Table of Contents, December 1993
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1993-12
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Kirsten Gong-Wong
Edward Bryant
Mark R. Kelly
Russell Letson
Tom Maddox
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611. Please send all mail to Locus
Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Telephone (510) 339-9196
FAX (510) 339-8144
Individual copies are $3.95. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $38.00 for 12 issues, $70.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $50.00 for 12 issues,
$90.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $67.00 for 12 issues, $114.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $78.00 for 12 issues,
$130.00 for 24 issues. -GeliforniQ Rooidonto ploaoo
add 8% oaloo tax. Institutional subscriptions are $3.00
extra per year. Make all checks payable to Locus
Publications. All subscriptions, including Canadian,
are payable directly in U.S. funds only. Overseas
checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and include
computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting
from second class to first class delivery, please
convert all remaining issues on your present subscription
($1.00 per issue). The number after your name on
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We subtract one issue from your subscription for each
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British Subscription Agent: Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
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700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
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Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request. Booksellers discounts
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FAX (510) 339-8144
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright © 1993 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Table of Contents
Amazing Suspends Monthly Publication……….. 6
1993 World Fantasy Awards Winners……………6
New Editor at Millennium………………………….. 6
Terry Bisson Collection Recalled………………….6
Paramount Under Siege; Acquires Macmillan…. 6
Zebra Drops Pinnacle Horror Titles……………. 6
1994 Nebula Judges Named…………………………7
M A in SF Offered…………………………………….. 7
ABA Finds Permanent Home in Chicago……….7
Scott Meredith/Scovil Chichak Galen
Agreement…………………………………………… 7
1975 Clarion Reunion……………………………….. 9
Around the Bookstores……………………………… 9
Publishing News………………………………………..7
Rushdie Update………………………………………..7
Court Cases……………………………………………..7
Awards News…………………………………………. 69
Book News……………………………………………..69
Multimedia Update………………………………….69
Financial News………………………………………..69
Worldcon Update…………………………………….69
Market News…………………………………………..69
Rights & Options……………………………………. 69
Gaming News………………………………………….69
Publications Received……………………………… 69
Maureen F. McHugh: Fan Dancing in Public…. 4
Jack Williamson: The Endless Search……………5
Editorial Matters……………………………………… 3
People and Publishing……………………………….. 8
Reports from the Electronic Frontier,
Tom Maddox………………………………………. 11
Locus Letters…………………………………………..68
Arthur C. Clarke; Simon Hawke; Maralee &
Gordon Nelder-Adams.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly:………………………………….13
Analog mid-12/93; Analog 1/94; Asimov’s 1/94;
Interzone 11/93; F&SF 12/93; L. Ron Hubbard
Presents Writers of the Future Volume IX, Dave
Wolverton, ed.
Reviews by Russell Letson:………………………..15
A Land Fit for Heroes, Book I: Escape to the Wild
Wood, Phillip Mann; ViraVax, Bill Ransom;
SHORT TAKE: Out of Time, James P. Hogan.
Reviews by Faren Miller:………………………….. 17
Parable of the Sower, Octavia E. Butler; The
Ships of Earth, Orson Scott Card; Lake of the
Long Sun, Gene Wolfe; Winter of the Wolf, R .A
MacAvoy; Impossible Things, Connie Willis;
SHORT TAKES: Xanadu 2, Jane Yolen, ed.;
Christmas Forever, David G. Hartwell, ed.
Reviews by Gary K. Wo lfe:………………………..21
Antiquities: Seven Stories, John Crowley; Rivers
of Time, L. Sprague de Camp; Out of Time,
James P. Hogan; Passion Play, Sean Stewart;
Androids, Humanoids, and Other Science Fiction
Monsters: Science and Soul in Science Fiction
Films, Per Schelde; SHORT TAKES: A
Critical Edition of The War o f the Worlds-. H.G.
