Table of Contents, April 1992
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1992-04
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Mary E. Hall
Dorothy A. Taylor
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Tom Whitmore
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611. Please send all mail to Locus
Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
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via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
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via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $48.00 for 12 issues,
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Contents copyright © 1991 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Table of Contents
Bantam Doubleday Dell to Move……………………….6
Abyss Expands……………………………………………………. 6
Andre Norton at 8 0 ……………………………………………..6
Tiptree Award…………………………………………………….. 6
Aboriginal SF Goes Quarterly……………………………. 6
Crawford Award…………………………………………………. 7
Star Trek Exhibit Opens………………………………………7
Waldenbooks P resentation………………………………… 7
Gibson’s Viral Fiction………………………………………….7
Hubbard’s Underground Archive………………………. 7
Oz Theme Park P lanned………………………………………7
Publishing News…………………………………………………..7
Bookstore News…………………………………………………61
Court Cases………………………………………………………. 61
Worldcon News…………………………………………………61
Award News……………………………………………………… 61
Market News…………………………………………………….. 62
Rights & O p tio n s………………………………………………62
Publications Received………………………………………..62
Audio R eceived…………………………………………………62
Catalogs Received……………………………………………..62
Emma Bull: Interpreting the W o rld ……………………4
Ellen Kushner: True F antasy……………………………… 5
People & Publishing…………………………………………….8
Agent’s Corner, Richard C u rtis……………………….. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz L e ib e r…………………13
Locus L e tte rs ……………………………………………………. 60
Editorial Matte rs……………………………………………….61
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly……………………………………………….. 15
Murasaki, Robert Silverberg and Martin H.
Greenberg, eds.; Asimov’s 4/92; Interzone 3/92;
F&SF 4/92; Amazing 4/92; Pulphouse Magazine
12/31/91; Omni 3/92.
Reviews by Faren Miller: …………………………………. 17
Count Geiger’s Blues, Michael Bishop; The
Hollow Man, Dan Simmons; Doomsday Book,
Connie Willis; Lion of Macedon, David
Gemmell; Morningstar, David Gemmell; Exile,
Michael P. Kube-McDowell.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………… 21
The Holy T e rro r, Wayne Allen Sallee;
Darkborn, Matthew J. Costello; Helltracks,
William F. Nolan; Journal of the Gun Years,
Richard Matheson; SHORT TAKES: Beautiful
Strangers, Melanie Tem and Steve Rasnic
Tem; Master of Lies, Graham Masterson; Invitation
to Murder, Ed Gorman and Martin H.
Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Russell Letson:………………………………. 23
Sideshow, Sheri S. Tepper; The California
Voodoo Game, Larry Niven and Steven
Barnes; Murasaki, Robert Silverberg and
Martin H. Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe: …………………………… 25
Anvil of Stars, Greg Bear; Ishmael, Daniel
Quinn; Child of the Light, Janet Gluckman
and George Guthridge; “Was…”, Geoff
Ryman; Strategies of Fantasy, Brian
Attebery; SHORT TAKES: The Connecticut
Yankee in the Twentieth Century: Travel to
the Past in Science Fiction, Bud Foote; Images
of Fear: How Horror Stories Helped
Shape Modern Culture (1818-1918), Martin
Tropp; Understanding Kurt Vonnegut, William
Rodney Allen.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:…………………………..29
The Hollow Man, Dan Simmons; Dreamships,
Melissa Scott; The Gypsy, Steven Brust
and Megan Lindholm; Spiritwalk, Charles de
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:………………….. 31
My Sister the Moon, Sue Harrison; Born to
Run, Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon;
Zombies of the Gene Pool, Sharyn McCrumb;
Glass Houses, Laura J. Mixon; The Mark of
the Cat, Andre Norton; Catamount, Michael
Peak; The Hollow Man, Dan Simmons; Reality
is What You Can Get Away With, Robert
Anton Wilson.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:………………………33
River Rats, Carolyn Stevermer; The Friendship
Song, Nancy Springer; Hobkin, Peni R.
