Table of Contents, September 1990

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices.


Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Scott Winnett
Edward Bryant
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Russell Letson
Tom Whitmore
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
Amazing Update I I ……………………………………………… 6
Computer Interactions Change SF ……………………..6
Unwin Hyman Sold to HarperCollins………………….6
Feds Vs. Cyberpunks: Part III …………………………….6
Ryman, Swanwick Win Campbell,
Sturgeon Awards ……………………………………………….7
Casper Awards Winners …………………………………….. 7
Publishing News…………………………………………………..9
Markets ……………………………………………………………..75
Rights & Options……………………………………………….75
Book News………………………………………………………….75
Publications Received………………………………………. 75
Catalogs Received ……………………………………………. 75
Audio News………………………………………………………..75
Megan Lindholm: In a Crooked House ………………4
Kristine Kathryn Rusch: Growing Up Alien ……… 4
An Aldiss Celebration………………………………………… 5
1990 Locus Survey R e su lts……………………………….. 51
People & Publishing……………………………………………. 8
Agent’s Corner, Richard C u rtis…………………………11
Moons & Stars & Stuff …………………………………….. 13
Editorial Matters ……………………………………………….. 3
Locus Letters …………………………………………………… 72
Reviews by Faren Miller: …………………………………. 15
Frankenstein’s Children, David Mace; In the
Country of the Blind, Michael Flynn; The Werewolves
of London, Brian Stableford; The Dogs
of Paradise, Abel Posse — Margaret Sayers
Peden, trans.; The King, Donald Barthelme;
Heathern, Jack Womack; Diggers, Terry
Pratchett; Wings, Terry Pratchett; Castle in the
Air. Diana Wynne Jones.
Reviews by Russell Letson:………………………………..19
Clarke County, Space, Allen Steele; Heads,
Greg Bear; The Shield of Time, Poul Anderson.
Reviews by Dan Chow: …………………………………….. 21
Summertide, Charles Sheffield; Wulfsyarn,
Phillip Mann; Great Manibo Chicken and the
Transhuman Condition: Science Slightly Over
the Edge, Ed Regis; Redshift Rendezvous, John
E. Stith; Lurid Dreams, Charles L. Harness.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:…………………………..23
Rats and Gargoyles, Mary Gentle; The Interior
Life, Katherine Blake; Night Threads: The Calling
of the Three, Ru Emerson; The Madness
Season, C.S. Friedman; The Others, Margaret
Wander Bonanno; Shadowspeer, Jo Clayton;
Elven Star, Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman.
SHORT TAKES: A Year and a Day, Monica
Furlong; Mother Earth, Father Sky, Sue Harrison;
The Young Astronauts, Rick North.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore: ……………………………. 27
The Difference Engine, William Gibson &
Bruce Sterling; Maps in a Mirror: The Short
Fiction of Orson Scott Card, Orson Scott Card;
Dark Matter, Garfield Reeves-Stevens; Rememory,
John Betancourt.
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett: ……………………. 29
A Fit of Shivers, Joan Aiken; The Plains of
Passage, Jean M. Auel; A Landscape of Darkness,
John Blair; Frontiersville High, Stephen
Bowkett; Darkman, Randall Boyll; Living With
the Reptiles, Roger L. DiSivestro; Silverwolf,
Roger A Edmondson; Lifeblood, P.N. Elrod;
Coyote, Peter Gadol; Children of the Night,
Mercedes Lackey; Scorpio Rising, Alex
McDonough; Threshold, Janet & Chris Morris;
The Chronicles of Galen Sword #1: Shifter,
Garfield & Judith Reeves-Stevens; Fire, Alan
Rodgers; The Varyan Memoir #1: Son of the
Hero, Rick Shelley; The Screaming Knife,
Robert E. Vardeman; 20/20 Vision, Pamela
West; Heathern, Jack Womack.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly:……………………………………….33
Other Edens III, Christopher Evans & Robert
Holdstock, eds.; Zenith 2, David S. Garnett, ed.;
New Pathways 7/90; New Pathways 9/90; Science
Fiction Review #1, Spring/90; Science Fiction
Review #2, Summer/90; Strange Plasma #2;
Hardware #2; The Magazine o f Speculative
Poetry 7-12/89; Starline 1-2/90; Dreams and
Nightmares 30/31; Paper Bag Writer; Midnight
Graffiti Spring/90; Omni 8/90; Omni 9/90.
Along Publishers Row …………………………………….. 36
Along Britain’s Publishers Row ………………………. 46
Convention Listings ………………………………………… 54
Magazines Received — July ……………………………… 56
Books Received—J u ly …………………………………….. 57
British Books—Ju n e ………………………………………… 65
Bestsellers ………………………………………………………. 71
Ed Emshwiller…………………………………………………. 72
Manuel Puig…………………………………………………….. 72
Kristine Kathryn Rusch ….. (CNB) 1
Frank Hatherley, Brian Aldiss,
Malcolm Edwards……….(CNB) 1
Megan Lindholm…………….(CNB) 1
Megan Lindholm…………….(CNB)4
Kristine Katherine Rusch. .. (CNB) 4
Charles N. Brown, Kit & Joseph
Reed, Brian Aldiss, Mary-Ann
& Phil Morsberger…………(BQ) 5
Ann Pringle, Rob Holdstock,
Margaret Aldiss…………….(BQ) 5
Margaret Aldiss, Brian Aldiss,
Sam Lundwall…………….(CNB) 5
Geoff Ryman …………………… (DJ)7
Michael Swanwick……………. (JG)7
Casper Awards Winners ….. (BH)6
Kingsley Amis ………………..(CNB)8
Constantine Ash ……………… (PC)8
Peter J. Heck…………………….. (JJ) 8
S.M. Baxter ……………………….. (F)8
Jacks Thomas, Robert
Holdstock…………………. (CNB)9
Ed Emshwiller……………….. (JJ)72
Charles N. Brown………… (CNB)74
Brian Aldiss, Doris Lessing,
Harry Harrison………….. (BQ) 74
Michael Moorcock, Linda
Steele, Chris Reed……. (BQ) 74
Malcom Edwards, Brian Aldiss,
Jacks Thomas………… (CNB) 74
PHOTO CREDITS: (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (SRC) Shelly Rae Clift, (PC) Paula Court, (F) Furnished, (JG) James
Gunn, (BH) Barbara E. Harrison, (JJ) Jane Jewell, (DJ) Dick Jude, (BQ) Brian Quinn
ISSUE #356, VOL 25 NO. 3, September 1990, Mailing Date; August 24, 1990
Editorial Matters
I flew off to London on July 12 on an overnight
flight with Locus unfinished. I don’t have trouble
working on airplanes so was able to put in a very
productive 10 hours writing, editing, and proofing.
My only problem occured when I reached Heathrow
Airport and went looking fora Federal Express drop.
I was told there was none in the airport and I would
have to go to the cargo airport many miles away. The
Fed Ex cargo office told me they only accepted cargo
over 500 lbs and I would have to go to the small
package office which was many miles the other side of
Heathrow. By the time I had finally mailed the news
stories and corrections back to the office, several
hours had passed, I was still at the airport, and the
taxi bill was £30! I eventually got to my hotel, cleaned
up, and headed for the pub to meet the other surprise
guests for Brian’s party. Unfortunately, I had forgotten
that a 5 p.m. meeting in London really means 6
p.m., and I spent a worrysome hour sure I was in the
wrong pub. One of Brian’s sons noticing the lost look
on my face, eventually introduced himself and rescued
me. The rest of the evening was mostly a blur,
thanks to two days without sleep.
Continued on page 74
LOCUS September 1990/3