Table of Contents, February 1989

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices. Locus-ToC-1989-02

Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Ricia Mainhardt
Frank M. Robinson
Tom Whitmore
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
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Table of Contents
1988: The Year in Science Fiction [photo]……. 1
King of the Hill — Again………………………………. 4
More Controversy Over
Child Obscenity Laws …………………………….. 4
1988 Nebula Preliminary B allots…………………. 4
Philip K. Dick Award Nominees…………………… 5
Arthur C. Clarke Award Nominees……………… 5
Hugo Nominations Ballots A ppear……………… 5
The Data File………………………………………………. 9
Publishing Notes……………………………………… 9
Announcements ……………………………………. 60
Market News…………………………………………. 62
Book Notes …………………………………………… 62
Rights & Options………………………………….. 62
Bookstore News ……………………………………. 62
Media News……………………………………………62
Publications Received …………………………….62
Audio …………………………………………………….62
Catalogs Received ………………………………… 62
James Hogan: Picking Up Speed …………………. 5
Editorial Matters…………………………………………. 3
People & Publishing……………………………………. 7
Agent’s Comer, Richard Curtis …………………. 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz Leiber…………… 13
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson ………..25
Locus Bulletin Board………………………………… 27
Locus Letters……………………………………………..64
Reviews by Faren M ille r……………………………. 15
Prentice Alvin, Orson Scott Card; Terraplane,
Jack Womack; Genesis: An Epic Poem,
Frederick Turner; Hence, Brad Leithauser;
Sleeping in Flame, Jonathan Carroll; Half a
Glass of Moonshine, Graham Dunstan
Martin; Other Voices, Colin Greenland;
Blood is Not Enough, Ellen Datlow, ed.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman:…………………… 17
Marianne, the Madame, and the Momentary
Gods, Sheri S. Tepper; Still Life, E.E. Horlak
[Sheri S. Tepper]; The Alien Within, Johanna
M. Bolton; Fires of Nuala, Katharine Eliska
Kimbriel; The Harrowing of Gwynedd, Katherine
Kurtz; The Gate of Ivory, Doris Egan;
The Bug Life Chonicles, Phillip C. Jennings;
Free Zone, Charles Platt; Second Chance at
Love #450: Window on Yesterday, Joan
Hohl; Switchback, Robin Stevenson & Tom
Reviews by Dan Chow:……………………………….19
Tides of Light, Gregory Benford; My Father
Immortal, Michael D. Weaver; In the Land
of the Dead, K.W. Jeter; The World Treasury
of Science Fiction, David G. Hartwell,
ed.; Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror:
1987: A Comprehensive Bibliography of
Books and Short Fiction Published in the
English Language, Charles N. Brown &
William G. Contento.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:……………………….. 21
Children of the Thunder, John Brunner;
The Tides of God, Ted Reynolds; Twistor,
John Cramer, Midnight, Dean R. Koontz;
Gamearth, Kevin J. Anderson; Child of Saturn,
Teresa Edgerton; The Complete Compleat
Enchanter, L. Sprague de Camp &
Fletcher Pratt.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark Kelly………………………………………….23
Recommended Reading…………………………….. 28
Charles N. Brown …………………………………..28
Faren Miller……………………………………………28
Tom Whitmore ………………………………………28
Carolyn Cushman …………………………………..29
Dan Chow……………………………………………… 32
Mark Kelly ……………………………………………..32
1988 Book Summary…………………………………..30
1988 Recommended Reading List ………………34
1988 Magazine Summary…………………………… 37
1988 Cinema Summary
by Frank M. Robinson …………………………… 40
Magazines Received -December………………..46
Books Received — December ……………………..47
British Books — November ……………………….. 52
Bestsellers…………………………………………………. 58
Sondra T. Ordover………………………………………60
John Ball…………………………………………………… 60
Dave Prosser ……………………………………………. 60
Dexter Masters……………………………………………60
Donald E. Keyhoe………………………………………60
ISSUE #337 VOL 22 NO 2 February 1989 Mailing Date: Jan. 31 1989
Editorial Matters
It’s Locus Poll and Survey time again. The
pullout ballot is in the centerfold. Please return
to us by April 1 5 ,1989–the same day you
have to send in your income tax. As usual, we
will add a free copy to your subscription if you
are a subscriber when we count the ballots in
late April. You have to at least make an attempt
to vote in some categories on the poll as
well as fill out the survey to qualify. Photocopies
are fine, and we’ll count ballots from second
or third readers o f your copy, but only one
freebie per subscription. For those who keep
their issues pristine (or at least in the condition
the post office delivered it) we’ll send an extra
survey if you send us a stamped addressed
We’ve added two categories this year;
“Horror Novels” and “Best Editor.” The former
because of the explosion in the category,
the latter to bring the poll more in line with
Hugo Awards. The editor category is open to
professionals, semi-professionals, and fans ~
book editors, magazine editors, series editors,
packagers, anthology editors, etc. We’ve never
had the category before because it seemed
redundant with the magazines and publisher
categories, but there are now many editors at
various companies and more independents.
The word count for stories is the same as for
the Nebula and Hugo; novellas are over
17,500 words, novelettes are 7500 to 17,500
and short stories are under 7500. Counting is
done by the method o f assigning five characters
and a space to each word, counting the
number o f words per column inch, and multiplying
out. Please do not vote for any item
more than once in a category, and put them
only in one category. The only exception is that
first novels are also eligible in the best sf, fantasy
or horror novel categories.
In the best magazine category, please
Continued on page 60
LOCUS February 1989/3