Table of Contents, June 1990

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1990-06

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Scott Winnett
Edward Bryant
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Tom Whitmore
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
1989 Nebula Awards W inners……………………………. 4
1990 Nebula Ju ry ……………………………………………….. 4
Feds Vs. Cyberpunk: Part 2 ………………………………..4
Amazing Reprieve……………………………………………… 4
ConFiction U p d a te ……………………………………………. 4
W o tF to ABA……………………………………………………… 4
Bantam Becomes Clarke’s Publisher………………….5
Penguin USA Moves………………………………………….. 5
Josepha Sherman Wins Crook A w ard……………….. 5
Czech Sf Writers F ro n t………………………………………. 5
Sci-Fi Channel U p d a te ………………………………………. 5
1990 Davis Awards Winners ……………………………… 6
Publishing News…………………………………………………..9
Court Cases ………………………………………………………..9
Book N ew s………………………………………………………..71
Bookstore News…………………………………………………71
Awards ……………………………………………………………..71
Market News …………………………………………………….71
Announcements……………………………………………….. 71
Rights & Options……………………………………………… 71
Publications Received………………………………………. 72
Catalogs Received……………………………………………. 72
Stephen R. Donaldson:
No More Mr. Nice G u y …………………………………. 1
Philip Jose Farmer:
Chasing the Golden Glow……………………………… 6
People & Publishing ………………………………………….. 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis………………………… 11
Movies & Stars & Stuff…………………………………….. 13
Locus Bulletin Board ………………………………………. 37
Editorial Ma tte rs……………………………………………… 68
Locus L e tte rs…………………………………………………… 70
Reviews by Faren Miller:…………………………………. 15
Queen of Angels, Greg Bear; The Blood of
Roses, Tanith Lee; Tigana, Guy Gavriel Kay;
The Hollow Earth, Rudy Rucker; Jaguar, Bill
Ransom. SHORT TAKES: Journal Wired:
Spring 1990, Andy Watson & Mark V. Ziesing,
Reviews by Tom Whitmore: ……………………………. 19
Wild Cards 7: Dead Man’s Hand, George R.R.
Martin & John J. Miller; Liavek 5: Festival
Week, Will Shetterly & Emma Bull, eds.; Sunshaker’s
War, Tom Deitz; Double Blind, Sara
Stamey. SHORT TAKES: The Stand, Stephen
Reviews by Russell Letson: ………………………………21
Earth, David Brin; The Quiet Pools, Michael P.
Kube-McDowell; Isaac Asimov Presents the
Great SF Stories # 21 (1959), Isaac Asimov &
Martin H. Greenberg, eds.; Science Fiction &
Fantasy Book Review Annual 1989, Robert A.
Collins & Robert Latham, eds.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:………………………………23
Nightlight, Michael Cadnum; Voyage to the Red
Planet, Terry Bisson; Savage Season, Joe R.
Lansdale; Entropy’s Bed at Midnight, Dan Simmons.
SHORT TAKES: Look Away, George
Alec Effinger; Quick Chills: The Year’s Best
Horror Stories from the Small Press, Volume
One, Peter Enfantino, ed..
Reviews by Dan Chow: …………………………………….. 25
Earth, David Brin; Clarke County, Space, Allen
Steele; Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror:
1984, Charles N. Brown & William G. Contento,
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:…………………………..27
Mindsail, Anne Gay; Surrender None: The
Legacy of Gird, Elizabeth Moon; Alchemy Unlimited,
Douglas W. Clark; StarBridge 2: Silent
Dances, A.C. Crispin & Kathleen O’Malley;
Phule’s Company, Robert Asprin; Jade Darcy
and the Zen Pirates, Stephen Goldin & Maty
Mason; A Well-Timed Enchantment, Vivian
Vande Velde; Two Queens of Lochrin, Lee
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett:……………………… 31
Iris, William Barton & Michael Capobianco;
Voyage to the Red Planet, Terry Bisson; The
Dragon’s Carbuncle, Elizabeth H. Boyer,
Nightlight, Michael Cadnum; The Expediter, J.
