Table of Contents, March 1989
This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1989-03
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Ricia Mainhardt
Frank M. Robinson
Tom Whitmore
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611; telephone (415) 339-9196.
Please send all mail to Locus Publications, P.O. Box
13305, Oakland, CA 94661
Individual copies are $2.95. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $28.00 for 12 issues, $52.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $40.00 for 12 issues,
$75.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $55.00 for 12 issues,
$100.00 for 24 issues. Institutional subscriptions are
$3.00 extra per year. Make all checks payable to
Locus Publications. All subscriptions, including
Canadian, are payable directly in U.S. funds only.
Overseas checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and
include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When
converting from second class to first class delivery,
please convert all remaining issues on your present
subscription ($1.00 per issue). The number after your
name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on
your present subscription. If you change your address,
please notify us immediately. Second class mail is not
usually forwarded. It is either returned or destroyed.
We subtract one issue from your subscription for each
returned copy. We keep expired addresses on file for
one year, so tell us if your subscription is a renewal
or completely new.
British Subscription Agent:
Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
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Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request. Booksellers discounts
available. For information call (415) 339-9198.
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright © 1989 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Twilight Zone Fades……………………………………….. 1
Jonathan Carroll:
Bitten by Talking Dogs [Photo] …………………… 1
Terry Pratchett:
The Rising Tide of Money [Photo]……………….. 1
1988 Nebula Awards Nominations…………………… 4
Donald A. Wollheim Has Stroke …………………….. 4
Furor Mounts Over The Satanic Verses…………… 5
The Data File………………………………………………….. 9
Publishing Notes…………………………………………. 9
Announcements ……………………………………….. 62
Awards ……………………………………………………… 64
Markets……………………………………………………… 64
Magazine News…………………………………………. 64
Sf Operas………………………………………………….. 64
Book Notes ………………………………………………. 64
Bookstore News ……………………………………….. 64
Movie Notes………………………………………………. 64
Rights & Options ……………………………………… 64
Publications Received ………………………………. 64
Catalogs Received……………………………………… 64
Spring Audio …………………………………………….. 65
Gaming Books Received……………………………. 65
Terry Pratchett: The Rising Tide of Money……… 5
Jonathan Carroll: Bitten by Talking Dogs…………. 5
Editorial Matters…………………………………………….. 3
People & Publishing……………………………………….. 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis …………………….. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber……………… 13
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson ………….. 27
Locus Bulletin Board……………………………………. 31
Reviews by Faren Miller:………………………………. 15
Carrion Comfort, Dan Simmons; The Third
Eagle, R.A. MacAvoy; The Wolfs Hour, Robert
We managed to get “dog bites man” and
“money” headlines on page 1; if we could have
also managed sex, we were going to call the magazine
The Locus Enquirer. Maybe we should
have anyway – sf writers probably think of
Nebula nominations as sexy. Come to think of
it, we did manage to get a death story on page 1,
even if it was for a magazine. There is some sex
on the book cover in The Data File section.
We didn’t put the scariest story on the front —
the incredible furor over The Satanic Verses.
(It came up too late.) A fantasy novel people are
dying over? A book for which there’s a price on
the author’s life? This is really frightening, and
much stranger than the paranoid fiction so
popular in the thriller field today. Both our story
about Rushdie and this editorial are being written
(or completed) on February 17, while the
news is still developing, so will probably be out
of date by the time you see this issue.
This was, surprisingly enough, a very easy issue
to put together. All the stories came in on
time, all the columns except one (see below)
showed up with only a minimum of prodding.
And, best of all, our most complex feature this
issue, Along Publishers Row covering the next
six months of upcoming books, mostly came in
on time. Trevin Matlock, (who seems to have
gotten more efficient since he quit, was dropped
from the masthead, and came back as a part-
R. McCammon; Heatseeker, John Shirley;
Gypsies, Robert Charles Wilson; Interzone,
The 3rd Anthology, John Clute, David Pringle,
& Simon Ounsley, eds.; SHORT TAKES: The
Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie; The Bristling
Wood, Katharine Kerr; Farewell Horizontal,
K. W. Jeter; The Thirteenth Majestral, Hayford
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:……………………….19
Hong on the Range, William F. Wu; Heart of
Red Iron, Phyllis Gotlieb; Contrarywise, Zohra
Greenhalgh; Delan the Mislaid, Laurie J.
Marks; The God Box, Barry Longyear; Deep
Quarry, John E. Stith; Shadow in Hawthorn
Bay, Janet Lunn; Another Shore, Nancy Bond;
Wizard’s Bane, Rick Cook.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:…………………………. 23
Endangered Species, Gene Wolfe; Storeys
From the Old Hotel, Gene Wolfe ; Starfarers,
Vonda N. McIntyre; Blood Storm, Heather
Gladney; Burning Water, Mercedes Lackey.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark Kelly……………………………………………25
SF in Czechoslovakia…………………………………….39
SF in France ……………………………………………….. 40
SF in Germany ……………………………………………..41
Along Publishers Row………………………………….. 32
Convention Listings………………………………………42
Magazines Received -January……………………….47
Books Received — January…………………………… 48
British Books — December…………………………… 53
Bestsellers…………………………………………………… 58
Geoffrey Household………………………………………60
Bertha Erickson Gallun………………………………… 60
Frank S. Pepper ……………………………………………60
time employee), managed to get most of the information
out of publishers before our deadline.