Griffin; Practical Demonkeeping, Christopher
Moore; Damia, Anne McCaffrey; The
Lords of the Stoney Mountains, Antony
Swithin; SHORT TAKES: Serpent Mage,
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman; Pyromancer,
Don Callander; Weirdos of the Universe,
Unite!, Pamela F. Service.
SF in B ra zil…………………………………………………….37
SF in Bulgaria……………………………………………….. 40
SF in A ustralia………………………………………………. 40
International Books & Magazines Received….41
Magazines Received – F eb ru a ry …………………. 43
Books Received — February………………………….44
British Books – January………………………………..53
Dwight V. Swain……………………………………………. 60
Joseph Mugnaini…………………………………………… 60
Jack S atter………………………………………………………60
Roberta Grossman………………………………………..60
A c e ……………………………………. 16,32
A v o n ………………………………………. 26
Ba e n …………………………….. 22,28,30
Bantam……………………. 34,35,38,39
Blue N o te ………………………………. 46
D AW……………………………………… 36
Emma B u ll………………………… (BG) 1
Ellen Kushner…………………… (BG)1
Emma B u ll………………………… (BG)4
Ellen Kushner…………………… (BG)5
Andre Norton…………………… (CU)6
Gwyneth J o n e s …………….. (CNB)6
Greer llene G ilm an ………….. (BG)7
Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle (BG)8
Jack V a n ce …………………….. (CNB)8
Arlan Andrews, Doug Beason (F)8
Alan Cole, Chris Bunch ……… (F)8
Del Rey ………………………… 12,24,47
Robert G a v o ra ………………………. 48
L o c u s ……………………………………….68
Locus P re s s …………………….. 58, 62
Harcourt Brace Jo van o v ich ……. 2
Sunset P ro du c tio n s ………………. 48
Nick A u s tin ………………………(CNB)9
Sharyn McCrumb………………. (JJ)9
Eluki bes Shahar……………. (CFC)9
Jill M. Morgan ………………………(F)9
Fritz L e ib e r………………………(BG)13
Thomas M. D is ch ……………. (FF)37
Rubens Teixeira Scavone. (AC)37
Jorge Luiz Calife,
Jose dos Santos Fernandes,
Ronaldo de Biasi,
Alfredo Machado, J r………… (FF)37
T o r ………………………………………20,63
TSR ……………………………………….. 68
Ursus Imprints…………………………45
Warner Questar……………………… 10
Warner/ Mysterious Press……… 14
Mark V. Z ie s in g ……………………… 18
Gumercindo Rocha Dorea .. (F)37
Eidolon Editorial Committee
and F rie n d s …………………..(F)40
Nick Stathopoulos,
Sean McMullen, Terry Dowling,
Grant S to n e …………………..(F)40
Terry D ow lin g …………………… (F)40
Sean McMullen, Lucy Sussex,
Terry Dowling, Nick Stathopoulos,
Jeremy G. Burns (F)40
Dwight V. Sw ain …………..(CNB)60
PHOTO CREDITS: (BG) Beth Gwinn, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (CFC) Carolyn Cushman, (AC)
Antonio de Sousa Causo, (F) furnished, (FF) Finisa Fideli, (JJ) Jane Jewell, (CU) Carol Porter and Stuart
ISSUE #375, VOL 28 NO. 4, April 1992, Mailing Date: March 26,1992
LOCUS April 1 9 9 2 /3
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Mary E. Hall
Dorothy A. Taylor
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Tom Whitmore
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611. Please send all mail to Locus
Publications, P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Telephone (510) 339-9196
FAX (510) 339-8144
Individual copies are $3.50. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $35.00 for 12 issues, $65.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $40.00 for 12 issues, $75.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $48.00 for 12 issues,
$85.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $40.00 for 12 issues, $75.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $64.00 for 12 issues, $108.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $75.00 for 12 issues,
$125.00 for 24 issues. California Residents please
add 8% sales tax. Institutional subscriptions are $3.00
extra per year. Make all checks payable to Locus
Publications. All subscriptions, including Canadian,
are payable directly in U.S. funds only. Overseas
checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and include
computer encoding numbers at bottom. When converting
from second class to first class delivery, please
convert all remaining issues on your present subscription
($1.00 per issue). The number after your name on
the mailing label is that of the last issue on your
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please notify us immediately. Second class mail is not
usually forwarded. It is either returned or destroyed.
