Table of Contents, November 1990

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1990-11

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Scott Winnett
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
1990 World Fantasy Awards Nominations………… 4
Gryphon Award W inner………………………………….4
Philip K. Dick Award Judges ……………………………5
Clarion C all…………………………………………………… 5
Chronic Rift: Cable SF Show……………………………. 5
Ballantine/Warner to Terminate Distribution
Agreement…………………………………………………. 5
Disch’s Inferno……………………………………………….5
Aboriginal SF and Interzone to Swap Issues………. 5
Pulphouse to G o W eekly………………………………….5
Starshore D ie s …………………………………………………5
Guest o f Honor Speech, Wolfgang Jeschke………. 6
Report by Charles N. Brown ………………………….34
by Mark R. K elly……………………………………….. 36
by Jane Jewell ……………………………………………36
by Pascal J. Thomas……………………………………44
by Mike G ly e r ……………………………………………46
by N. Lee Wood ……………………………………….. 49
Masquerade Winners……………………………………..38
Mixed Messages on Copyrights ……………. ………… 9
Sf Trading Cards………………………………. . . ………… 9
Disney Books Announced………………………………… 9
Other Publishing News ………………… ………………..9
Bookstore News …………………………. . ………………..9
Awards…………………………………. . ………………….. 75
Worldcon Update………………… ……………………… 75
Publications Rec eiv ed ……….. …………………………75
Wolfgang Jeschke: Publishing in East Europe…….6
People & Publishing……………………………………….. 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis………………………11
Moons & Stars & S tu ff………………………………….13
Locus Letters ……. ……………………………………….72
Editorial Matters. ………………………………………… 72
Reviews by Fa/en Miller: ……………………………… 15
Summer of Night, Dan Simmons; Moonwise,
Greer Ilene Gilman; City o f Truth, James
Morrow; Magic Casement, Dave Duncan; The
Vor Game, Lois McMaster Bujold; Pandora by
Holly Hollander, Gene Wolfe.
Reviews by Russell Letson:……………………………. 17
Keepers o f the Peace, Keith Brooke; Matrix
Man, William C. Dietz; The Difference Engine,
William Gibson & Bruce Sterling; The Dragon
Knight, Gordon R. Dickson.
Reviews by Dan Chow:……….. ……………………… 21
Outnumbering the Dead. Frederik Pohl; The
Gateway Trip, Frederik Pohl; Bury My Heart at
W.H. Smith’ s, Brian Aldiss; Slow Dancing
Through Time, Gardner Dozois; Isaac Asimov:
The Complete Stories, Vol. 1, Isaac Asimov;
Lifeline, Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason;
The Beast, Robert Stallman.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:………………………….. 25
Hollywood Gothic, David J. Skal; Women of
Darkne ss I I , Kathryn Ptacek, ed.; Borderlands,
Thomas Monteleone, ed.; Midsummer, Matthew
J. Costello; Needing Ghosts, Ramsey
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman: ……………………… 27
Servant o f the Empire, Raymond E. Feist &
Janny Wurts; Pegasus in Flight, Anne McCaffrey;
The Great Hunt, Robert Jordan; Princes
o f Sandastre, Antony Swithin; Mad Roy’ s Light,
Paula King; SH O R T TAKES: A Sorcerer’ s Apprentice,
Michael Williams; Castle War!, John
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett: ………………….. 29
Smart Rats, Th omas Baird; Gothic Romance,
Emmanuel Carrere; Bloodcircle, P.N. Elrod;
The First Book o f the Painter: The Boy from the
Burren, Sheila Gilluly; Human, Beware!, Thorarinn
Gunnarsson; Midnight’ s Sun, Garry
Kilworth; Chicago Red, R.M. Meluch; A Remembrance
for Kedrigern, John Morressy; Psi-
Man, David Peters; Sati, Christopher Pike; The
Last World, Christoph Ransmayr; The Highroad
Trilogy Volume III: The Price of Ransom,
Alis A. Rasmussen; Children o f the Knife, Brad
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. K elly:………………………………….. 33
Omni, 10/90; Omni, 11 /90; Analog 11 /90; Analog,
12/90; Asimov’s 12/90; Asimov’s mid-12/90;
F&SF 10/90; Interzone 9/90; Interzone 10/90;
Pulphouse Summer/90.