Wells’s Scientific Romance, introduction and
notes by David Y. Hughes and Harry M. Geduld;
The Invisible Man: The Life and Liberties of
H.G. Wells, Michael Coren.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman: ……………………25
Minerva Wakes, Holly Lisle; Earthsong, Suzette
Haden Elgin; The Winged Man, Moyra Caldecott;
A Wizard’s Dozen, Michael Stearns, ed.; SHORT
TAKES: Larissa, Emily Devenport; Summerland,
L. Dean James.
SF in Brazil……………………………………………. 36
Letter from Moscow………………………………… 37
SF in the Czech Republic…………………………. 38
SF in Romania……………………………………….. 38
1993 Salon du Livre…………………………………. 39
SF in French……………………………………………40
Etonnants Voyageurs Festival…………………….. 41
SF in Australia…………………………………………41
Forthcoming Books…………………………………. 28
British Forthcoming Books………………………..33
International Books and Magazines Received .. 42
Convention Listings…………………………………. 44
Magazines Received — October………………….46
Books Received – October……………………….47
British Books – September……………………….62
Bestsellers……………………………………………… 67
Vincent Price…………………………………………..68
Claire Brown…………………………………………..68
Appreciation by Lisa Goldstein……………… 68
Appreciation by Edward Bryant……………… 68
David Caulton…………………………………………68
A c e ………………………………………. 20,49
A v o n …………………………………………..53
Baen…………………………… 10,16,51,73
B a n tam ……………………………….. 26,27
C la rio n ……………………………………… 50
Clarion W e s t……………………………..50
Classified A d s ……………………………64
Maureen F. McHugh…………..(BG) 1
World Fantasy Awards Winners
………………………………………….(BG) 1
Harlan E llis o n ……………………..(BG) 1
Jack C a d y ……………………………(BG) 1
Maureen F. McHugh………….. (BG) 4
Jack W illiam s o n …………….. (CNB) 5
Caroline Oakley……………….(CNB) 6
Marion Zimmer Bradley…….. (BG) 8
George R.R. Ma rtin ……………. (BG) 8
Alexis A. Gilliland,
Elizabeth Swanson U b a ……. (F) 8
Contemporary B o o k s ……………….52
DC C om ic s ………………………………. 14
Del R e y ……………………………….. 12,55
First Books……………………………….. 48
Harcourt B ra c e ………………………… 24
H arp e rCo llin s ……………………………76
Jeff Groteboer……………………….. (F) 8
1975 Clarion R e u n io n ……(F) 9
Amy Thomson ………
Dark Carnival Signing J J £ . .V – r ^ ” 9
Nova Awards Ceremony (RDSC) 36
Kir Bulychev………………………… (F) 37
Grande P a la is ………………..(NLW) 39
Salon du L iv re ………………..(NLW) 39
Norman Spinrad,
Yvonne Maillard………….(NLW) 39
Helene Collon,
L o c u s …………………………………………74
T o r…………………………………2,18,22,71
W a rn e r……………………………………… 75
Worlds of W onder……………………..61
Mark V. Zie s in g ………………………… 48
Joyce P ierpoline…………(NLW) 39
Norman Spinrad,
Michael M o o rco c k …….. (NLW) 41
Leigh Blackmore,
Bill C ongreve………………… (TD) 41
Dan Simmons, Peter Nicholls,
Terry D ow lin g ………………..(TD) 41
Gayle Lovett, Dan Simmons,
Garry W y a tt…………………… (TD) 41
Claire Brown,
Lisa Go lds te in …………………(JJ) 68
PHOTO CREDITS-. (BG) Beth Gwinn, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (RDSC) Roberto deSousa Causo, (F) Furnished, (NLW)
N. Lee Wood, (TD) Terry Dowling, (JJ) Jane Jewell.
Editorial Matters
It’s been a hectic month around here. I went to two
conventions back to back — World Fantasy Con in,
Minneapolis and Armadillocon in Austin — and then
decided to get this issue in the mail before Thanksgiving,
which comes several days earlier than our
usual deadline. It looks like we might just make it.
The shorter deadline was too much for some of our
columnists; they will return next time. Special thankyous
are due to the staff, who shaved four days off our
normal schedule.
ISSUE #395, VOL. 31 NO. 6, December 1993, Mailing Date: November 24,1993
LOCUS December 1993 / 3
Now that we’re well into our second 25-year segment
of Locus, we plan to do some changes.
Starting next issue, the Bestseller List will be
broken down slightly differently, with separate categories
for media- and games-related books. This
should give us a better comparison on various materials.