We subtract one issue from your subscription for each
returned copy. We keep expired addresses on file for
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British Subscription Agent: Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
Japanese Subscription Agent: Takumi Shibano
700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
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Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request. Booksellers discounts
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We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright © 1991 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Table of Contents
Bantam Doubleday Dell to Move……………………….6
Abyss Expands……………………………………………………. 6
Andre Norton at 8 0 ……………………………………………..6
Tiptree Award…………………………………………………….. 6
Aboriginal SF Goes Quarterly……………………………. 6
Crawford Award…………………………………………………. 7
Star Trek Exhibit Opens………………………………………7
Waldenbooks P resentation………………………………… 7
Gibson’s Viral Fiction………………………………………….7
Hubbard’s Underground Archive………………………. 7
Oz Theme Park P lanned………………………………………7
Publishing News…………………………………………………..7
Bookstore News…………………………………………………61
Court Cases………………………………………………………. 61
Worldcon News…………………………………………………61
Award News……………………………………………………… 61
Market News…………………………………………………….. 62
Rights & O p tio n s………………………………………………62
Publications Received………………………………………..62
Audio R eceived…………………………………………………62
Catalogs Received……………………………………………..62
Emma Bull: Interpreting the W o rld ……………………4
Ellen Kushner: True F antasy……………………………… 5
People & Publishing…………………………………………….8
Agent’s Corner, Richard C u rtis……………………….. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz L e ib e r…………………13
Locus L e tte rs ……………………………………………………. 60
Editorial Matte rs……………………………………………….61
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly……………………………………………….. 15
Murasaki, Robert Silverberg and Martin H.
Greenberg, eds.; Asimov’s 4/92; Interzone 3/92;
F&SF 4/92; Amazing 4/92; Pulphouse Magazine
12/31/91; Omni 3/92.
Reviews by Faren Miller: …………………………………. 17
Count Geiger’s Blues, Michael Bishop; The
Hollow Man, Dan Simmons; Doomsday Book,
Connie Willis; Lion of Macedon, David
Gemmell; Morningstar, David Gemmell; Exile,
Michael P. Kube-McDowell.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………… 21
The Holy T e rro r, Wayne Allen Sallee;
Darkborn, Matthew J. Costello; Helltracks,
William F. Nolan; Journal of the Gun Years,
Richard Matheson; SHORT TAKES: Beautiful
Strangers, Melanie Tem and Steve Rasnic
Tem; Master of Lies, Graham Masterson; Invitation
to Murder, Ed Gorman and Martin H.
Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Russell Letson:………………………………. 23
Sideshow, Sheri S. Tepper; The California
Voodoo Game, Larry Niven and Steven
Barnes; Murasaki, Robert Silverberg and
Martin H. Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe: …………………………… 25
Anvil of Stars, Greg Bear; Ishmael, Daniel
Quinn; Child of the Light, Janet Gluckman
and George Guthridge; “Was…”, Geoff
Ryman; Strategies of Fantasy, Brian
Attebery; SHORT TAKES: The Connecticut
Yankee in the Twentieth Century: Travel to
the Past in Science Fiction, Bud Foote; Images
of Fear: How Horror Stories Helped
Shape Modern Culture (1818-1918), Martin
Tropp; Understanding Kurt Vonnegut, William
Rodney Allen.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:…………………………..29
The Hollow Man, Dan Simmons; Dreamships,
Melissa Scott; The Gypsy, Steven Brust
and Megan Lindholm; Spiritwalk, Charles de
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:………………….. 31
My Sister the Moon, Sue Harrison; Born to
Run, Mercedes Lackey and Larry Dixon;
Zombies of the Gene Pool, Sharyn McCrumb;
Glass Houses, Laura J. Mixon; The Mark of
the Cat, Andre Norton; Catamount, Michael
Peak; The Hollow Man, Dan Simmons; Reality
is What You Can Get Away With, Robert
Anton Wilson.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:………………………33
River Rats, Carolyn Stevermer; The Friendship
Song, Nancy Springer; Hobkin, Peni R.
