Table of Contents, October 1989

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1989-10

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Scott Winnett
Edward Bryant
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Tom Whitmore
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
Photo on page 1: Hugo Awards Winners. Back row l-r: Mike Glyer, Gardner Dozois, June
Vernon for Brad Foster, Martin Hoare for Dave Langford, Betsey Wilcox for Diana Gallagher
Wu, Michael Whelan, Shelly Rae Clift for Locus, Mike Resnick, George Alec Effinger. Front row:
Charles N. Brown for Michaela Roessner, Samuel R. Delany, C.J.Cherryh, Frank Marshall for
Who Framed Roger Rabbit, acceptor for Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Connie Willis.
Hugo Awards W inners.. (DC) 1
SWAC………………………… (RR)4
C.J. Cherryh……………….. (BG) 7
Ray Bradbury ……………. (RH) 8
Elizabeth Hand …………(CNB) 8
Cynthia F e lic e ………….. (CFC) 8
Brad Strickland ……….. (CFC) 8
Peter Morwood, Bill Fawcett,
Diane D u a n e ……………… (F) 8
Brad Strickland……….. (CFC) 8
Jill Bauman ………………(CNB) 8
Robert Bloch……………… (BG) 8
Clarion Workshop ……….. (F) 9
Writers of the Future
Workshop ………………….(F) 9
Fritz Leiber ………………..(HS) 13
Hugo Awards Winners.. (DC)39
Frederik Pohl…………….(SRC) 40
Charles N. Brown ……. (SRC)40
Mike G ly e r………………..(SRC)40
George Alec Effinger,
Mike Resnick…………….(JJ)40
Connie Willis…………….(SRC)40
C.J. Cherryh……………… (DC)40
Susan Schomburg ….. (CNB)40
Elisabeth Waters,
Andre Norton ……….(SRC) 40
Samuel R. Delany,
Frederik Pohl…………….(JJ)40
Elisabeth Waters,
Lee Barwood……….. (SRC)41
Charles N. Brown,
Frederik P ohl………… (DC)41
Michael Whelan, Alexa
Price-Whelan……… (CNB)41
Gardner D o zo is……….(CNB)41
Frank M arshall…………(CNB)41
C.J . C h e rry h………………….(JJ) 41
Donald M. Grant, L. Sprague
de Camp, Robert Madle,
Frederik P o h l……….(CNB)41
Saul Ja ffe ………………………. (JJ)41
Shelly Rae Clift …………….(JJ) 41
Orson Scott Card, Kiyoshi
Imaoka ………………..(CNB)41
Larry N iven………………(CNB)41
George Alec Effinger (CNB)62
Mike Re sn ick …………..(CNB)62
Connie Willis …………..(CNB)62
C.J. C he rryh………………….(JJ) 62
Andre Norton………….. (SRC)63
Ian, Betty, and
Richard Ballantine….. (CNB) 63
PHOTO CREDITS: (DC) Dave Clark, (RR) Randy Reichardt (F) Furnished, (BG) Beth Gwinn, (RH) Rachel
Holmen, (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (CFC) Carolyn F. Cushman, (HS) Howard Schatz, (SRC) Shelly Rae Clift,
(JJ) Jane Jewell.
ISSUE #345 VOL 23 NO 4 October 1989 Mailing Date: September 28 1989
LOCUS October 1989/3
1989 Hugo Awards W inners……………………………… 1
ConFiction Approaches……………………………………… 4
Canadian Writers Form SWAC………………………… 4
The Satanic Verses: Part VIII……………………………. 5
Publishing News ………………………………………………… 5
Court C a se s………………………………………………………… 5
Bookstore News ………………………………………………. 64
Announcements ………………………………………………. 64
Market N ew s……………………………………………………. 65
Awards & Prizes ………………………………………………. 65
C o n tests……………………………………………………………. 65
Book News………………………………………………………… 65
Publications Received ……………………………………… 65
Rights & Options …………………………………………….. 65
Catalogs Received …………………………………………… 65
C.J. Cherryh:
Asking the Hard Questions…………………………….. 7
People & Publishing…………………………………………… 8
Agent’s Comer, Richard Curtis ………………………. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz L e ib e r……………….. 13
Locus Bulletin B o a rd ……………………………………….. 35
Locus L etters……………………………………………………. 60
Editorial Matters………………………………………………. 60
Writers’ Workshops…………………………………………… 9
Reviews by Fritz L eib er……………………………………. 13
Winter in Majorca, George Sand (audio); Going
for the Low Blow, Vampyre Mike Kassel; Narrative
Lyrics, Edward Lucas White.