We’re also looking for another reviewer to spe-
Continued on page 68
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Kirsten Gong-Wong
Edward Bryant
Mark R. Kelly
Russell Letson
Tom Maddox
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611. Please send all mail to Locus
Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Telephone (510) 339-9196
FAX (510) 339-8144
Individual copies are $3.95. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $38.00 for 12 issues, $70.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $50.00 for 12 issues,
$90.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $43.00 for 12 issues, $80.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $67.00 for 12 issues, $114.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $78.00 for 12 issues,
$130.00 for 24 issues. -GeliforniQ Rooidonto ploaoo
add 8% oaloo tax. Institutional subscriptions are $3.00
extra per year. Make all checks payable to Locus
Publications. All subscriptions, including Canadian,
are payable directly in U.S. funds only. Overseas
checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and include
computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting
from second class to first class delivery, please
convert all remaining issues on your present subscription
($1.00 per issue). The number after your name on
the mailing label is that of the last issue on your
present subscription. If you change your address,
please notify us immediately. Second class mail is not
usually forwarded. It is either returned or destroyed.
We subtract one issue from your subscription for each
returned copy. We keep expired addresses on file for
one year, so tell us if your subscription is a renewal or
completely new.
British Subscription Agent: Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
Japanese Subscription Agent: Takumi Shibano
700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
Naka-gun Kanagawa-ken, 259-01 Japan
Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request. Booksellers discounts
available. For information call (510) 339-9198.
FAX (510) 339-8144
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright © 1993 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Table of Contents
Amazing Suspends Monthly Publication……….. 6
1993 World Fantasy Awards Winners……………6
New Editor at Millennium………………………….. 6
Terry Bisson Collection Recalled………………….6
Paramount Under Siege; Acquires Macmillan…. 6
Zebra Drops Pinnacle Horror Titles……………. 6
1994 Nebula Judges Named…………………………7
M A in SF Offered…………………………………….. 7
ABA Finds Permanent Home in Chicago……….7
Scott Meredith/Scovil Chichak Galen
Agreement…………………………………………… 7
1975 Clarion Reunion……………………………….. 9
Around the Bookstores……………………………… 9
Publishing News………………………………………..7
Rushdie Update………………………………………..7
Court Cases……………………………………………..7
Awards News…………………………………………. 69
Book News……………………………………………..69
Multimedia Update………………………………….69
Financial News………………………………………..69
Worldcon Update…………………………………….69
Market News…………………………………………..69
Rights & Options……………………………………. 69
Gaming News………………………………………….69
Publications Received……………………………… 69
Maureen F. McHugh: Fan Dancing in Public…. 4
Jack Williamson: The Endless Search……………5
Editorial Matters……………………………………… 3
People and Publishing……………………………….. 8
Reports from the Electronic Frontier,
Tom Maddox………………………………………. 11
Locus Letters…………………………………………..68
Arthur C. Clarke; Simon Hawke; Maralee &
Gordon Nelder-Adams.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly:………………………………….13
Analog mid-12/93; Analog 1/94; Asimov’s 1/94;
Interzone 11/93; F&SF 12/93; L. Ron Hubbard
Presents Writers of the Future Volume IX, Dave
Wolverton, ed.
Reviews by Russell Letson:………………………..15
A Land Fit for Heroes, Book I: Escape to the Wild
Wood, Phillip Mann; ViraVax, Bill Ransom;
SHORT TAKE: Out of Time, James P. Hogan.
Reviews by Faren Miller:………………………….. 17
Parable of the Sower, Octavia E. Butler; The
Ships of Earth, Orson Scott Card; Lake of the
Long Sun, Gene Wolfe; Winter of the Wolf, R .A
MacAvoy; Impossible Things, Connie Willis;
SHORT TAKES: Xanadu 2, Jane Yolen, ed.;
Christmas Forever, David G. Hartwell, ed.
Reviews by Gary K. Wo lfe:………………………..21
Antiquities: Seven Stories, John Crowley; Rivers
of Time, L. Sprague de Camp; Out of Time,
James P. Hogan; Passion Play, Sean Stewart;
Androids, Humanoids, and Other Science Fiction
Monsters: Science and Soul in Science Fiction
Films, Per Schelde; SHORT TAKES: A
Critical Edition of The War o f the Worlds-. H.G.
