Table of Contents, January 1992

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1992-01

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Marianne S. Jablon
Carolyn F. Cushman
Paula Knippa
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Scott Winnett
Gary K. Wolfe
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, (ISSN-0047-4959), The Newspaper of the
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Table of Contents
Season’s Greetings from the Locus staff…………….1
Orion Books New British Publisher………………….. 6
Macmillan, Macdonald for Sale…………………………6
Baker & Taylor Sold………………………………………… 6
1992 Nebula Ju ry …………………………………………….. 6
1992 World Fantasy Awards Judges…………………. 6
Clarion West…………………………………………………….7
Gollancz Fantasy Award……………………………………7
Curtis Goes Electronic……………………………………..7
Rushdie Speaks O u t………………………………………… 7
SF at the SF Book Festival………………………………..9
Gloomy Gollancz Outlook………………………………..7
Enterprise Ornament Sets Hallmark Record………7
Worldcon News……………………………………………….. 7
Publishing News………………………………………………. 7
Award News……………………………………………………..7
Announcements…………………………………………….. 76
Market News………………………………………………….76
Gaming News…………………………………………………76
Court Cases……………………………………………………76
Book News……………………………………………………..76
Rights & Options…………………………………………… 76
Publications Received……………………………………. 76
Catalogs Received…………………………………………. 76
Kathe Koja: Through the Back Door………………… 4
Orson Scott Card: Creative Chaos……………………. 5
Editorial Matters…………………………………………….. 3
People & Publishing………………………………………… 8
Agent’s Comer, Richard Curtis……………………….11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz L eiber………………. 13
Locus Letters………………………………………………….72
Reviews by Faren Miller………………………………….15
The Angel of Pain, Brian Stableford; Bad
Brains, Kathe Koja; The Magicians of Night,
Barbara Hambly; Mortal Mask, Stephen Marley;
The Mountain Made of Light, Edward
Myers; Captain Jack Zodiac, Michael Kandel;
After the King: Stories in Honor of J.R.R.
Tolkien, Martin H. Greenberg, ed.; The Dedalus
Book of British Fantasy: The 19th Century,
Brian Stableford, ed. SHORT TAKES:
Damnbanna, Nancy Springer.
Reviews by Russell Letson:……………………………..19
Far-Seer, Robert J. Sawyer; Stopping at Slowyear,
Frederik Pohl; Thebes of the Hundred
Gates, Robert Silverberg; Isaac Asimov Presents
the Great SF Stories #24 (1962), Isaac
Asimov & Martin H. Greenberg, eds.
Reviews by Edward Bryant: …………………………….21
A Hammock Beneath the Mangoes, Thomas
Colchie, ed.; Wetbones, John Shirley; Moon of
the Werewolf, Ronald Kelly; The Science-
Fantasy Publishers: A Critical and Bibliographic
History, Jack L. Chalker & Mark
Owings. SHORT TAKES: Best New Horror 2,
Stephen Jones & Ramsey Campbell, eds.;
Chilled to the Bone, Robert T. Garcia, ed.;
Flame Thrower/Blood Rights, Lucy Taylor/
Ann K. Schwader, Distress Call, Connie Willis.
Reviews by Dan Chow:…………………………………..25
Time’s Arrow, Martin Amis; The Trikon Deception,
Ben Bova & Bill Pogue; Mars, Ben
Bova; Requiem: New Collected Works by Robert
A. Heinlein and Tributes to the Grand
Master, Yoji Kondo, ed.; The Undying Land,
William Gilmour; The Science-Fantasy Publishers:
A Critical and Bibliographic History,
Jack L. Chalker & Mark Owings.
Reviews by Gary K. Wolfe:……………………………. 29
Storming the Reality Studio: A Casebook of
Cyberpunk and Postmodern Science Fiction,
Larry McCaffery, ed.; He, She and It, Marge
Piercy; The Legend Book of Science Fiction,
Gardner Dozois, ed.; Our Angry Earth, Isaac
Asimov & Frederik Pohl.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:………………………..33
Elsewhere, Will Shetterly; Blood Trail, Tanya
Huff; After the King: Stories in Honor of
J.R.R. Tolkien, Martin H. Greenberg, ed.; Iceman,
Cynthia Felice. SHORT TAKES:
Phule’s Paradise, Robert Asprin.
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:……………………..35
Black Sun Rising, C.S. Friedman; Seven
Strange & Ghostly Tales, Brian Jacques; The
Last Prisoner, David Lome; Desert Eden, J.M.
Morgan; The New Gothic, Bradford Morrow &
Patrick McGrath, eds.; Jago, Kim Newman;
Alpha Gallery, Joy Oestricher, et al., eds.;
Charlie Peace, Paul Pickering; The Crafters,
Christopher Stasheff & Bill Fawcett, eds.; And
the Angels Sing, Kate Wilhelm; IASFM12/91;
Pulphouse #1-6.
1991 World Fantasy Convention……………………..36
Philip K. Dick Weekend…………………………………39
SF in the [Former] Soviet Union……………………..42
SF in China…………………………………………………… 43
SF in France…………………………………………………. 45
SF in Germany……………………………………………… 47
SF in Switzerland……………………………………………48
SF in Australia……………………………………………… 49
SF in Jap an …………………………………………………… 49
Conventions………………………………………………….. 50
Magazines Received — November…………………..52
Books Received — November……………………….. 53
British Books — October………………………………..64
Photo Listing………………………………………………… 78
Ad Index………………………………………………………..78
E. Dorothea Gilliland…………………………………….72
Doyle P o p e……………………………………………………72
ISSUE #372, VOL 28 NO. 1, January 1992, Mailing Date: January 6,1992
Editorial Matters
Welcome to the beginning of the 25th calendar
year of Locus. There are a surprising number of you
who have been with us from the beginning. It’s going
to be a long celebration, because our actual 25th anniversary
won’t come until our 26th calendar year —
April 1993. We also intend to have our final blowout
at the 1993 Worldcon here in San Francisco.
Because of holiday gridlock, this issue will not
appear until early January. December is an almost
impossible month for the magazine, because of
holidays, printer closings, vacation, and exhaustion.
It’s also like doing two issues at once, because we
have the end-of-the-year billing, contracts, tax
records, etc. The February issue, with our 1991
summary figures, is also a biggie, and will probably
not be ready until early February.
We’re still looking for permanent full-time help,
but I must apologize to those who have sent resumes
or expressed interest and have not been answered
yet. I’ve been too far behind in other things to follow
through. Besides, I’m still not sure what I want. The
very success of Locus has caused problems: the
editorial load is about double what it was five years
ago; the production segment has gotten much harder
since we’re producing more pages, using more photos,
and doing more layout, thanks to sophisticated
desktop publishing. It was much easier when we just
ran everything out in columns and pasted it up. But
the part of the magazine which has grown most and
cuts most into editorial and production time, is the
business/financial end. The paperwork and computer
time needed to process subscriptions, bookstore
payments, tax records, ad payments, billing,
Continued on page 77
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