He had help from new trainee Scott Winnett,
who is gradually taking over Trevin’s duties.
Faren Miller has a new helper, Elizabeth
Kloian, also a trainee, who is learning the subscription
lists and will begin to take over more of
the record keeping, etc., leaving Faren free to
do more writing and, eventually to go part-time.
If our two new trainees survive their threemonths’
baptism of fire, they’ll go on the masthead
and will get their pictures and writeups in
Locus. The last couple of enthusiastic beginners
didn’t make it. Obviously, we’re not looking
for any more new employees at the moment.
(We even have several possible backups.)
Pam Troy is still our one PageMaker expert
(but Shelly and Faren can now back her up
in emergencies). Pam got up to 105 pounds recently,
but a bout of flu brought her back down
to 98. Flu struck the whole staff, luckily one by
one, in January. Bill Contento, who writes our
programs and answers all our dumb computer
questions, took over fulfillment of our book orders
from Trevin – just in time to fulfill the orders
for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror:
1987, which, I’m glad to say, is rapidly disappearing
from our carport and storage area. Bill
also saved us in our big emergency last month
Continued on page 65
Page 1 photo credits: Jonathan Carroll by Shelly Clift, Terry Pratchett by Jane Jewell
ISSUE #338 VOL 22 NO 3 March 1989 Mailing Date: Feb. 28 1989
Editorial Matters
LOCUS March 1989/3
Table of Contents
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Ricia Mainhardt
Frank M. Robinson
Tom Whitmore
William G. Contento
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
PUBLICATIONS Editorial address: 34 Ridgewood
Lane, Oakland, CA 94611; telephone (415) 339-9196.
Please send all mail to Locus Publications, P.O. Box
13305, Oakland, CA 94661
Individual copies are $2.95. Individual subscriptions in
the U.S. are $28.00 for 12 issues, $52.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. Individual subscriptions in
Canada are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues
via second class mail. First class individual subscriptions
in the U.S. or Canada are $40.00 for 12 issues,
$75.00 for 24 issues. Individual overseas subscriptions
are $32.00 for 12 issues, $59.00 for 24 issues via
sea mail. Individual subscriptions to Europe or South
America via air mail are $50.00 for 12 issues, $90.00
for 24 issues. Individual subscriptions to Australia,
Asia, or Africa via air mail are $55.00 for 12 issues,
$100.00 for 24 issues. Institutional subscriptions are
$3.00 extra per year. Make all checks payable to
Locus Publications. All subscriptions, including
Canadian, are payable directly in U.S. funds only.
Overseas checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and
include computer encoding numbers at bottom. When
converting from second class to first class delivery,
please convert all remaining issues on your present
subscription ($1.00 per issue). The number after your
name on the mailing label is that of the last issue on
your present subscription. If you change your address,
please notify us immediately. Second class mail is not
usually forwarded. It is either returned or destroyed.
We subtract one issue from your subscription for each
returned copy. We keep expired addresses on file for
one year, so tell us if your subscription is a renewal
or completely new.
British Subscription Agent:
Fantast (Medway) Ltd.
P.O. Box 23, Upwell
Wisbech, CAMBS PE14 9BU
Japanese Subscription Agent:
Takumi Shibano
700 Ninomiya Ninomiya-machi
Naka-gun Kanagawa-ken
259-01 Japan
Subscriptions accepted at current exchange rate.
Display advertising rates on request. Booksellers discounts
available. For information call (415) 339-9198.
We take no responsibility for unsolicited submissions.
Contents copyright © 1989 by Locus Publications.
Second class postage paid at Oakland, California.
Postmaster: Send address changes to Locus Publications,
P.O. Box 13305, Oakland, CA 94661.