Wells’s Scientific Romance, introduction and
notes by David Y. Hughes and Harry M. Geduld;
The Invisible Man: The Life and Liberties of
H.G. Wells, Michael Coren.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman: ……………………25
Minerva Wakes, Holly Lisle; Earthsong, Suzette
Haden Elgin; The Winged Man, Moyra Caldecott;
A Wizard’s Dozen, Michael Stearns, ed.; SHORT
TAKES: Larissa, Emily Devenport; Summerland,
L. Dean James.
SF in Brazil……………………………………………. 36
Letter from Moscow………………………………… 37
SF in the Czech Republic…………………………. 38
SF in Romania……………………………………….. 38
1993 Salon du Livre…………………………………. 39
SF in French……………………………………………40
Etonnants Voyageurs Festival…………………….. 41
SF in Australia…………………………………………41
Forthcoming Books…………………………………. 28
British Forthcoming Books………………………..33
International Books and Magazines Received .. 42
Convention Listings…………………………………. 44
Magazines Received — October………………….46
Books Received – October……………………….47
British Books – September……………………….62
Bestsellers……………………………………………… 67
Vincent Price…………………………………………..68
Claire Brown…………………………………………..68
Appreciation by Lisa Goldstein……………… 68
Appreciation by Edward Bryant……………… 68
David Caulton…………………………………………68
A c e ………………………………………. 20,49
A v o n …………………………………………..53
Baen…………………………… 10,16,51,73
B a n tam ……………………………….. 26,27
C la rio n ……………………………………… 50
Clarion W e s t……………………………..50
Classified A d s ……………………………64
Maureen F. McHugh…………..(BG) 1
World Fantasy Awards Winners
………………………………………….(BG) 1
Harlan E llis o n ……………………..(BG) 1
Jack C a d y ……………………………(BG) 1
Maureen F. McHugh………….. (BG) 4
Jack W illiam s o n …………….. (CNB) 5
Caroline Oakley……………….(CNB) 6
Marion Zimmer Bradley…….. (BG) 8
George R.R. Ma rtin ……………. (BG) 8
Alexis A. Gilliland,
Elizabeth Swanson U b a ……. (F) 8
Contemporary B o o k s ……………….52
DC C om ic s ………………………………. 14
Del R e y ……………………………….. 12,55
First Books……………………………….. 48
Harcourt B ra c e ………………………… 24
H arp e rCo llin s ……………………………76
Jeff Groteboer……………………….. (F) 8
1975 Clarion R e u n io n ……(F) 9
Amy Thomson ………
Dark Carnival Signing J J £ . .V – r ^ ” 9
Nova Awards Ceremony (RDSC) 36
Kir Bulychev………………………… (F) 37
Grande P a la is ………………..(NLW) 39
Salon du L iv re ………………..(NLW) 39
Norman Spinrad,
Yvonne Maillard………….(NLW) 39
Helene Collon,
L o c u s …………………………………………74
T o r…………………………………2,18,22,71
W a rn e r……………………………………… 75
Worlds of W onder……………………..61
Mark V. Zie s in g ………………………… 48
Joyce P ierpoline…………(NLW) 39
Norman Spinrad,
Michael M o o rco c k …….. (NLW) 41
Leigh Blackmore,
Bill C ongreve………………… (TD) 41
Dan Simmons, Peter Nicholls,
Terry D ow lin g ………………..(TD) 41
Gayle Lovett, Dan Simmons,
Garry W y a tt…………………… (TD) 41
Claire Brown,
Lisa Go lds te in …………………(JJ) 68
PHOTO CREDITS-. (BG) Beth Gwinn, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (RDSC) Roberto deSousa Causo, (F) Furnished, (NLW)
N. Lee Wood, (TD) Terry Dowling, (JJ) Jane Jewell.
Editorial Matters
It’s been a hectic month around here. I went to two
conventions back to back — World Fantasy Con in,
Minneapolis and Armadillocon in Austin — and then
decided to get this issue in the mail before Thanksgiving,
which comes several days earlier than our
usual deadline. It looks like we might just make it.
The shorter deadline was too much for some of our
columnists; they will return next time. Special thankyous
are due to the staff, who shaved four days off our
normal schedule.
ISSUE #395, VOL. 31 NO. 6, December 1993, Mailing Date: November 24,1993
LOCUS December 1993 / 3
Now that we’re well into our second 25-year segment
of Locus, we plan to do some changes.
Starting next issue, the Bestseller List will be
broken down slightly differently, with separate categories
for media- and games-related books. This
should give us a better comparison on various materials.
We’re also looking for another reviewer to spe-
Continued on page 68