Table of Contents, June 1989

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1989-06

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Scott Winnett
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Ricia Mainhardt
Frank M. Robinson
Tom Whitmore
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
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Table of Contents
nown, David Gemmell; Magic’s Pawn, Mercedes
Lackey; In the Red Lord’s Reach, Phyllis
Eisenstein; The Warlock Insane, Christopher
Stasheff; Vision Quest, Pamela F. Service; The
Isles of the Blest, Morgan Llywelyn.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore …………………………….21
Westlin Wind, Charles de Lint; Arabesques 2,
Susan Shwartz, ed.; The Gryphon King, Tom
Deitz; Frost and Fire, Roger Zelazny; Ancient
Images, Ramsey Campbell; Of the Fall, Paul J.
McAuley; Pathways to Elfland: The Writings
of Lord Dunsany, Darrell Schweitzer.
Reviews of the Year’s Bests by Tom Whitmore .. 23
The Year’s Best Science Fiction: Sixth Annual
Collection, Gardner Dozois, ed.; The 1989
Annual World’s Best SF, Donald A. Wollheim,
ed.; The Year’s Best Fantasy: Second Annual
Collection, Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling,
eds.; The Orbit Science Fiction Yearbook 2,
David S. Garnett, ed..
Reviews by Dan Chow…………………………………….25
John Dollar, Marianne Wiggins; Carmen Dog,
Carol Emshwiller; The Mammoth Book of
Golden Age Science Fiction: Short Novels of the
1940’s, Isaac Asimov, Charles G. Waugh &
Martin Greenberg, eds.; Dark Night in Toyland,
Bob Shaw; Dawn’s Uncertain Light, Neal Barrett,
Jr.; Arthur C. Clarke’s Venus Prime Volume
3: Hide and Seek, Paul Preuss.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark R. Kelly ……………………………………………29
Writers of the Future Vol. V, Algis Budrys, ed.;
Synergy: New Science Fiction, Vol. 3, George
Zebrowski, ed.; Aboriginal SF 5-6/89; F&SF
5/89, F&SF 6/89; Interzone 5-6/89; Weird Tales
Winter 88/89.
1989 Nebula Awards Weekend ……………………….34
Along Publishers Row……………………………………. 38
Along Britain’s Publishers Row……………………….45
Magazines Received — April …………………………. 49
Books Received — A p ril………………………………… 50
British Books — March…………………………………..57
Bestsellers…………………………………………………….. 62
Daphne Du Maurier ………………………………………64
Janet Asimov, Isaac
Asimov……………….. (CNB)36
Garfield Reeves-Stevens, Judith
Reeves-Stevens, Janet
Morris, Chris Morris .. (JJ)31
Jack Dann, Jeanne Dann (JJ)31
Ed Emshwiller……………. (JJ)31
Miriam Berkley, Pamela
Sargent……………….. (CNB)31
Charles N. Brown, John Silbersack,
Richard Curtis (CNB)31
Gregory Benford, Amy Stout,
George Alec Effinger,
Ralph Vicinanza…..(CNB)31
Gahan Wilson, Kirby
McCauley ………….. (CNB)31
Kathryn Cramer, Jim
Young …………………… (JJ)31
Ed Ferman, Delia
Sherman…………………. (JJ)31
Ellen Kushner, Charles N.
Brown…………………….. (JJ)31
George Alec Effinger.. (CNB)68
PHOTO CREDITS: (CNB) Charles N. Brown, (PML) Photo Mad Line, (F) Furnished (JJ) Jane Jewell,
(CFC) Carolyn F. Cushman.
ISSUE #341 VOL 22 NO 6 June 1989 Mailing Date: May 30,1989
LOCUS June 1989/3
Writers of the Future Winner………………………….. 1
Hugo Nominations Changes …………………………….4
Satanic Verses Update……………………………………. 4
Stoker Awards Nominations …………………………….5
Chesley Awards Nominations …………………………..5
Aboriginal SF Goes National…………………………….5
Holt Wins Bare-Faced Messiah Case……………….. 5
1989 Davis Readers’ Awards …………………………..5
Con Evicted …………………………………………………… 7
Far Travelers …………………………………………………..7
Spaced Out Library in Trouble…………………………7
De Camp Collection to Austin …………………………7
Swiss SF Museum to Move………………………………..7
Publishing News……………………………………………….9
Bookstore News……………………………………………….9
Awards………………………………………………………….. 66
Book News …………………………………………………….66
Market News …………………………………………………66
Court Cases …………………………………………………..66
SF Music………………………………………………………. 66
George Alec Effinger: The Dark Light Years…….4
Brian Aldiss: The Excitement of the Journey …….4
People & Publishing ………………………………………..8
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis ……………………..11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber ……………… 13
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson……………. 32
Locus Bulletin Board ……………………………………. 33
Locus Letters…………………………………………………64
Editorial Matters……………………………………………64
Reviews by Faren Miller ………………………………..15
A Child Across the Sky, Jonathan Carroll; Geek
Love, Katherine Dunn; A Dozen Tough Jobs,
Howard Waldrop; Balyet, Patricia Wrightson;
The Stone Giant, James P. Blaylock; Mary
Shelley: Romance and Reality, Emily W. Sunstein.
SHORT TAKES: Incident at Badamya,
Dorothy Gilman; The Gold Ball, Hanne Marie
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman: ……………………….17
Tourists, Lisa Goldstein; The Whim of the
Dragon, Pamela Dean; Knights of Dark Re-
Julius Schwartz……………… (JJ)3S
Ian Ballantine……………….. (JJ) 35
Cordelia Willis, Connie Willis,
Courtney Willis ………(CNB)35
Jim Baen, Lois McMaster
Bujold ………………………. (JJ) 36
Michael Cassutt, Greg Bear,
Martha Soukup………..(CNB) 36
Tess Kissinger, Ginjer
Buchanan…………………… (JJ)36
George Zebrowski, Pamela
Sargent…………………… (CNB)36
Janna Silberstein, Robert
Simpson…………………. (CNB) 36
Terry Bisson, Adrienne
Martine-Bames …………. (JJ)36
Barry Malzberg, Merrilee
Heifetz, Pat Cadigan ….. (JJ) 36
Ricia Mainhardt, Ray
Bradbury……………….. (CNB)36
Dave Thorsen, Tom Doherty,
Orson Scott Card…….(CNB) 36
1988 Nebula Winners …. (CNB) 1
Writers of the Future Contest
Winner …………………. (CNB) 1
George Alec Effinger …. (CNB) 4
Brian Aldiss ……………… (CNB) 4
1989 Davis Readers’ Awards
Winners……………………….(JJ) 5
Maison D’Ailleurs………(PML) 7
Pascal Ducommun………(PML) 7
Larry Niven……………….. (CNB) 8
R. A. MacAvoy………….. (CNB) 8
Robert Reed…………………… (F) 8
Judith T a r r …………………….. (F) 8
Kate Wilhelm……………. (CNB) 9
John Sladek…………………….. (JJ) 9
Mercedes Lackey……….. (CFC) 9
1988 Nebula Nominees and
Winners…………………. (CNB)34
Lois McMaster Bujold .. (CNB) 35
George Alec Effinger …. (CNB)35
James Morrow…………… (CNB)35
Connie Willis ……………. (CNB)35
Ray Bradbury……………. (CNB)35