Table of Contents, February 1993

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices.


Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Edward Bryant
Mark R. Kelly
Russell Letson
Tom Maddox
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
1992 Preliminary Nebula Ballot…………………….6
Philip K. Dick Award Nominees……………………. 6
Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominations……………6
Planet 10 Bankruptcy…………………………………… 6
Nebula Banquet Redux………………………………… 6
New Star Trek Editor…………………………………… 7
Amazing Gets National Distributor………………. 7
1993 Hugo Nominations Ballot…………………….. 7
California Magazine Tax Dropped………………… 7
Rusch & Smith Marry………………………………….. 9
Kmart Turns Basset into Borders………………….. 7
World Fantasy Judge Change………………………..7
First Amendment News…………………………………7
Bookstore News…………………………………………. 74
Book News………………………………………………….74
Rights & Options……………………………………….. 74
Video News…………………………………………………74
Market News……………………………………………….74
Publications Received………………………………….74
Ron Goulart: Stand-Up Writing……………………. 4
Vincent Di Fate: The Mind’s Eye………………….. 5
Recommended Reading
by Charles N. B rown………………………………..34
by Faren Miller……………………………………….. 34
by Edward Bryant…………………………………… 35
by Mark R. Kelly (Short Fiction)…………….. 36
by Gary K. Wolfe……………………………………. 37
by Russell Letson……………………………………. 40
by Carolyn Cushman………………………………..71
by Scott W innett…………………………………….. 72
1992 Recommended Reading L ist………………. 38
1992 Book Summary………………………………….. 41
1992 Magazine Summary……………………………..44
1992 Cinema Summary, Frank M. Robinson … 47
People and Publishing………………………………….. 8
Reports from the Electronic Frontier,
Tom Maddox………………………………………….. 11
Locus Letters………………………………………………69
Editorial Matters………………………………………… 69
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly:……………………………………. 15
New Worlds 2, David Garnett, ed;Pulphouse
11/92; Deus X, Norman Spinrad; Chronicles of
the Mutant Rain Forest, Robert Frazier & Bruce
Boston; Amazing 1/93; Asimov’s 1/93; Fantasy &
Science Fiction 1/93; Fantasy & Science Fiction
2/93; Interzone 1/93; Science Fiction Age 1/93.
Reviews by Faren Mille r……………………………..19
Beggars in Spain, Nancy Kress; Dream of Glass,
Jean Mark Gawron; The Destiny Makers, George
Turner, Full Spectrum 4, Lou Aronica, Amy
Stout, & Betsy Mitchell, eds.; Lords and Ladies,
Terry Pratchett.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:………………………….21
Blackburn, Bradley Denton; Predators, Ed
Gorman & Martin H. Greenberg, eds.; Unmasking,
Nina Kiriki Hoffman; Home By the Sea, Pat
Cadigan; Dragon Tears, Dean Koontz.
Reviews by Gary K. W olfe:…………………………..25
The Singularity Project, F.M. Busby; Red Mars,
Kim Stanley Robinson; Beautiful Soup: A Novel
for the 21st Century, Harvey Jacobs; SHORT
TAKES: The Profession of Science Fiction: SF
Writers on Their Craft and Ideas, Maxim
Jakubowski & Edward James, eds.; Adventures
in Unhistory: Conjectures on the Factual Foundations
of Several Ancient Legends, Avram
Reviews by Russell Letson:…………………………..29
The Destiny Makers, George Turner; Beggars in
Spain, Nancy Kress; The Gripping Hand, Larry
Niven & Jerry Pournelle; SHORT TAKES: Take
Back Your Government!: A Practical Handbook
for the Private Citizen Who Wants Democracy
to Work, Robert A. Heinlein.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:……………………..31
To Green Angel Tower, Tad Williams; Adventures
in Unhistory: Conjectures on the Factual
Foundations of Several Ancient Legends, Avram
Davidson; Anne Inez McCaffrey: Forty Years of
Publishing, An Inte rn a tio n a l Biography,
Mathew D. Hargreaves; Damia’s Children, Anne
McCaffrey; Witch of the North, Courtway Jones;
SHORT TAKES: Dragon’s Plunder, Brad
Strickland; Wren’s Quest, Sherwood Smith; A
Wizard in Absentia, Christopher Stasheff.
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:………………….33
The Haunting of Lamb House, Joan Aiken;
Truimph, Ben Bova; Name of the Beast, Daniel
Easterman; Predators, Ed Gorman & Martin H.
Greenberg, eds.; Acquainted with the Night,
Sollace Hotze; The Things That Are Not There,
Robert Morgan; Journeys to the Twilight Zone,
Carol Serling & Martin H. Greenberg, eds.; The
Essential Dracula, Leonard Wolf, ed.
Magazines Received — December………………..49
Books Received – December………………………52
Bestsellers………………………………………………….. 67
British Books — November………………………… 60
Kobo Abe ………………………………………………….. 68
Gerry de la Ree
Appreciation by Sam Moskowitz………………. 68
Eleanor Hibbert…………………………………………..68
Robert Sampson………………………………………….68
Margo Skinner…………………………………………….68
T.L. Parkinson…………………………………………….69
Roger Weddall…………………………………………….69
Georgia F. Adams……………………………………….69
A ce …………………………………….. 18,24
Avon ………………………………………..16
Baen ……………………………..14,32,66
Bantam……………………………… 50,51
Capital C ity ……………………………..76
Clarion……………………………………. 56
Clarion West……………………………56
PHOTO CREDITS: (CFC) Carolyn F. Cushman, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (BG) Beth Gwinn, (F)
furnished, (SRC) Shelly Rae Clift, (JJ) Jane Jewell, (JO) Jerry Oltion, (DGH) David G. Hartwell
ISSUE #385, VOL 30 NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1993, Mailing Date: February 2,1993
LOCUS February 1993/3
Classifieds……………………………… 63
Crown…………………………………….. 53
Del R e y ……………………………… 26,75
Mathew D. Hargreaves………….. 62
Locus……………………………………… 74
Putnam……………………………… 20,55
Silver Salamander Press……… 52
T o r …………………………………..2,12,22
Twilight Publishing Co……………54
1992 Books………………….. (CFC)1
Ron Goulart………………… (CNB)4
Vincent Di F a te ……………….(BG)5
Elizabeth H an d …………………. (F)8
John Sladek…………………….. (JJ)8
Lisa Mason…………………….(SRC)8
Robert J. Sawyer……………….(F)8
Dafydd ab Hugh. John Vornholt
Ashley Grayson,
Lana Dean James…………. (F) 8
Nicola Griffith,
Kelley Eskridge…………… (JJ) 8
Elsbeth Lindner………….. (CNB)9
Rusch & Smith Wedding
Guests…………………………. (JO) 9
Kristine Kathryn Rusch,
Dean Wesley Smith…….. (JO)9
Kobo A b e ………………………… (F)68
Gerry de la Ree,
Helen de la R ee …….. (DGH)68
Margo Skinner,
Fritz Leiber……………….(CNB)68