Reviews by Faren Miller:………………………………….. 15
Alligator Alley, Mink Mole & Dr. Adder; Nightshade,
Jack Butler; Escape from Kathmandu,
Kim Stanley Robinson; Patterns, Pat Cadigan;
Dark Fantasies, Chris Morgan, ed.; Interzone,
the 4th Anthology, David Pringle, John Clute, &
Simon Ounsley, eds.; Other Edens III, Christopher
Evans & Robert Holdstock, eds.; Tarot
Tales, Rachel Pollack & Caitlin Matthews, eds.
SHORT TAKES: Truckers, Terry Pratchett;
Harlan Ellison’s Watching, Harlan Ellison.
Reviews by Edward Bryant:……………………………… 19
Scare Care, Graham Masterton, ed.; Beneath
Still Waters, Matthew J. Costello; Laying the
Music to Rest, Dean Wesley Smith SHORT
TAKES: The Official Splatter Movie Guide,
John McCarty; Tapping the Vein: Book One,
Clive Barker.________________________________
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman …………………………..23
Parsifal, Peter Vansittart; On the Road to
Baghdad, Guneli Gun; The Shining Falcon,
Josepha Sherman; High Wizardry, Diane
Duane; Empire’s Horizon, John Brizzolara;
StarBridge, A.C. Crispin; Where the Towers
Pierce the Sky, Marie D. Goodwin; The Renegades
of Pern, Anne McCaffrey.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore ……………………………… 27
Knight of Shadows, Roger Zelazny; On My
Way to Paradise, Dave Wolverton; Precious
Cargo, Joe Clifford Faust; Strange Invasion,
Michael Kandel; The Fungus, Harry Adam
Short Reviews by Scott Winnett ……………………….29
Thieves’ World Book 12: Stealer’s Sky, Robert
Lynn Asprin & Lynn Abbey, eds.; Guardians of
the Three, Volume Three: The Wizard of Tizare,
Matthew J. Costello; The Past of Forever, Juanita
Coulson; Stationfall, Arthur Byron Cover;
The Lizard War, John Dalmas; Castle Kidnapped,
John De Chancie; The Straits of Messina,
Samuel R. Delany; The War Machine, David
Drake & Roger MacBride Allen; Vic and Blood,
Harlan Ellison & Richard Corben; Greyhawk
Adventures: The Eyes Have It, Rose Estes;
Slaves of the Volcano God, Craig Shaw Gardner;
Hellhound Magic, Sharon Green; Dragonlance
Preludes #2: Kendermore, Mary Kirchoff;
Eden, Stanislaw Lem; The 97th Step, Steve Perry;
Isaac Asimov’s Robot City: Robots and Aliens,
Cordell Scotten; Dr. Bones 5: Nightmare
World, David Stem; Tales from the New Twilight
Zone, J. Michael Straczynski; Tales of the
Dark Knight: Batman’s First Fifty Years: 1939-
1989, Mark Cotta Vaz.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly………………………………………….31
Analog 9/89; Analog 10/89; IASFM 9/89; IASFM
10/89; Amazing 11/89; F&SF 9/89; F&SF 10/89;
Omni 9/89; Omni 10/89; Aboriginal SF 9-10/89.
Complete Hugo V oting………………………………………36
Locus Survey Results………………………………………….42
Noreascon T h r e e ………………………………………………… 1
Hugo Awards Ceremony…………………………………… 39
Magazines Received — August………………………….. 44
Books Received — August ……………………………….. 46
British Books — Ju ly ………………………………………….53
Bestsellers…………………………………………………………. 59