Brian Clarke; The Lyssa Syndrome, Christopher
Fahy; Rally Cry, William R. Fortschen;
Shivers, Greg Ioannou & Lynne Missen, eds.;
Lunar Activity, Elizabeth Moon; Black Snow
Days, Claudia O’Keefe; Parchment House,
Cara Lockhart Smith; Future X, Kent Smith;
Celluloid Gangs, Tom Tolnay; A World of Difference,
Harry Turtledove; The Saga of Dharmapuri,
O.V. Vijayan.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly: ………………………………………. 35
Alien Sex, Ellen Datlow, ed.; Interzone 5/90;
Project Solar Sail, Arthur C. Clarke, ed.; Robot
Visions, Isaac Asimov; Author’s Choice
Monthly Issue 6: Peripheral Vision, Karen Joy
Fowler; Author’s Choice Monthly Issue 7:
Neon Twilight, Edward Bryant; Weird Tales
Summer/90; Analog 6/90; Journal Wired Spring/
90; Look Away, George Alec Effinger.
1990 Conference on the Fantastic……………………..50
Along Publishers’ Row ……………………………………..38
Along Britain’s Publishers’ Row ……………………….45
Magazines Received — April………………………………52
Books Received — April……………………………………..53
British Books — March………………………………………. 61
Walker Percy…………………………………………………….. 68
Henrik Dahl Ju v e ……………………………………………… 68
James V. McConnell…………………………………………68
Charles Spain V e rra l…………………………………………68
Bernard Glemser……………………………………………… 68
Lola Ann Center……………………………………………….. 68
Edith Ogutsh…………………………………………………….. 68
John J. (J J .) Johnson ……………………………………….68
Geoffrey A. Landis, Connie Willis,
Lois McMaster Bujold, Elizabeth
Ann Scarborough …….. (CNB) 1
Stephen R. Donaldson…. (CNB)1
Josepha Sherman,
Elizabeth Moon …………….. (JJ) 5
Philip Jose Farmer………….(CNB) 6
Davis Awards W inners……(CNB) 6
Julius Kagerlitski,
Jack Williamson…………….. (F) 7
David B. Mattingly …………….. (F) 7
Peter Morwood, Diane Duane,
Anne McCaffrey, Jody Lynn
Nye, Bill Fawcett …………. (BF) 7
Fritz Leiber…………………………. (F) 13
H. Bruce Franklin…………… (DW) 50
Jane Y o len ………………………(DW) 50
Bette Farmer,
Philip Jose Farmer…… (DW) 50
Raymond McNally, Radu Florescu,
Devendra P. Varma,
Margaret Carter ……….. (DW) 50
Jianjiong Zhu …………….. (CNB) 50
H. Bruce Franklin ……….. (CNB) 50
Sharon Baker, Dede Weil, Joan
Gordon, Brian Aldiss .. (DW) 50
Donald Palumbo, Robert Collins,
Donald Morse, Gary K.
Wolfe ……………………….. (DW) 50
Donald Palumbo, Ursula Kiausch,
Stephen R. Donaldson (CNB) 51
Jane Yolen,
Heidi Stemple…………. (CNB) 51
Philip Jose Farmer ………. (DW) 51
Donald Palumbo,
David Mesple …………….. (LH) 51
Tom Maddox, Charles N. Brown,
Judith Tarr, Robert Collins,
David Hartwell, Sharon
Baker……………………….. (CNB) 51
Hal Clement, Joe Haldeman, David
Lunde, Brian Aldiss, H. Bruce
Franklin, Martha Bartter,
Leonard Heldreth, Gary K.
Wolfe…………………………… (LH) 51
Gary K. Wolfe, Charles N. Brown,
Bette Farmer, Philip Jose
Farmer……………………….. (DW) 51
Robert E. Howard House …. (F) 70
PHOTO CREDITS: (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (F) Furnished, (JJ) Jane Jewell, (BF) Bill Fawcett (DW) Dede Weil, (LH)
L. Heldreth.
ISSUE #353, VOL 24 NO. 6, June 1990, Mailing Date: May 29,1990
LOCUS April 1 9 9 0 /3