Twilight Zone Fades……………………………………….. 1
Jonathan Carroll:
Bitten by Talking Dogs [Photo] …………………… 1
Terry Pratchett:
The Rising Tide of Money [Photo]……………….. 1
1988 Nebula Awards Nominations…………………… 4
Donald A. Wollheim Has Stroke …………………….. 4
Furor Mounts Over The Satanic Verses…………… 5
The Data File………………………………………………….. 9
Publishing Notes…………………………………………. 9
Announcements ……………………………………….. 62
Awards ……………………………………………………… 64
Markets……………………………………………………… 64
Magazine News…………………………………………. 64
Sf Operas………………………………………………….. 64
Book Notes ………………………………………………. 64
Bookstore News ……………………………………….. 64
Movie Notes………………………………………………. 64
Rights & Options ……………………………………… 64
Publications Received ………………………………. 64
Catalogs Received……………………………………… 64
Spring Audio …………………………………………….. 65
Gaming Books Received……………………………. 65
Terry Pratchett: The Rising Tide of Money……… 5
Jonathan Carroll: Bitten by Talking Dogs…………. 5
Editorial Matters…………………………………………….. 3
People & Publishing……………………………………….. 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis …………………….. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber……………… 13
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson ………….. 27
Locus Bulletin Board……………………………………. 31
Reviews by Faren Miller:………………………………. 15
Carrion Comfort, Dan Simmons; The Third
Eagle, R.A. MacAvoy; The Wolfs Hour, Robert
We managed to get “dog bites man” and
“money” headlines on page 1; if we could have
also managed sex, we were going to call the magazine
The Locus Enquirer. Maybe we should
have anyway – sf writers probably think of
Nebula nominations as sexy. Come to think of
it, we did manage to get a death story on page 1,
even if it was for a magazine. There is some sex
on the book cover in The Data File section.
We didn’t put the scariest story on the front —
the incredible furor over The Satanic Verses.
(It came up too late.) A fantasy novel people are
dying over? A book for which there’s a price on
the author’s life? This is really frightening, and
much stranger than the paranoid fiction so
popular in the thriller field today. Both our story
about Rushdie and this editorial are being written
(or completed) on February 17, while the
news is still developing, so will probably be out
of date by the time you see this issue.
This was, surprisingly enough, a very easy issue
to put together. All the stories came in on
time, all the columns except one (see below)
showed up with only a minimum of prodding.
And, best of all, our most complex feature this
issue, Along Publishers Row covering the next
six months of upcoming books, mostly came in
on time. Trevin Matlock, (who seems to have
gotten more efficient since he quit, was dropped
from the masthead, and came back as a part-
R. McCammon; Heatseeker, John Shirley;
Gypsies, Robert Charles Wilson; Interzone,
The 3rd Anthology, John Clute, David Pringle,
& Simon Ounsley, eds.; SHORT TAKES: The
Satanic Verses, Salman Rushdie; The Bristling
Wood, Katharine Kerr; Farewell Horizontal,
K. W. Jeter; The Thirteenth Majestral, Hayford
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:……………………….19
Hong on the Range, William F. Wu; Heart of
Red Iron, Phyllis Gotlieb; Contrarywise, Zohra
Greenhalgh; Delan the Mislaid, Laurie J.
Marks; The God Box, Barry Longyear; Deep
Quarry, John E. Stith; Shadow in Hawthorn
Bay, Janet Lunn; Another Shore, Nancy Bond;
Wizard’s Bane, Rick Cook.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:…………………………. 23
Endangered Species, Gene Wolfe; Storeys
From the Old Hotel, Gene Wolfe ; Starfarers,
Vonda N. McIntyre; Blood Storm, Heather
Gladney; Burning Water, Mercedes Lackey.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark Kelly……………………………………………25
SF in Czechoslovakia…………………………………….39
SF in France ……………………………………………….. 40
SF in Germany ……………………………………………..41
Along Publishers Row………………………………….. 32
Convention Listings………………………………………42
Magazines Received -January……………………….47
Books Received — January…………………………… 48
British Books — December…………………………… 53
Bestsellers…………………………………………………… 58
Geoffrey Household………………………………………60
Bertha Erickson Gallun………………………………… 60
Frank S. Pepper ……………………………………………60
time employee), managed to get most of the information
out of publishers before our deadline.
He had help from new trainee Scott Winnett,
who is gradually taking over Trevin’s duties.
Faren Miller has a new helper, Elizabeth
Kloian, also a trainee, who is learning the subscription
lists and will begin to take over more of
the record keeping, etc., leaving Faren free to
do more writing and, eventually to go part-time.
If our two new trainees survive their threemonths’
baptism of fire, they’ll go on the masthead
and will get their pictures and writeups in
Locus. The last couple of enthusiastic beginners
didn’t make it. Obviously, we’re not looking
for any more new employees at the moment.
(We even have several possible backups.)
Pam Troy is still our one PageMaker expert
(but Shelly and Faren can now back her up
in emergencies). Pam got up to 105 pounds recently,
but a bout of flu brought her back down
to 98. Flu struck the whole staff, luckily one by
one, in January. Bill Contento, who writes our
programs and answers all our dumb computer
questions, took over fulfillment of our book orders
from Trevin – just in time to fulfill the orders
for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror:
1987, which, I’m glad to say, is rapidly disappearing
from our carport and storage area. Bill
also saved us in our big emergency last month
Continued on page 65
Page 1 photo credits: Jonathan Carroll by Shelly Clift, Terry Pratchett by Jane Jewell
ISSUE #338 VOL 22 NO 3 March 1989 Mailing Date: Feb. 28 1989
Editorial Matters
LOCUS March 1989/3
Table of Contents