Griffin; Practical Demonkeeping, Christopher
Moore; Damia, Anne McCaffrey; The
Lords of the Stoney Mountains, Antony
Swithin; SHORT TAKES: Serpent Mage,
Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman; Pyromancer,
Don Callander; Weirdos of the Universe,
Unite!, Pamela F. Service.
SF in B ra zil…………………………………………………….37
SF in Bulgaria……………………………………………….. 40
SF in A ustralia………………………………………………. 40
International Books & Magazines Received….41
Magazines Received – F eb ru a ry …………………. 43
Books Received — February………………………….44
British Books – January………………………………..53
Dwight V. Swain……………………………………………. 60
Joseph Mugnaini…………………………………………… 60
Jack S atter………………………………………………………60
Roberta Grossman………………………………………..60
A c e ……………………………………. 16,32
A v o n ………………………………………. 26
Ba e n …………………………….. 22,28,30
Bantam……………………. 34,35,38,39
Blue N o te ………………………………. 46
D AW……………………………………… 36
Emma B u ll………………………… (BG) 1
Ellen Kushner…………………… (BG)1
Emma B u ll………………………… (BG)4
Ellen Kushner…………………… (BG)5
Andre Norton…………………… (CU)6
Gwyneth J o n e s …………….. (CNB)6
Greer llene G ilm an ………….. (BG)7
Larry Niven, Jerry Pournelle (BG)8
Jack V a n ce …………………….. (CNB)8
Arlan Andrews, Doug Beason (F)8
Alan Cole, Chris Bunch ……… (F)8
Del Rey ………………………… 12,24,47
Robert G a v o ra ………………………. 48
L o c u s ……………………………………….68
Locus P re s s …………………….. 58, 62
Harcourt Brace Jo van o v ich ……. 2
Sunset P ro du c tio n s ………………. 48
Nick A u s tin ………………………(CNB)9
Sharyn McCrumb………………. (JJ)9
Eluki bes Shahar……………. (CFC)9
Jill M. Morgan ………………………(F)9
Fritz L e ib e r………………………(BG)13
Thomas M. D is ch ……………. (FF)37
Rubens Teixeira Scavone. (AC)37
Jorge Luiz Calife,
Jose dos Santos Fernandes,
Ronaldo de Biasi,
Alfredo Machado, J r………… (FF)37
T o r ………………………………………20,63
TSR ……………………………………….. 68
Ursus Imprints…………………………45
Warner Questar……………………… 10
Warner/ Mysterious Press……… 14
Mark V. Z ie s in g ……………………… 18
Gumercindo Rocha Dorea .. (F)37
Eidolon Editorial Committee
and F rie n d s …………………..(F)40
Nick Stathopoulos,
Sean McMullen, Terry Dowling,
Grant S to n e …………………..(F)40
Terry D ow lin g …………………… (F)40
Sean McMullen, Lucy Sussex,
Terry Dowling, Nick Stathopoulos,
Jeremy G. Burns (F)40
Dwight V. Sw ain …………..(CNB)60
PHOTO CREDITS: (BG) Beth Gwinn, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (CFC) Carolyn Cushman, (AC)
Antonio de Sousa Causo, (F) furnished, (FF) Finisa Fideli, (JJ) Jane Jewell, (CU) Carol Porter and Stuart
ISSUE #375, VOL 28 NO. 4, April 1992, Mailing Date: March 26,1992
LOCUS April 1 9 9 2 /3