Table of Contents, December 1988

This is the scanned Table of Contents for the issue, embedded as a PDF. It is searchable and includes all of the titles reviewed in the month. These issues are not available digitally yet, but most can be ordered by contacting the Locus offices.


Table of Contents
World Fantasy Awards Winners…………………….. 1
War o f the Worlds Revisited……………………………. 4
Magazines Join the Pros ……………………………….. 4
Tax Relief for Writers …………………………………… 4
U.S. to Sign Berne Copyright Convention ……. 4
Clive Barker – Most Wanted? ………………………. 4
Clarion Call W e s t………………………………………….. 5
New Heinlein Book ………………………………………. 5
Bradley Magazine Snafu ……………………………….. 5
A Jack Williamson Celebration Year ……………. 5
The Data File………………………………………………….. 9
Publishing N o te s…………………………………………. 9
Awards……………………………………………………… 62
Bookstore N o te …………………………………………. 62
Announcements ………………………………………..62
Media Note ………………………………………………. 63
Rights & O p tio n s………………………………………63
Contest News……………………………………………..63
Book Notes ………………………………………………. 63
Publications Received ……………………………… 63
Gaming Books Received………………………….. 63
Catalogs Received …………………………………… 63
Audio Received………………………………………….63
Holiday Boxed Sets……………………………………. 63
Robert A. Heinlein Receives
Top NASA Civilian Award ………………………. 36
World FantasyAwards B an q u e t…………………… 64
Michael Bishop: No Two A like………………………. 1
Norman Spinrad: SF Internationale……………….. 7
Robert A. Heinlein: THIS I BELIEVE……….. 37
Editorial Matters…………………………………………….. 3
People & Publishing……………………………………….. 7
Agent’s Corner, Richard Curtis …………………… 11
Moons & Stars & Stuff, Fritz L e ib e r……………. 13
The Media Scene, Frank M. Robinson ……….. 33
Locus Bulletin B o a rd ……………………………………. 35
Locus Letters………………………………………………… 61
Reviews by Faren Miller:……………………………… 15
Venus of Shadows, Pamela Sargent; Unquenchable
Fire, Rachel Pollack; The Player
of Games, Iain M. Banks; Whores of Babylon,
Ian Watson; The Destiny of the Sword, Dave
Duncan; SHORT TAKES: Dancing at the
Edge o f th e World, Ursula K. L e Guin; Horror:
The 100 Best Books, Steve Jones & Kim
Newman, eds.; Fantasy: The 100 Best
Books, Michael Moorcock & James Cawthom.
Reviews by Carolyn Cushman: ……………………..17
Through a Brazen Mirror, Delia Sherman;
Journey to Fusang, William Sanders;
Wolf’s Brother, Megan Lindholm; The
Trouble With Jacob, Eloise McGraw; Shadows
of the White Sun, Raymond Harris; The
Last Deathship Off Antares, William John
Watkins; Vows and Honor: Book II, Oathbreakers,
Mercedes Lackey; Red Sands,
Paul B. Thompson and Tonya R. Carter;
SHORT TAKES: The Earth Lords, Gordon
R. Dickson ; The Warlock’s Companion,
Christopher Stasheff; The Silver
Branch: a Novel of the Keltiad, Patricia
Kennealy; Dreams of Dawn, Marti Steussy;
Moon Mirror, Andre Norton; The Loremasters,
Leslie Gadallah.
Reviews by Tom Whitmore:…………………………..21
The Knight and Knave of Swords, Fritz
Leiber; Svaha, Charles de Lint; Who’s
Afraid of Beowulf?, Tom Holt; Wild Cards
#5: Down and Dirty, George R.R. Martin,
ed.; House of Shards, Walter Jon Williams;
Merlin Dreams, Peter Dickinson; Everybody’s
Favorite Duck, Gahan Wilson .
Reviews by Dan Chow:…………………………………. 23
Koko, Peter Straub; The Day the M artians
Came, Frederik Pohl; Jules Verne Rediscovered:
Didacticism and the Scientific Novel,
Arthur B. Evans; Krono, Charles L. Harness;
Prisoners of Paradise, Ronald Anthony
Cross; East of Laughter, R.A. Lafferty.
Distillations: Short Fiction Reviews
by Mark Kelly……………………………………………. 27
Along Publishers’ R ow …………………………………. 38
Magazines Received -O c to b e r ……………………..44
Books Received — October …………………………..45
British Books — September …………………………..52
John Myers Myens………………………………………… 60
Ross Rocklynne……………………………………………..60
Appreciation by Richard Lupoff………………. 61
Hank Jan k u s…………………………………………………..61
Tom Allen………………………………………………………61
ISSUE #335 VOL 21, NO 12 December 1988 Mailing Date: Nov. 29,1988
Page 1 photos: Awards Nominees by Shelly R. Clift, Michael Bishop by Beth Gwinn
Editorial Matters
Charles N. Brown
Faren C. Miller
Shelly Rae Clift
Pamela F. Troy
Dan Chow
Richard Curtis
Carolyn F. Cushman
Karen Haber
Mark R. Kelly
Fritz Leiber
Ricia Mainhardt
Frank M. Robinson
Tom Whitmore
Beth Gwinn
Jane Jewell
Locus, ISSN-0047-4959, The Newspaper of the
Science Fiction Field, is published monthly by LOCUS
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I came back from London on November 3rd and
collapsed for most of the week with flu, a twisted left
knee, and post-travel lassitude, so this issue isn’t our
marvelous catch-up mailed before Thanksgiving, as
originally planned. Our printer closes for the holidays,
so we don’t know exactly when you’ll get it. I’ll
go no more aroving till next spring, so maybe I’ll be
able to catch up on the brilliant stories and editorials
I’ve really meant to write, and even get the next issue
out before Christmas. But don’t hold your breath.
While Shelly and I were in London, our new editorial
assistant decided to leave without notice because
“the vibrations weren’t right.” (And we didn’t even
know there was an earthquake.) We’re now looking
for at least one and probably two new assistants. A
knowledge of and interest in sf and some general
office skills are needed. You need a driver’s license,
probably a car, and must be able to type, use a
computer, and talk intelligently on the telephone.
The office is also a smoke-free, but alas, not a lowcalorie
or low-stress, environment. The starting salary
for an assistant is five to six dollars per hour.
The photo caption on page 38 last issue should
show Mike Moir of Kerosina Books with Terry Pratchett.
John Jarrold works for Futura, not Sphere.
Danny Low took the hotel photoshown on the cover.
We messed up the address for Midgard, a play-bymail
game in the classifieds. It should have been P.O.
Box 460, Mt. Prospect IL 60056.
Shelly and I were in London for the last mailing, so
it was run by Faren and Pam; Pam cooked gumbo for
the masses. The masses: Faye and Stephen Matlock,
Trevin Matlock, Mikey Roessner-Herman, Elizabeth
A. Lynn, Susannah Redelfs, Tony Stubbs, Carolyn
Cushman, Dave Clark, Tim Maroney, Jim
Dumond, and David Nee. The main surprise was
that, for the first time in months, nothing went
wrong. –C.N. Brown
LOCUS December 1988 / 3