The Survival and Mutation
of Utopian Thought in North American Science
Fiction, 1965-1982, Hoda M. Zaki; Utopias for a
Dying World: Contemporary German Science
Fiction’s Plea for a New Ecological Awareness,
Amy Stapleton; Science Fiction before 1900:
Imagination Discovers Technology, Paul K.
Alkon; Writing the New World: Imaginary Voyages
& Utopias of the Great Southern Land,
David Fausett; The Southern Land, Known,
Gabriel de Foigny; Wilderness Visions: The
Western Theme in Science Fiction Literature,
David Mogen.
Reviews by Russell Letson:
Heavy Weather, Bruce Sterling; Mars Plus,
Frederik Pohl & Thomas T. Thomas; Man-Kzin
Wars VI, Larry Niven, ed.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:
Dark Rivers of the Heart, Dean Koontz; Wild
Blood, Nancy A. Collins; The Flesh Artist, Lucy
Taylor; Deus-X, Joseph A. Citro; SHORT TAKES:
Mysteries of the Word, Stanley Wiater; Savant,
Rex Miller.
Reviews by Wendy Bradley:
Whistler, Roger Taylor; Riding the Unicorn, Paul
Kearney; The Harp of Winds, Maggie Furey;
Sorcerer’s Ward, Barbara Hambly; That Way Lies
Camelot, Janny Wurts.
Short Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:
A Dusk of Demons, John Christopher; Above the
Lower Sky, Tom Dietz; The Law of Becoming,
Kate Elliott; Time for Andrew: A Ghost Story,
Mary Downing Hahn; Storm Warning, Mercedes
Lackey; Knights of the Blood: At Sword’s Point,
Scott MacMillan; The Dolphins of Pern, Anne
McCaffrey; Field of Dishonor, David Weber.
Editor & Publisher: Charles N. Brown; Associate Editor: Faren C. Miller; Assistant Editors: Marianne S. Jablon, Carolyn F. Cushman;
Editorial Assistant: Kirsten Gong-Wong; Contributing Editors: Edward Bryant, Mark R. Kelly, Russell Letson, Tom Maddox,
Scott Winnett, Gary K. Wolfe; Special Projects: William G. Contento; Photographer: Beth Gwinn.
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LOCUS September 1994 / 3
Convention Listings…………………. 9
Forthcoming Books………………… 38
British Forthcoming Books…….. 50
Magazines Received – July……… 58
Books Received – July…………….. 59
British Books – June……………….. 71
Photo Listing…………………………..86
C o I umns & D e pa r tm e n t s
People & Publishing……………….. 10
Reports from the Electronic Frontier,
Tom Maddox…………………………13
Locus Letters………………………….78
Editorial Matters………………………78