Convention Listings ……………………………………. 51
Magazines Received —September ………………… 54
Books Received—September……………………….. 55
British Books—August…………………………………. 65
Bestsellers …………………………………………………. 70
ConFiction Collage ….. (JJ) (RK) 1
Sharon Jarvis, Lee Barwood,
Elisabeth Waters ………..(DC) 4
Wolfgang Jeschke……….. (CNB) 6
Katherine Kurtz…………….. (CNB) 7
Douglas Beason ………………. (F) 7
Joe Haldeman………………. (BG) 7
George Zebrowski…………….. (F) 7
Alan Dean Foster…………. (SRC) 7
Fritz Leiber……………………… (F) 13
Andrew Porter……………….. (JJ ) 3 7
Heddy D’Ancona …………. (R K ) 37
Tom Schluck,
Wolfgang Jeschke……… (J) 37
Kees Van Toorn…………… (RK) 37
Rick Katze, Mike Glyer,
Theresa A Renner….. (CNB) 37
Ray Beam, Lin Hickman,
Roger Sims ……………….. (JJ) 37
George Laskowski ……….. (J J )37
Congresgebouw Landing .. (J J ) 37
Ellen Datlow,
Gardner Dozois…………. (JJ) 39
Peter Schaap, Annemarie
van Ewyck………………… (JJ) 39
Julia Smith, Jo Sherman (CNB) 39
Nico Poppelier,
Janelies Smut…………… (JJ) 39
Leon Stover, Harry Harrison (JJ) 39
Katherine Lannoy …………. (JJ) 39
W.R. Logan, Cardinal Cox.. (JJ) 39
Martin Tudor………………… (JJ) 39
Jack L. Chalker…………….. (JJ) 39
Mary Ryan, Charles
Ryan …………… (JJ) 39
Worldcon Masquerade
(JJ) (CNB) (RK) (NLW)40
NASFiC Masquerade
Collage……….. (DC) 41
Jim Burns, Joe Haldeman,
Richard Evans,
Ralph Vicinanza, Robert
Key to page 1 Photos.
A: Best in Show Masquerade Winner, “Mort”, B: Windmills,
C: Hugo Awards Winners David Langford, Gardner Dozois,
Suzy McKee Charnas, Robert Silverberg, Charles N. Brown,
surround Anne McCaffrey. D: Lobby of Congresgebouw. E:
GoH Wolfgang Jeschke. F: Lobby of the Kurhaus. G: GoH
Harry Harrison. H: Opening of Hugo Ceremonies. I: Chelsea
Quinn Yarbro, Andrew Porter, Harry Harrison, Wolfgang
Jeschke, Joe Haldeman, Kees van Toorn. J: GoH Joe
Haldeman. Photo credits; A,C,D,E,G,H,J, by Jane Jewell,
B,F,l, by Rick Katze.
ISSUE #358, VOL 25 NO. 5, November 1990,
Silverberg………………. (CNB) 42
Melinda Snodgrass, Ellen Datlow,
Merrilee Heifetz, Pat Cadigan,
Susan Casper…………. (CNB) 42
Patrice Duvic ………………… (JJ) 42
Caroline Oakley, Geoff Ryman,
Jane Johnson………….(CNB) 42
Sashiko Shibano, Cheryl Brigham,
Karen Haber……………(CNB) 42
Anne McCaffrey, Lech Jeczmyk,
Dorota Malinowska………(CNB) 42
Continued on page 78
Mailing Date: October 26, 1990
LOCUS November 1990/3